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The Star-Democrat from Easton, Maryland • Page 4

The Star-Democrati
Easton, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Miscellaneous. Agricultural. ration. If a man Las "evening prayers. fab bottom to Hold np tbe coarse cloth first laid over it On this place a layer cf cotton wool, thrni another coarse cloth, to be followed by three or four Religious.

THE KKLKHOUS WOULD A mail runs no chance of missing a tar-gain at our The jirwcs are so fiir and tlie qualities so reliable that you can close your eyes and safely jmrchase. If you have a Suit or Overcoat to buy this Fall make it a loint to deal where there are no doubtful qualities, no extravagant prices. A. C. Yates Co.

Cth Ibe-duut, Building.) One Way of Looking at It. The BritUh soldiirrs invaded Connecticut In 1779, and during thrtr march thronifh Frfirdel village Amnaed themselves by setting fire to all tbe publio and many private buildings, all of which were totally destroyed. Among the former was th church, that time even a landmark by reason Its age. The k'kkI tiwiple were incensed at tlm jmiceeding, as they ft It that the application of the match to hurt ben was unc alled for: but they were powerles to prevent it. They conld simply look on wh.le the structure was consuming, (u duo time another church was built on the Fame site, and it was twed down through the decades till early June, when in some mysterious way it took fire and was destroyed.

This circumstance, while it is a perplexing one. proves to have had one fortunate pliae, it gave the society an opiortunity, if there was any consolation in it, to make things even in part regarded the old score, and in this way: Some years ago the church committee were instructed to insure the church property. They did so, placing portion of tho amount with American companies, but the larger share with a British company. In the insurance adjustment the latter company was called to pay, which it did promptly, the sum of 15,000. One hundred and ten years was a long time, but the church, realizing the truth of an old saying, "Everything comes to them who wait," have as their reward the consciousness having made in part at least old accounts square.

New York Tribune. Lumber Business. E. B. DIXON CO.

V- saswsnaawawawasssssssswawasa. Lumber Building Materials Anthracite and Cumberland "Uoals, AND FSRTILIZBKS. 13th Chotttut. (Sew Htore.) riui.AnKi.Piii A. Maryland So SraitUfrs.

Harvlani Steamboat Co. 1S90. Fall Scluxlule. 1S90. (reat Baltimore, Third Haven, and Chop tank River Koute.

FOR BALTIMORE. The magnltireutside-wtaeel iron Steamers JOl'i'A aud IMA leave alternately daily except Saturday, the landiugs named as fol lows: iMmlou. 1.00 P.M.: l. lord l.loe.M.: Holler's. 1-U p.m,- Two John's.

1.40 v. Dover Bridge. 2.16 r. Med lord's. i.Mt p.

a Oyster Miell l'ulnt, 4.1b p. M4 loruer t. e. 114 uxiord, ana iuaw iiouoie in, 7.10 P. Jt r.atou.

HMi P.M.; arriving iu Baltimore four clock following uioruiugs. FROM BALTIMORE. Will leave Pier Ligbt Street. tttr.S.. daily, exreptsuuday, for the lauding named; connecting at rjolon wiin tbe Baltimore rjcMern and ltelaare A cueaa- iieake Raiiruada: and at Cambridge wllii the Cambridge dc Seaford Itanroad.

renrlii taaen al Low Kales and Careluliy bandied. HOWARD B. ENSIGN, Pree't, illice Mrl Light at- Baltimore. ROBEKT Ii. lHXo.N, Agent at Laslou.

Farmers and Merchants racket One. The Schooners Mary Vickers, Clara M. Leonard and Annie M. Leonard. The above beats are making weeklv trios between Kastou aud Eallimure, and will do a.lkiudsof freighting a cheap a any other line, tvery edurt wnl be made to give sat- islaction.

our boats are new and built out (ilthe very best Orders left with iears. t. rtowuoiu dc Co- Coiuiuition Merchants, corner of Rowley Wharf and Frail sireet, Baltimore, will be brought or taken at the lowest freight rales. Ail i.ram stored in our arehouar, in canes ol fire will be owners nt-lt. Agricultural Lime de tver- exi at the lowest pricea.

