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The Times Leader from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania • Page 16

The Times Leaderi
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

a- if I Sixteen THE tVTLKES-BARRE RECORD, FRIDAY, 23, 1925 Announcement is nUt of the marriage of Edna U. Bertram of Shavertown, to Harry 8. Wlddall I or Scrantont The ceremony waa performed at Soranton on Wednesday September IS, IMS, by Rev. A. J.

elsley, pastor of Ureon Ridge Presbyterian Church of Soranton. Mrs. Samuel Springy Butler and Warren streets. Kingston. unWuin.

ed at luncheon and Mah Jong- at the Sterling yesterday In ebaervanoe of her fifteenth wedding- anniversary. Twenty-fire persons were present ffifosos COFFEE A variety shower was held at the 1 home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hasser, North Pennsylvania avenue, reoently In honor of Metsger. Many useful and pretty gifts- were given.

After an enjoyable evening luncheon was served to Mrs. James AthertoivMrs. Robert Blakesly, Mis. Arthur Jones, Mrs. Georire 1 Trlnn.

Mm. Take Heme A Box Of Evans Delicious California Glazed Fruits Tke Tlavor is Roasted in! fMulhern. MIbs Kthel Uroh. Miss Martina Km Mrs. Carl Mra Joseph Tlnsley, Miss Mary" Still Miss Maria Klein.

Mm F.rlwnrrt Gallagher. Mrs, Fred Uergstroseer, I Mrs. Leslie Beeman, Miss Mary iwuiimi, iuiss uiaoie lODy, Mrs. Charles Hasser, Mrs. Gustave Metsger, Mrs.

Henry Metzger, Mrs. Charles Flassor, Jr. Mrs. Emma Cleweil of 1 Park avenue entertained her cousins, Mr. and Mrs.

Ah Wlelsner and Miss Emma Miller, of Bethlehem, over There are ltuctoo peart, plumt, prunes, orapgeit pineapples, cherries and other, fruit preserved in their own sugar which retains the flavor and acids to their deliciousness. Those who've tried Evans' Glazed Fruits have been delighted with them. I Evans' Chocolates Are Freshly Dipped Daily 1st- 3 The Party Frock for the Sob- Mr. and Mrs. W.

T. Johnson and daughter, Doverna, have returned to Hope, N. after attending the funerals of the. former's cousins, members of the Legrand-Donnelly family. Their daughter, Marlon, and son-in-law, Gilbert F.

Bastian, of Regina street, accompanied them home. Miss Kaiser entertained at a mualcaJe In her beautiful Bcranton studio recently in honor Prof. R. E. Southworth, veteran piano teacher of Northeastern Pennsyl Deb Is Greatly Inclined to Fullness Evans' Chocolates speak for themselves in the variety ol their fruit, nut and cream centres and their rich chocolate coating.

Dipped fresh daily. Miss Esther Davis, daughter of Attorney and Mrs. 1). W. Davis, of Kingston, and Miss Ksther Dreyer, of Carey avenue, are spending the winter in New York.

Mrs. David Shephard and Mrs. Herman B. shephard entertained at bridge and mah Jong on Wednesday night in honor of Miss Edith Kaufman whose marriage is to take place next month. Attractive place cards were written for Miss Edith R.

Kaufman. Miss Mildred Kaufman, Miss Gerlrudf Sperling, Miss Rebecca Shephard. Miss Minnie Smith, Miss Hitn.rth Miller, Mrs. A. Kaufman.

Mrs. .1. Shephard, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. S.

1,1. n-k, Mrs. N. Pltner. Mrs.

H. l.aks. Mr. Herman 13. Shephard.

Mrs. Harry Smulyun and Mrs. David Shephard. Youth and flowers are synonymous U'noto Ace Hoffman). i'TocKs which are flower-trimmed MRS.

CHARLES DUFFY vania. Prof. Houthworth who has Formerly Miss Lillian Brlilln, of Warrior Fine 'Assortment of Hallowe'en Candies and Novelties retired from active teaching spends chiffon velvet, trimmed with white nave their places among the formal functions attended by grande dames, but thoy are really tho prerogative of youth. In some cases millinery flowers aroprlnkled over or trail down the skirt, but the new order of things while not ignoring the effectiveness of this method Is more Duffy-Brialin The marriage of Mis Lillian his summers in the West and his I winters in Florida. Miss Kaiser was assisted In entertaining a large Company of musicians by Modesta Brlstln, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. fox and seed pearls. She wore a large lint of the sunt material and 1 carried lilies-of-the-valley and white roses. The maid of honor wore a I sapphire blue velvet gown with a I hat of the same color and carried I DcpniB. or.

ciarKs. v-ro and Marian Wallace of this Road. Warrior Run, to unanes ritfv rn nr Mrs I'atrick Duffy, of andU--ooncerned with flowers which are city, and Arnold Lohmann Harriet l'rlcc of Scranton. Plymouth, took place In St. Charles' Church.

