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Freeport Journal-Standard from Freeport, Illinois • Page 2

Freeport, Illinois
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TUB FttMPOBr DAILY JOtTftNAL: DECfiMHUJIt 10 I i PfflCLE Wortt Case of Eczema Doctor Had Seen In 40 Years For Six Months Father Expected His Baby to Oozed Out All Over Her to Be Wrapped In Silk and Carried on a Pillow- Now She Is Perfectly Cured. DOCTOR RECOMMENDED CUTICURA REMEDIES "My little girl was born two weeks nfore her time and my wife died four hours after the birth of our child and I had to rniso tho baby on artificial foods. Six months after birth she broke out and I had two doctors in attendance. There was not a particle of skin left on her body, the blood oozed out just and we had to wrap her in silk carry her on a pillow for ten weeks. She was the most terrible sight I ever MW, and for six months I locked for her to go to her mama, but thank Ood his agents, she is alive and well to-day and she will be three years old the seventh of December and fins never had a sign of tho dread trouble since.

"I used every known remedy to alleviate her suffering, for it was terrible to witness. Dr. gave her up then I went to and got Dr. and ho and Cuticura Soap Cuticura Ointment saved her. Ho recommended the Cuticura Remedies.

or sold we were right in making use of them. As nearly as I can remember, we used eight cakes of Cuticura nonp three boxes of Cuticura Ointment; but you must take into consideration that hers was an exceptional case, for an old and good doctor said that it the worst case that had como to him in forty years. I have always hinged on Cuticura Soap to keep her skin soft and to give her a pure complexion. James J. Smith, Wood and Metal Pattern Maker, Box 234, Buena Vista, Oct.

14 and 22, 1906." Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humor of Infants. Children and Adults of CuUcura Sonn (2Sc.) to Cleanse the skin. Cuticura Ointment (Me.) to Ilenl the Skin, and Cuticura Resolvent (50c.) (In the form of rhnrnlntc Coated Pills 2Sc. per vlnl of 60) to Purify the Blond. throughput the.

world. Drug Chum. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY HAPPENINGS OP WEEK BRIEFLY TOLD BY SPECIAL WRITERS. Deaths, Social and Affairs of County Towns Are Chronicled by Regular Correspondents. Sole Boston, Moss.

Free, CuUcura Book on Skin Notice. The undersigned, Matthow B. Mnrvln. as executor of the last will and tostiunont of John Wnreham, deceased, by virtue of the power and authority Invested In mo, by the terms ami conditions of said will for tho Real Estate, Twill at tho frontdoor of tfae Court House In Freeport, Stephenson County, Illinois, on the 10th day of December, A. II.

1908, at 2 o'clock p. ofTor for to the highest bidder the following described Real Estate belonging to the Estate of John Wnreham, deceased, us follows: Lots9 and 10, except tho northeasterly 10 feet of lot 9 in block 80 original town (now city) of Freeport. This property Is located on southeast corner of Spring and Walnut itreets, has three dwelling houses on it, both streets paved with brick, cement sidewalks and city water. Also lots 1 and 2 in blocks, Crocker's Addition to tho city of Freeport, except the west five feet of lot 2. There is a good dwelling on this property and room for two more.

Property rents for 111.00 per mouth. Also Tot 6 In block 2, In Rotzler's Addition to the City of Freeport. This a choice residence lot fronting on Jefferson street. Also lot 2 In block 10, Ar- cade'Addition, and lot In block llJohn- Wheel Company's plat of West PreO- port. All of this IB good property.

I will be to show any or all of it to prospective purchasers between now and date of sale. Terms of sale, cash, with a reasonable deposit at the time of sale, balance of said purchase price at delivery of deed. Said executor reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. For further Information inquire of M. B.

Marvin, Executor. 18-ldw-iw Fancy China We have a line of china that will please you and the prices are positively right. We also are headquarters for all kinds of Sleds, Drums and all kinds of Mechanical Toys. Come in and let us convince you our prices are right. W.H.Brandt&Co 86 Galena St Blust Building 6-4dtin You Can Invest with absolute safety in the mortgages we offer, and we will be pleased to you first mortgage loans ou which the ett will be paid promptly and the principal provided for at maturity.