Keeiing thankful for Uie past lauors, we hope by strict atieutiou to business, a con.UDO.ance of the same. C. K. LEONARD 4 BRG. Office In same room with R.

B. Dixon, on Dover sireet, taaion. Aotice to Travelers The otnnibuases of tbe subscriber run regu larly from tlie hotels In Kaston to tnecara aud suraiuboats, to convey isenners te auy piaee tuey may desire to go. PaMteugers at private resldencea called (or at any Hour by leaving word at my office, on Railroad Avenue. Horses and carriages for hire at all times al my livery stable.

Travelers conveyed to any part of Uie county or peuinsuia. nauuaouie turnouts always on ha ml. LLiliLK W. CtiVEV, Laaton, MJ. Jdivery Exchange.

FRANKLIN G. WRIGHT Informs the nub ile tbat lie now has the Unck Hotel rotables, and continues to give strict aiieuilon to feeding and grooming horsea. He has several teams for hire and every facility for transporting travelers to any section of this or adjoining counties. He hopes by strict at tention to business, and good care of horses to merit a continuance of the public patronage. STEAM Brick anil Tile Yard, EASTON, MD.

The Largest Business of the Kind on the Shore. The last on Brick and Tile Yard is now fitted up with all the modern aud most ap- provea appliances lor tne manufacture or llrickand Tile. It has capacity lolill promptly and satisfactorily the largest and heaviest orders, whether from tome or abroad. The products of this yard have now been In the market for years, and tbe constantly increasing demand for them throughout Talbot and adjacent counties, and tbe fact titat a customer made is a customer kept, is proof of their superior quality. DRAIN TILE OF ALL SIZES.

From two to seven inches vent, offered to farmers from 'M to 30 per cent, less than they can be procured anywhere else. Terms will tie accommodating, so mat no farmer neeu fail to put his land in order. Call aud examine the irain 1 lie slock. EBICKS, BRICKS. BBICKS.

A large assortment of COMMON AND FRONT BRICKS, of the best quality, constantly kept on band, and will be sold at lower prices than can be obtained elsewhere, order for any number of bricks, from one to five thousand, will be proinpLiy liiied and satisfaction guaranteed. Correnpomlence aud opportunities to make estimates solicited. JOSEPH H.WHITE EASTON, MD WM. J. SH ANN AIT AN General Apt ani Collector, Easton, Will give his prompt attention to all busi- asking for health, and then it down to a full supM-r of indigent ibles at 1 1 o'clock at night, his prayer is a mockery.

A man has no right to pray for the safety his famiiy when be knows thero Is no cover on the citeni The moment you lcgin to explain away the miraculous sud stits'rnatural yon surrender Hie tibl. Take the snjieniatnral out or the lilblo and you make it a colWtion of faMes In tirrfor- nee to which I choose "Eion's Fahlin." rhey im what they pretend lie fjl ilea. Ingenious little children unet hues tell you how. with a few letters, they cau sjell a very large wont With three letters I ran liereavemeiit. With three letters 1 can spell dinptiiitiiietit.

With three letters I tan spell suffering With three letters 1 can stiell death. With three letters I can spell terdilion. Sin sin. That is the cause of all our trouble now. That is the cause of our trouble for the future.

The difficulty is that yon are not will- ing'to be ordinary gold: you want to be gold of twenty-four carats. You see some extraordinary Christian man. and you say, "If I could only tie such a man as thatr You do not know his history. Some distance below Niagara tha water placid; it says nothing about the rapids writhing among the rocks and the fall of 164 feet. So there are Chris tian experiences floating placidly before you.