Sugar Notch, Rev. Harold OTHER nasiapaintea or appllqued two methods of decoration which ore engaging and new. Flower colorings Include the pale i A. Ourkin, officiating, on cunuj mornlns. TMEIR.

CHILDREN American Beauty rosea. Miss Nadwell wore a gown of flame-colored chiffon velvet with hat to match and carried pink roses. Mis Brlslin wore a gown of blond-chiffon velvet with hat to match and carried sunburt rosea. Following a reception at the home Why Mothers Grow Old By J. H.

STRIEBEL Miss Margaret unaiin to sibter'a mold of honor, and Misses Victoria Nadwell and Kitty Brlslin were bridesmaids. John Kearney, of West Nantlcolce, was beat man. and Harold Brlslin, the bride's brother, and Frank J. Chlcknosky, were ushers. The bride wore a gown of lvorr of the bride's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Duffy left on a wedding frlp to the 222 WYOMING AVE. KINGSTON CORNERS KINGSTON 7988 New England states. They wiu reside at 265 Parrlsh street RahT-lr entertained re unnr Mimes Fannie and Jackson-Hlllard The marriage of Miss Josephine Hlllard. daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. John W. Hlllard, of 82 Main street Kingston, to William Jackson, son of John Jackson, of Stark street Forty Fort took place at the home of Mrs. David Bcypon, the bridegroom's sister, at 87 Stark street Forty Fort on Wednesday night Rev. Frank W.

Young, pastor of Florence Field of Ashley and Mrs. W. A. Foster of Mountain Top as a fare-woll to the Misses Field, who are leaving Ashley Tuesday to make their home with Rev. Alfred and Mrs.

Morrison of Newton. Kan. Mrs. Morrison is a sister of the Misses Field. Women's Relief No.

IT, will conduct av card party in Q. A. Memorial hall on Monday evening at a The regular business I I Kingston M. E. Church, officiated.

Mrs. F. W. Pepperllng played aeveral-. selections and the wedding marches, meeting will precede the card pa-ty and will start at 1 o'clock.

HONOR COLUMBUS vr- Mrs. A. H. Bleckley. Jr have Jeft by motor for Ashevtlle, N.

V. where Mr. BiecKiey best man at the wedding of F. W. of Orange.

N. whose Local Knights Hold Appropriate Exercises in Observance of Discoverer's Night marriage to MIsa EIbib Rlddlck takes place on Tuesday at Grove Park Inn, A Golden Deed Calendar One. Mother Sayi My little son is a lot too young to be a Boy Scout but nevertheless I have helped him form the habit of dotng one good deed a day. I have a box of tiny gold stars which I purchased at a stationery store for fifteen cents. If he picks up baby's toys or sweeps the broken glass from the driveway or wipes the silver for me or perhaps gets his hammer and pounds In some protruding tack that might tear a garment anything extra that Isn't his regular Job but is really helpful then he pastes the gold star Ashevllle.

Tin limn 71 of South Washing ton street, an employee of the Hazard of this City, IS in New York City in the Interest of his firm. Dtscoveror's Nlrht was celebrated by Council SOJ. Knights of Columbus, in their hall last evening, with appropriate exercises. The regular meeting of the council was followed by a social session presided over by the worthy lecturer of the council, Joseph F. Evans, and the address of the evening was delivered by Attorney William J.

Butter, past dlPtHrt depiiv of the order. Attorney Butler's address on the life and times of Columbus waa a scholarly effort, and the speaker Tr nd Mrs. Harry Cieddes of OA Holds Mock Initiation Much merriment was caused taurt evening at the mock Initiation of-Serve-Your-Clty Club in the elulfc rooms in the presence of a largo membership. There was fun galore and every person present enjoyed It to the limit. The following new members were taken Into the club: Misses Margretta Linden.

Frances Black, Olive Kriae, Leona Thomas, Emily Halton, Dorothy Austin, Evelyn Robinson, Mary Gulney, Violet Seacrtst, Catherine King, Mabel Am-merman, Ethel Evans. Margaret Ehr- hart, Elizabeth Bodan, Edna Smith, Bertha Huey and Mrs. Albert Gro-blewskl. Next week there win be a real Initiation and all members aro requested to be present. Final arrangements were completed for tho dance to be held In Irem Temple on Friday evening, October 30.