If you have idle we can get them to work lor you Qall on us, Taylor Dakota. Our Own Dakota, Doc. Houscr, of Jjena, spent; Saturday with her sister, Mrs. C. P.

Leitstell. Mrs. Harriet Tnmploton, of Michigan, is visiting- at the home of Miss Jennie Butterfleld. Mrs. Hntchins, of Colorado, visited with her daughter-in-law, Mrs Jennie Hutchins, and children over Sunday.

R. Mitchell and wife and Hayes Mitchell and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. K.

Wn.gner. Wayne Wolf, of Durum), spent Sunday here with relatives and attended the sixtieth anniversary of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Wolf.

Walter Sihert and wife, of South Dakota, are visiting at K. A. McElhiney's. Frank Poster called Saturday to see his brother, A. J.

Poster. The following pupils of the Dakota public schools were neither absent nor tardy during the month ending Dec. Grammar Harting, Edith Bobh, Raymond Kuhlemeier, Emery Kryder, Wilbur Leitzell, Robert Cotherman, Donald Wolfe. Prank Foster, Florence Myerp Bernice Nelson, Cecile Wolf, Emerj Lloyd Meyers, Lille.v, Mark Qarbrick, James Tetnpleton. Primary Cheyne.v, Hieferne Ley, Beatrice Harting, Ethel Myers, Lee Chambers, Verlon Foster, Earl Cheyney, Willie Smull.

The Senior Cristian Endeavor so- held their election last even- ngand elected the following officers: 'resident, Ellen Wardlow; vice jresident, F. R. Wolf; secretary, Cdith Butterfleld; treasurer, Inona joy; organist, ZulaSmith; assistant rganist, Bertha Weaver; chorister, £atie Wirth; assistant chorister, Mrs. G. S.

Smith. Miss Ada Zottle visited a few days with Miss Lilly Slamp. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wolf celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary yesterday.

Mrs. Madden and Mrs. Kleckner, of Damas2us, spent Sunday with Mrs. Stewart. James Hoy called, here one day last week.

Miss Anna Potts, of Orangeville, visited with Mrs. J. B. over Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. I. Folgate and Mrs Jennie Barnds visited with Wm. Sandoe and family one dav last week, Cedarville. Our Own Cedarville, Dec.

weather is just fine. A few inches more of snow would help the sleighing. Don't forget the entertainment in K. of G. hall Wednesday evening, Dec.

1C, by Miss Ella E. Koethe, impersonator and dialect reader, assisted Bernice Morehouse, violinist. This is the second number of Glazier Lyceum Bureau number. TJncle Billy Bruce does not seem to improve much. Ira B.

Taft remains the same. Mrs Cassia Cromley was taken to St. Francis hospital, she receives daily treatment. Mrs Mecla Hall is home from a visit with friends in Chicago. Rev.

James Benson, of Peoria, was home with his mother, Mrs. Ellen Benson, last week. Stanley Bruce, of Ipswich, S. started for home on Monday. Some twenty-five young lady friends of Miss Ethel Nafe, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. James I. Nafe, gave her a surprise granite shower party last Wednesday evonir.g, Dec. 9. The marriage of Miss Ethel Nafe and Mr.

William Weick, will be solemnized Wednesday, Dec. 1C, at 11 a. m. at the home of the bride's parents on the Cedarville and Red Oak road. Some hunter shot and crippled a horse for Win.

Hutmachor. Aunt Maria Clingman celebrated her 00th birthday on Saturday, Dec. 12. A number of tho family and friends enjoyed with her a sumptuous dinner at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Luther Angle.

She lias the earnest wish of her many friends that she may live to pass he century mark. Sam L. Reamer has completed a fine barn on his village property. John Hubler, oldest son of David M. Hubler, of Hooper, Nebraska, is here visiting relatives at the homo jf Clint, Fink.

It is 12 years since his last visit at the old home. Mr. Henry Dunbar and wife, of Belchertown, are here visiting at the home of her neicu Mrs. Sam W. Frank.