Yon envy this experience, but you do not realize the fact that that man has gone through many rapids of temptation, and may have had a violent fall. The Abolishment of Death. Paul in his Second Epistle to Timothy tells him that Jesus Christ, by his "appearing in our world as a saviour. "bath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel" (II Tim. i.

10). It is said in the Epistle to the Hebrews that "forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he (Christ) also himself likewise took part of the same, that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil, and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage" (Heb. ii, 14, 15). These passages contained good news for humanity. Death lias been styled "the king of terrors." No merely physical event in our earthly history is so terrible as that of death.

In what sense, then, and to what extent is it true that Christ, by his "appearing" and "through death," has "abolished death" and also delivered "them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage?" Christ himself, in dying as a man. In rising from the dead, and in ascendiug in his humanity into heaven, is a living illustration and practical demonstration of the fact that death is not the absolute extinction of humanity. He survived this event, as to his entire humanity, including body and soul, and lived afterward, and is still living. The fact of immortality, notwithstanding his own death, is stamped upon the human elements of his history. It is true that he bowed his head in death ou the cross, but it was only to live again as the risen and ascended Jesus, and as the triumphant conqueror over death and the grave.

The bands of death did not and could not hold him. and did uot and could not extinguish him. The gospel of Christ to which Paul refers as the medium' through which life and immortality are brought to light declares, that what was true of him. in his survival of death, is and will be true of all bis tieopla He conquered death for himself and for them: and as he lives bo will they also live in virtue of the union between him and them. Churchman.

A contemporary revives a good story ol Mr. Uoecuer abrewduosa and wit in meeting a hypothetical case. in one of the celebrated prayer meetings of Plymouth church an inquirer said. "Now. Sir.

Ueecher. suppose here was a man who had never professed religion, who did not attend any evangelical church; but who was pure in life, a kind hus band and father, an upright man of business, a public spirited citizen, a benevolent hthier of the iioor and needy; what do yon think would be come or that man when he dieur "Well," resjionded the preacher. "I can truly say that, wherever that man might go. my best wishes would follow him. No other suffering can equal that of a tormenting conscience.

A natural man is a combination of streaks of good and bad. Smith Honesty is the best policy. Jones When did yours expirt There are no good liars, though some of them are very skillful and talented. Bessie Did you miss your first hus band very much? Lulu Not until after I married my second. Marriage is never a failure, but a business partnership or a hasty con tract between two people of opposite sexes is apt to giow irksome.

"Did you go to the seance last night?" Vim tliA enirih titQtArialiyaV11 No; but tbe medium told some. "Told some what?" "Material lies." Physician (with ear to patient's chest) There is a curious swelling over the region of the heart, sir, which must be reduced at once. Patient (anxiously) That swelling is mr nucKetbook. doctor. I'iease uon 1 reduce it too much.

Ir. Ilruuimond'a Uclitln; Remedy for Rheumatism has received the unqualified endorsement of the medical faculty as being a safe and re markably ellicient preparation for the relief and speedy cure of Uheuniatism. Its work is so sjieejy and miraculous that benefit is felt from the first dose, and one bottle is warranted to cure any ordinary case. Sold by druggists. Price $5, for large bottle, or sent by prepaid express on receipt of price by Drummond Medicine 48-00 Maiden Lane, New York.

Hits of News. Milwaukee has 8,000 Polish voters. A Haniburir restaurant is built and furnished with paper. There are 14,463 women commercial travelers in the United Slates. Lord Randolph Churchill is reported to have won 875.000 on the turf this season.