Alvln Guyler, of Georgetown Settlement, gave an Intereottng talk about the work being accomplished by the M.ritonti mtteet will leave this morn ing to spend a week at their cottage at Lake Carey. on the calendar the dining-room Just before he goes to bed. It's a gold stars for sonny, but it's a golden moment for mother to be treasured in memory. (Copyright. 192B, Associated Editors, Inc.) Daniel Phillips of Jersey City Is a guest or nis Stron of South Main street drew an eloquent picture of the Good Fellows' club of T.

M. H. A. conducted a successful dance lost events preceding the discovery or America. In drawing a parallel between the time of Columbus and The Hand painted Party Froek and a evening In Y.

M. tn. a. auauonum. More than 150 couples attended the affair and enjoyed dancing to music the present Attorney Butler made an eloquent plea for tolerance and described Intolerance as a cancerous growth that If not arrested will lead to fratricidal war in this country.

CoNoBurnaford Co. 4 Ik furnished by Eddlo Ullllgan orcnes-tra. One of the features of tho evening was a rovuo presented by sev eral Tracey pupils. The committee Columbus was a Godly man the had as its members Jack ianoau, Monty Epetein and Jock Seeherman. speaker said.

His every effort was motivated by a desire to serve his creator and the discovery of America settlement this year. Mrs. Margaret Jones, William MRS. GEORGE W. RUByfiY Whs Before Hap Marriage en Wednesday Waa Mlse Resslene E.

Nicholas, ef Kingston came of a desire to spread the Gospel to the pagan inhabitants of a nrknoa and daughter. Peggy, have world that little was known about. Attorney Butler said. The same forces of Intolerance that are alive In this country to-day were the H'hoto "by Ate Hofl ittn) MRS. WILLIAM JACKSON Formerly Miss Josephine Hlllard, of Kingston Autumn leavea and palms were the decorations.

The- oouple waa attended by the bridegrooms uncle and unt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Daley, of WUkes-Barre, The bride, who was given In marrlaa-e by ner father, wore a smart penctl blue romolne crepe costume, its only trimming: an strtoh plume on the ahoulder, and carried bride's roses and Ulles-of-the-valley. disturbing element In the time of returned to their home at Coaldale, after spending several days with friends and relatives In this city. Col.

a. Sorley, of Philadelphia, new 79th division ehlef-ofetaft, will spend the weekend In this 'city as a guest of Capt Sidney H. Negrotto. CoL Borley will be tha'fuest of honor at an Informal dinner at Westmoreland Club this evening. The affair was the first of a series of six dances that will be held at regular Intervals during the season.

Music for dancing was furnished by Joe Nesbit's orchestra. The committee on arrangement had as Columbus and his voyage was retarded by forces that were opposed FASHIONS FOIBLES by Shirley Sharon to any Dlan which might lead to the it The Norma furtherance of a religious cause, the speaker asserted. The meeting was attenaea by more than 200 members of the order. At the meeting preceding the social session an elaborate social program for the coming year was planned. To Lecture on Jewish History The pecond of Rabbf Davidson's winter course of lectures on "Men wench This model it very popular wilh martly dressed women in New York as well as Wilkes-Barre its new instep slrap treatment making it (nug-fitting at well as graceful in appearance.

and Movements In Jewish History" will be given to-nlaht at 8 o'clock In rVtrmtii a Its members, Edward Tlte, Bpenoer Arnold, Grant Dulen, Walter Kresnly and Walter Walde. Burton-Aubrey The mnrrlare of Miss Gwendolyn Aubrey, daughter of John Aubrey of Dagobcrt street, and James Burton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burton of 49 Westminster street, waa performed in Westminster Presbyterian parsonage by Rev. R.

R. Davtes on September 1. They are residing at SI Iuserne street, Lee Park. Brown-Bednsr The marriage of Miss Caroline Bednar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Anthony Bednar, of ISO Park avenue, to Francis Brown, eon ef Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, of ITS North Grant street, took place; in St. Petere Cathedral, Soranton, Rev. Father officiating, on Tuesday afternoon.

The oouple was unattended, Following the ceremony Wllkes-Barre Hebrew institute (Talmud To rah) auditorium. Chocoiats Her attendant wore a saw. blue Imported crepe gown trimmed with gold lace and mink fur. She carried sunburst roses. Following' a dinner for seventy guests, Mr.

and Mrs. Jackson left on a short trip. Tbcy will make their home on Stark 'street. Forty Fort. One of the moat delightful pre-nuptial events given In honor of the eomlng marriage of Miss Freda Gould waa the shower given by Mrs, Frederick Anstett at her bom en Simpson street, reosatly.