Mrs. Duubar was Miss Sarah Philby and lived years ago near Afolkey with her McOouuell. Our Own McConnell, Dec. Staiam and family are here for a few weeks 1 visit with relatives and friends. Miss Neva Uillitte, of Belleville, is here visiting friends for a few (lays.

The Brundagu ami Kloutv. sale was largely attended ami things brought a good price. Quite a few of our people attended J. Leid'ssalenearBelviewlast week. Now the time to purchase your Christmas gifts and Dr.

Kober's drug store is the place to go. He was in Chicago recently and purchased a Hue stock. His store looks as good as any this side of Chicago, Fred Rabe was a business passenger to Freeport last Thursday. Dr. Kobev was called to Chicago ou special business by telegram one last week.

The JV N. A. furnished excellent refreshments at the Hrundage and lonU sale. Jordan returned from Peun- aylvania spending three weeks with relatives and old friends. The Union Sunday school is uiak- M'X'TIHK AIR.

"The Hottest Heat, and Coldest Cold" is of tho most spectacular and interesting lectures that has been before the public in years. Amid a shower of sparks that has the appearance of a Fourth of July celebration, carbon is converted Into a gas and the gas dissolved In burning white hot iron and then suddenly cooled, liquified, and crystallized into diamonds. New and original experiments with liquid air, some that have never before been presented to the public. The lecture shows the popular and commercial side of liquid air and the electric furnace, and some scientific applications of the same. Lantern slides are used that the audience may have an opportunity to see these phases as they actually appeal- in the business and scientific world.

ing preparations to bold Christmas on Christmas eve. A gooll program is heinit prepared. Last Saturday evening the M. W. A.

held i heir election 01 olTicers and elected the following: V. Huber. W. Henry Reiter; clerk, W. J.

Wachlin; K. W. Staiiim; escort, G. Becktold; doorkeeper, Mas Splinter; center, J. Stahenow; man, VV.

Stabenow; C. A. F. Kober. After the election and regular routine of business the members indulged freely in a treat given by W.

J. Wachlin. J. Walters, of Afolkey. was a business caller in McConnell one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rabe spent Sunday with and Mrs, Frank Schramm near Basswood. Mrs. C.

Fr.vburger left for Iowa this morning to be gone for some time. Red Oak. Our Own Red Oak, Dec. program to have been given by the Mystic Workers Thursday eveninghas been postponed on account of sickness. Jacob Ditimar's entertained guests from Nora last week.

Fred Turner was the guest of friends here Sunday. Misses Kate Rigney, Anna Kottman and Mary Elsesaer attended the teachers' institute at Cedarville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J.

E. Lynch have moved their gootls to Boekford, where they will make their future home. Last Wednesday evening about twenty-six young ladies held granite shower parcy for Miss Ethel Nafe, who is to bo married this week to Wm. Wieck. They had a delightful time and showered good wishes upon the popular bride-to-be.

mother to Freeport, where they did Christmas shopping. Miss Alice Holmes, who was ill with la grippe the greater part of last week, is now able to resume her school duties. Miss Anna Horsch, the adopted daughter of John Van Sickle, surprised her many friends by giving herself over to the keeping of James Rodebaugh. They were married at Freeport last Wednesday. Upon their return to the home of the bride's parents they were received The Best Laxative Ever Compounded Have you appreciated how important it is to ybttr health to keep your bowels active and regular If not, you should realize that headaches, biliousness, sick stomach, disturbed sleep, palpitation of the heart, bad breath, and other ills caused by constipation are the result.

When the bowels are slugglish, irregular or constipated, a dose or two of Bcecham's Pills will have the right effect. Thcf pills act on the stomach, liver and bowels in a natural way. They are not drastic, violent or harmful; but gentle, stimulating and helpful to all the organs. Beecham'vS Pills are prepared with the utmost care, using Nature's remedies, perfectly combined to produce the best results. Bcccliam's Pills have been before the public for over half a century.