In 1S46 there were fifteen daily news papers published in Boston, now there are but eight. A new invention for firing locomo tives Dromises to revolutionize tbe present methods. a Never Heard of Crockett's Cooa'f That's queer! Well, it was like this: Col. Crockett was noted for his skill as a marksman. One day he leveled his eun at a raccoon in a tree, when the animal, knowing tbe Colonel prowess.

cried out: "Hello, there! Are you Da vy Crockett? If you are. III just come down, for I know I'm a gone coon. Just take a dose of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, and see bow quickly your biliousness and indigestion will emulate the example of "Davy Crock ett's coon" and "climb down." They are specifics for all derangements of the liver, stomach ana boweis. pit the he fin HIS LIFE BURNED AWAY.

errible It', of i. hlragn Laliorrr ho veil Isle a I'll of Mark l.lwi. Tatrick Kane, a lunl carrier. fell into a of slack IttTio he was preparing at the yard of Rolxrt Ilorland. plasterer, and died a short tiinengn.

Ho was a stajwart Lrinlnnan. CI years old, and MsvptKSel a record of Mibroken giod li'-alth, but on dny the im client occurred he complained a sik At tli close fif tli day's woik bis employer Afckcd him to prepare soino limo for the next day's work. Kane at l'rt declined on the plea that was ill, but was finally persuaded to retttime work. None of the laborers were aliout the yard when Kane began working the lime.nnd his employer went lutck to the oClctf to calculate estimates some jobs in hand. About 7 o'clock Kane, who felt weary and tired, leaned heavily on the mixer with which he was stirring up the lime.

The plank on which he stood had been thrown carelessly across the cornT of the box. LI is weight turned it over, and before he could regain his balance or utter a cry for help he fell full length into the boil-tug, bubbling lime. lie sank down, no iart of Lis body escaping contact with the burning liquid except his left arm aud the upper part of his face. Kane was a strong man, and though half blinded by the specks of lime that flashed np from the box, and suffering horribly from the mouthful of fiery liquid he had swallowed in bis fatal plunge, he crawled slowly ont, staggered a few paces and then fell prostrate on the sand heap, where he was found a few minutes later by his em ployer. From his shoulder downward the lime had eaten into his clothing and was slow ly making its way through the flesh of -the unconscious The soles of his boots had dropped off, and his trousers.

from the knee down, hung in shreds from his slowly consuming limbs. The sin on the upper part of his right arm, which was bared to the shoulder, had been burned away, and the muscles and tendons had succumbed to the destroyer. The nails of the fingers had dropped off almost immediately after coming into contact with the lime, and the hand was tightly clinched, as if to conquer the maddening pain. The liquid crept slow ly but relentlessly through his shirt, eat ing its destructive way and frightfully scorching his chest and back. The man was a mass of burning flesh and lime, and when Borland, hjs employer, found him on the sand heap the fatal lime had effectually done its deadly work.

Iiorland rushed for the hose pipe, and attempted to check the progress of destruction by deluging Kane with cold water. Then, despairing of the man's life, he carried him to his buggy, with the lime eaten clothing still clinging to his body, and drove the injured man home. For a week Kane hovered between life and death. None of tho sufferers seen by Dante during hi journey through the Inferno could ever have endured the awful agony experienced by the dying hod carrier as the lime fairly scorched its way through his lungs. The sears on his body and limbs were hideous enough, but all chance of recovery was destroyed by the awful fire raging within.

Kane bore bts sufferings with the fortitude of a stoic. So word of com plaint ever crossed his lips, and he show- ed no sign of tho great agony he felt except to lay bis uninjured hand on bis bosom and murmur, "My heart is burning away." The fiery fluid released him after a week'ssuffering. and Kane passed away unconscious of the approach of death. Chicago Herald. Light Figures.

New York state has 135 electric light stations, with So.Cfll arc lights. S.19.6-J9 incanileacents. and engines of horse power, with a capitalization of The nearest approach to New York Mate is made by Pennsylvania and California as to amount of in vestment, although Pennsylvania in other respects is fully eqnaled by Massa chusetts. Enormous as are these figures, it is not to be forgotten that they fall short of the actuality as regards the electric lighting industry of the whole country. There are probably from 73.000 to 000 arc lights in isolated plants in mills.

factories, public buildings, and probably over a million and a half to two million lncandchcents. Of these isolated plants there are about 4.000. Out side of the United States there are in the whole of North America, not forgetting Mexico, 114 central stations, with a capi tal stock of $5,500,000, operating 9,771 arc lights, 47,719 incandescents. with en gine capacity of 16,707 horse power. New iork Post.