Decorations were orange and black with Hallowe'en novelties as favor A huge pumpkin. In which were a miniature bride and groom, occupied the table centre. The guest of honor reeeired very pretty and useful gifts. Those present werei Miss Freda Gould, Miss MarJorte Williams, Miss Graves Brown, Miss Marlon Sehflngmann, Miss Sue Brltton, Miss Anna Bonner, Miss Tabltha Jones, Miss Beatrice Simmons, Miss Dorothv Davis. Mrs.

Harold Bach- shops cvanjtihjarz Patent Or Satin BROWN Kid $10 $11 Mr, and Mrs. Brown had luncheon at Hotel Casey, Soranton. They will make their home In this eltv. Mrs. SOUTH MAIN STREET Brown is employed as stenographer Hayden Gould, Mrs.

Edgar lxex for Hweevs eteei co and Mr; Brown is a letter carrier in this elty. rim Irem Temple Concert SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Oct. 24th, at 2:30 N. Y. Symphony Orchestra' Damrosch, Conductor Ttoketa now on sale at Irem Temple.

Hughes, Mrs, yren wruver, jnr. Oeorre Schulta, Mrs. ion Gould, Mrs. Frederick Anstett A very euoeessful aVternoon tea was given by the members of Mrs. I.

Grier Barber Bible olas at the home of Mrs. Samuel Orutn, of Carlisle street, yesterday afternoon, About thirty gueste were served. Decorations were ef orange and This was the seoond tea to be strrrrocK 1 I 6395 Et Flowered Trimmed Model. pond-Illy and lhy-of-tbe-valley green for young as well as older party-(roers. Poster flowers ef vedvet applique are effective, and there are also charming arrangements of silk and muslin millinery flowers embroldored on the skirt.

Bustle drapes have been seised upon with avidity by the young who thrill to the chance of appearing- In anything so new and grown-up. Sometimes the. bustle line results from a cleverly adjusted awh, times from a choux of silk or the simpler arrangements of pleating. Trimmings for youthful as woll as more mature dance frocks are inclined to concentrate on the skirt, the bodice being an affair of careful molding and effective decolletage. (Copyright, im, Falrchlld.) SPECIAL FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY held by the class the proceeds ef whloh will go to benefit of the organ fund of the church.

Mrs. William Miner, er soutn The tmatt, elote-ta-theneck coUae ike elose-to-the-arm ileev and the etraiahU elote-to-the-hip tilhouette appear in many ef the ev mod. SO MANT of the new materials twills, serge, wool crepe, flannel and wool taffeta, for. Instance are woven with borders which furnish every bit Main street, will entertain the next $5-95 Style No. 1654 Educator tan kid blucher on the modified Educator last.

Ask for style 1654. S5r cJACKSON H0TEL HEALTH RESORT DANSVTUEY "OPEN ALL YEAR" Laundry Co. wet Wash 5 cents a pound Hour Servlos Bill PhOA 10 tea which wilt bo beM tho first week- of Jack Wnllis, of Prospect at I See Them In Our Windows' of trimming needed for a smart has rotarnod from New York cityv Mrs. Emm Kckert," East Jackson street, who waa seriously Inhired In an automobile accident at dress, that the straight line and sr i straight lower edge are sure of their IS Years A Om Address Meaas Kunday, is at patient Berwick eaeklaai Berwick Hospital, where sue is place in spite of the vogue of circular effect and flares. Tho halfa end-half wool materials and crosswise designs require this same simple out which does not' "break the nattem the material.

It 1 aloe ALLAN'S SHOE STORE AUTORtZID DISTRIBUTORS 93 Sooth Main Street, WuWBmTe, P. CHOOU FOR DAMCrNQ TRACEY'S A NT reader of the Record mar ask Eleanor Ounn about he alotbes problems bjr aeadIaT Mif. addressed, stamped eavelopa to KUBANOR OUNM. Wilh Imi Usssfj i 7 i slowly Improving, pi ret of Hse ef Daneee afore than eooplss attendsd tke first of a series of wtaUr danees eenduoted last night at Irem Tewnle noes aosaloee oi Ineas Dnua paUuL IIS a. Mala -Bell, ewT, Wlws Yew FrlesUis An vUe -l Te Ty" tmrm -i Te fuMi'Mme an excellent model for oheoka, pialda Tasss Hast If lleaa ana stripes, sue uea bee afttinc mr rw Of feMHsaUsj tvetffeS,.

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