The sale is over six million every year. They are best for others' and best for you, for constipation, biliousness and stomach complaints. In Boies, with full directions, tOc am) 25c by a large crowd of charivarlers. The scribe and their many friends join in wishing them a long, happy and prosperous life. Willie Harris who has a position as fireman on the railroad and a run between Waterloo and Fort Dodge, Iowa, spent last week here, visiting his parejits, Mr.

and Mrs. Wlllard Harris. Fred. Brickner, our comissioner of highways, was assisting in surveying and readjusting the roads in the eastern part of our district last Friday and Saturday. George Holmes recently bought a new base burner.

This was no doubt a wise move since we are having cold weather. Miss Bertha Harris, of Lena, has been visiting relatives and friends here the past couple days. Charles Smith who has been working for Jerry Swart the past two years, left lasi week for Lena, where he will enter the employ of William Uhe. Our school, under the management of Miss Blanche Masters, will give a Christinas entertainment Tuesday evening, December 22. The program will consist of songs, recitations and a tree.

All are cordially invited to come and. bring presents to put on the tree for their friends and family. CO AT AND SUIT Pleasant Hill. Our Own Pleasant Hill, Dec. Wad- clams Telephone association held its annual meeting Monday, December 7.

On account of the cold weather very few attended the meeting. The appraisers of the late Henry Van Sickle's estate were at Lena Wednesday, where they finished the appraisement. Andrew Kratxer is the happiest man in this section of the country, as a result, of having finished shredding his corn last. Tuesday. Oscar Fowler had the misfortune last Monday morning to break his buggy while en route to his school.

Oscar is of the kind that a minor accident like this can not delay from his duties. lie borrowed another rig from a nearby neighbor and proceeded ou IUK journey. George Holmes was at Lena Monday, where she helped her father celebrate his seventy-third birthday in a befitting manner. Otto Shultv. and John Swoivel were hunting cotton tails by moonlight Monday night.

We haven't learned how many they bagged, but we do know that the price of hogs dropped. Miss Anna Murphy visited friends at Lemi a few days last week and from there accompanied her grand- Old People NEEDVINOL it strengthens and vitalizes Vinol tones up the digestive organs, aids assimilation, enriches the blood, and rejuvenates every organ in the body. la this natural manner Vino) replaces weakness with strength. positive it will toneflt even old who will give it a trial. If it oen't will refund JOS.

EMMUET. Druggut, Fmpori Illinois AT HUSS KINUEV'S A Chance to Buy Ladies' Children's Coats At a Saving of 20 per cent $12.50 Coats Reduced to $13.50 Coats to $15.00 Coats $25.00 Coats Reduced to Reduced to $35.00 Coats Reduced to Vr VF What better or more appropriate gift could one wish for than a handsome new Coat? Especially when one has an opportunity of effecting a saving of $2.00 to $5.00 or more on the original price. LADIES' BLACK AND COLORED COATS $10.00 Coats $17.50 Coats ClJ. flfl Reduced to Reduced to 1 1 0 flO 20 00 Coats A flfk Reduced to 10.80 12.00 CHILDREN'S COATS One lot of Bear Skin Coats, all colors, 1 to 6 years sizes, special $1.69 $2.75 Coats $2.00 $5.00 Coats $4.00 $7.50 Coats $6.00 $4.00 Coats $3.00 $6.75 Coats $5.40 $10.00 Coats $8.00 SUITS Vz OFF THE REGULAR PRICE We have about 25 Beautiful Man-tailored Ladies' and Misses' Suits to close out at the following prices: $17.50 Suits $11.67 $30.00 Suits $20.00 $27.50 Suits $18.34 25.00 Suits 16.67 22.50 Suits 15.00 35.00 Suits 23.33 Suits We would suggest useful articles, in Furnishings or Garments, as desirable gifts for Christmas. Make up your shopping list from the following: Cloth Coat, Fur Coat, Velour Coat, Suits, Furs, Waits, Skirts, Petticoats, Underwear, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Hand Bags, Gloves, Ribbons, Neckwear, Veils, Umbrellas, Tennis Gowns, Sacques, Silk Kimonos, Silk Costumes, Children's Dresses, Sweaters, Combs, Belts, Silk and Knit Scarfs, Fascinators.

HUSS KIIMLEY, February New Locution Stephenson Now 103 Galena St.

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