Steel Jewelry. Steel trinkets are litely to be tho rage next winter. An artificer of stiel jewelry named Le Long has made a hit with coronets, broociies, necklaces and gar lands of steel lieads mixed with artificial pearls. The false pearls are to the steel what cream is to overdrawn tea. They soften it and are not pretentions.

Visi tors to the Exhibition of Industrial Art at the Palais de l'lndustrie can sea these elegant brooches in steel and sham pearls at prices varying from lOf to 20f. There is a garland of wild roses priced at l.aoor. it is meant to be worn at a fancy ball by a lady personating un iron qneen. London Truth. New Slechanlcal Alarm.

A simple attachment is now used in connection with an ordinary alarm clock which will light a cooking stove or boil a kettle at any time it is set to. A kettle of water can thus be placed on the stove before going to bed and made to boil jnst liefore the sleeper is awakened by the ringing of the alarm. New lork Com mercial Advertiser. An Excellent licasou Why. Mis R-jse How dreadf ullr stuck up that Miss L.

Jack Rounder Well, she onght to 1. Her father owns one of the largest glue factonei the country. Epoch. lils 1 ailli tailed. 'I renieinlier a negro in the southern states some years ago," said the old sol dier as ho Yetted his war worn frame in a chair at the honse.

"He was an old man, and when tired sunning himself ou a log in the laneway he was accustomed to retire to the shade and doze. lie had a class of twenty or so little boys to whom he used to give Bible lessons, generally on Sunday after noon. "It was his practice to give ont on one Sunday the lessons to be prepared for the next. Hie old fellow was a little blind and a good bit deaf, and this fact Induced the young fellows to put np a joke on him. In the old boy absence they glued two pages of the Bible to gether, and en the following Sunday sat expectant of how their little game would work.

The old tutor pnt on his "specs. and giving a sympathetic glance at his class opened the Bible at the passage abont Noah ark, and began to read. "He spelled ont the lesson to the end of the page 'and Noah took with him into the ark one ol every and so on, 'and one and turning over continued, 't-he was 143 cubits long and 50 wide, built entirely of cyprus wood and pitched inside and out. 'Foh de Lawd's sake! What a woman! exclaimed the old darky, glancing wondenngly over the book at bis grin ning class. He paused and pondered over the wonderful dimensions of Noah's wife for many minutes, and then said: 'Boys, we musn't doubt anythin' the book says, but take it as the other passage furder on, which says, 'We axe fearfully and wonderfully made." Pittsburg Dispatch.

at of in as a on of inch of very clean straw, then cloth and straw alternately nnttl the bwrH is three-fonrths full when well pressed down. Stmining thrown a layer of cleanly washed, finely broken charcoal or pure sand is another method. If the filtered Juice can i put Into large caidcs holding three or four lm and standing upright, with open heads, for ahort time nntil fermentation le-gins it will lie much better than to Uir- rel it at once. These ranks should provided with famvt a few inches from the tmttom. through which the dear ci der can tie drawn off.

leavinir another qnite large deposit of fine sediment nn-disturbeL The scum on the ton should lie skimmed off as occasion require. The cider should then I lrr led and kept in a cool place, as tightly bunged as the fermentation, which will still continne for a time, will admit. Under the best system of cleaning it from impurities, early made cider, nnh-w it can Iw kept in an uncommonly low temperature, or is treated with chemicals or scalded to kill fermentation, will grow too acid to be agreeable. The later cider making ran be deferred the better the cider will be as a beverage and the longer it will keep, says The New York World, authority for the foregoing. Oralng Reef.

First cover the meat for the space of twenty-four hours with brine strong enough to barely float an egg; then take it out and wash it in cold water, pressing It with the hands so as to squeeze out all the blood. The brine that has been used should then be thrown away, as it is the blood that is so often retained in the pickle that causes it to sour and spoil. Make a second pickle a trifle weaker than tbe first, in which you have dissolved three pounds of brown sugar and two ounces of saltpeter to a hundred pounds of beef, or in these proportions for smaller quantities. Should a scum appear on tbe surface before the meat is used np. the brine must be scalded and skimmed and ponrod back when quite ecld.

Tbe package containing it should be kept in a cool place, and the meat should always be kept under the brine. When, from neglect, a portion of the beef remains out of the brine for a day or two it will affect it unfavorably; for this reason it should be frequently examined and should never be left in that con dition. Proper Temperature In Setting Milk. On the question of proper temperature in setting milk Professor Henry reports Milk set at 40 degs. for eleven hours threw up all but 44.1 of 1 per while milk at 4-5 degs.

left 2.7 per cent. of butter in the skim milk. Setting at 50 degs. as compared with 45 degs. showed a loss from 3.8 to 10 per and 55 degs.

shows that the range of losa is from 15.8 to SO per cent, over that set at 45 degs. Thine That Are Told. The American Cultivator says that it is a mistaken notion that deep seeding is somehow a protection against winter killing by the ground heaving and thaw ing. Experience and observation are largely curing farmers of this delusion. A correspondent in The New York Ex aminer says that his way of protecting sheep from dogs is to bouse them at night and let them run in pasture with a herd of horned cattle in the day time.

He keeps no dog, and his cattle look on all dogs as enemies and make short work of them when they come near. All stone fruits are churned to be benefited by potash fertilizers more than by the application of manure. A new roof may be exper jive, but it is cheaper than damp stables or barns and sick animals. The animals hve no warm stoves in winter, and dryness is therefore essential Or. Hosklns.

of Vermont, says that he regards the Switzer apple as nearest perfection, in quality almost equal to tbe Fameuse. larger, free from the tree very hardy, and a free and elegant grower. The prolific sweeting, like some other fruits termed prolific." is remarkably unproductive. Roup may generally be traced to want of cleanliness, improper ventilation or undue exposure, and the poultryuian who has provided against these causes is reasonably safe against the roup. More injury is wrought by suppressing part of the truth than by publishing pages of falsehood.

The human heart is like afeather bed. It must be roughly handled, well shaken and exposed to a variety of turns to prevent it becoming hard. First Kentucky Citizen Our county is going to vote on the liquor traffic. Are you in favor of putting it down? Second Kentucky Citizen Yes, sir, I am in favor of putting it down. You don't happen to have any about you, do your Babies will cry! It is the only way to tell us that they suffer from pain.

Do not stupefy your little ones by administering laudanum or other opiates, but nse Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, which will relieve the baby of all pain. Price only 25 cents. Some people suffer with and swear at nasal catarrh, when a 25 cent box of Old Saul's Catarrh Cure, judiciously used, would cure them quickly and surely. Sold by all dealers.

Mother Bobby, the teacher sends word to me that you are a very bad boy. You don't learn your lessons, and are late at school, and whisper and play during school hours. Now, what shall I do with you? Bobby I'm pretty wicked, ain't Mother Yes, Bobby, you are. Boboy Well, mamma, if you must do something with me you'd bet ter let me go to the circus. I know sev en other very wicked boys that are go ing.

A Kmart Man Will not hobble around on crutches when he can cura his Rhumatism with one bottle of Dr. Drummond's Light- nine Remedy, costing only 85, but worth $100. Enterprising druggists keep it, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the Drummond Medicine 43-50 Maiden Lane, New York. Itema of Into A new match machine packs 1,000 boxes a minute. William S.

Burroughs, a St. Louis ge nius, has an adding machine which is in operation in fifty banks. From experiments made in Rich mond, with electric beaters it seems probable that a passenger coach can be kept warm at an expense of 2 cents an hour. Care Year Catarrh, or Got $300. For many years, the proprietors of Dr.

Sage's Catarrh Remedy, who are thoroughly responsible, financially, as any one can easily ascertain by proper enquiry, have offered, in good faith through nearly every newspaper in the land, a standing reward of 500 for a case of nasal catarrh, no matter bow kadi or of long standing, which they can not cure. The Remedy, which is sold by druggists at only 50 cents, is mild, soothing, cleansing, antiseptic and A of FARM, FIELD, GARDEN. TOPICS SURE TO INTEREST WIDEAWAKE AGRICULTURISTS. Caltl- ator on the Sohje-rt mi Manartas; Laad In tb Aatassa A That rrnl Maa frnw l.l Notwitludan.iinir tho irreat auionnt of rainfall in Uu- M.rin and eitrlr summer, there is a icrv-Mt liffTffuolwrvalle in hmil cni here nianurw was applied on the ht fall or winter, a t-uinitrel with that manor! jnst liefum ploughing. Wherever Untight prevails, late manor-lug, especially with ctiarae, strawy ina-uur.

often does more liartn than pood. TUerv would beuinchmore winter and fall to bat for the common mistaken r.otiro that the manure wastes by xpurarr thinly to the atmosphere. Koine loss there may be by rains washing away the manure, but there is none, except of water, by evaporation. The manure doe not fermtit while pre ad thinly, and therefore no ammonia is given off. Vet many a fanner keep manure heal piled up and heating around his table doors, lest by drawing and spreading them their strength should evaporate.

It is very difficult to keep manure in heaps from losing ammonia, but the same manure spread out, especially on grass land, merely dries. hen rains come all its strength is there, and whatever is solu ble will be carried down to the soiL If grass land mown now is to be plowed for corn or potatoes next spring there is no better time to top dress it to do the next crop the uuiht good than now. AUm Wars la the Foaltry Yard. IX Benjamin, luevns county, N. gives the following sensible advice: If the young cockerels that are fit for sale have not already been disposed of this ought to be done at once, or the surplus inclosed in yards separated from the pullets and fed preparatory to marketing or for home consumption.

Where eggs are the special object the above advice is all important. Unfertilized eggs are not only more desirable for the table and market and keep longer, but hens kept in separate pens will lay longer and set less than others. As a rule old hens are unprofitable, though there are exceptional cases, as when these are good layers. Generally speaking, old fowls onght to be weeded out from the flock. The present is a good season for disposing of them, as they will lay more now than a little later on.

The early pullets will begin to lay now, provided they are not moved about too much and are properly fed. Buckwheat is one of the most soluble of grains for the production of eggs. Barley, wheat, rye and oats are also acceptable grains. Sunflower seeds, the seeds of common millet, sorghum, broomcorn, may be used to vary the list. This grain food must be supplemented with green stuff of one kind or another, as soft cabbage heads, onions, lettuce, etc; also with meat scraps and an occasional relish of chopped peppers in cold weather.

Do not make the mistake of overfeeding, but keep tbe laying hens in an active, hnn-gry state. Laving hens should not have too much soft food; this is fattening and belongs to fowls penned for fattering. Wet weather and the first cold nights may produce colds and sneezing. Be on the alert or yon will quickly hifve roup to contend with. Are Hm Assessed as Property? A.

I. Root, editor of Gleanings in Bee Culture, being called upon to express an opinion as to whether bees are assessed as property or not. replied as follows: I do not know what the prevailing cus tom is, but I think bees should be assessed with other property. In fact, if the assessor should pass by my bees 1 should feel slighted. If hives of bees are not property then we had better all of us quit tbe bee business.

This matter has been up before, and there was some discussion on it some years ago. I do not want anything from my neighbors nnless it justly belongs to me: neither do I want anything nor any privilege from the government of the United State unless it is fairly mine. Of course I agree that there are things of so little use. or of a value so uncertain, that it is not worth while to tax them. If your bees and fixtures would not sell at public sale, then I should say they were not worth taxing.

As hives of bees do, however, sell for something with other stock, this customary selling price, it would seem to me, should be the proper value of taxation. Tha Cheek Bala. There should be some one to enlighten the amateur horseman in the proper use of the check rein. When they see a horse hitched they go home and try the same plan, frequently checking a colt up as high as they can and start in to break him. The result is that nine out of ten are practically spoiled, and develop a dislike for the check, and it years before they are cured of the habit of tossing their heads.

If the beginner would use a little forethought and check a colt np gradually he would soon find the natural position and avoid future trouble. Under such treatment the colt will soon learn to drive pleasantly and speed without pulling. It is never safe to check a colt np until such a point is reached, as be will do hie work easier and with more determination. In nearly every town an observing man sees horses speeded np the streets, over crosswalks, with their heads stuck np in the air, as if they were taking astronomical lesson.1. Such a method is not the way to make a good driving horse or even a safe roadster, as he has not liberty enough to see his way or What is going on around him.

Horseman. The Three Beat Grapes. The New Jersey State Agricultural society, balloting for the best three grapes for general use, one of each color, decided in favor of the Brighton, red; Worden, black, and Niagara, white, and few grape growers in that state would today make any alteration in the list. CIDER MAKING. Bow to Obtala a Clear and Finely Flavored Beverage from Good Apples.

First see that the apparatus to be used Is clean and sweet. The apples may be prepared for expressing the juice, either by squeezing or crushing, as in the old ways of cider making, or by some of the modern processes that reduce the fruit to a finer pulp. Whatever may be gained in 6peed. a slow process of crushing, where the fruit only comes in contact with wool, will excel in quality. There are various forms of screw presses, from which one can be selected to suit the circumstances of the case.

The pomace should remain overnight, or at least several hours, in the receiving trough before being pressejl The cheese, as it is called, consists of the pomace confined in press clots, or, more commonly among farmers, a succession of layers, held in place under the screws by clean straight straw turned over the edge of each layer in a manner familiar to all Tural cider makers. The juice being expressed, it at once becomes important to free it as completely as possible from the particles held in solution. These, by their decomposition, hasten and increase the vinous fermentation, which if not properly treated will be soon followed by the vinegar stage. This process should begin by straining or filtering the juice before fermentation sets in. A convenient filter may be made from a clean tight barrel, with faucet through a stave near the bottom.

Take ont the other bead and fit in a false bottom with boles thickly bored through it, just above tbe faucet. Lay some narrow wooden strijsi CToeswiae overthe HOW THE G03PSL IS TO THE DEAF AND PnEACHEO DUMB. Totally Itorkeaad Moal lllanilnalrd. Tbe "t'MMren of Mllnr Are No longer laolaled anil Vrrifnl -Tim heerlNg Progress nl Ilia! lawk One of the uxwt cheering signs of our Christian is the progress made In the education and moral enlightenment mr "silent fiivti'U." the denf unit a Until a comparatively recent icriod the intellectual M-nlie of thco lilifnrlillitt- was quite restricted Not till the godly and accomplished blind deuf mute Laura Bridgmnn nurprWd thu scientific world by her marvelous acquirements in the face of seemingly insurmountable natural impediment was the attention of public educators seriourJv directed toward the higher mental and mora) development if these benighted lieings. That the efforts in that direction have been successful beyond all exjiectation is shown by a visit to any one of the numerous institutions for the education of deaf mutes that are now to be found scattered all over the Union.

One of the instrumentalities effective in this humane ana Curwmtn work lias been the improved sign language, known as tne irauauuet system, wnereuy tne deaf mute can give absolutely full ex pression to his ideas, intelligently to others. This sign language as now used among deaf mutes here and in Europe was the invention of the Abbe l'Epee, who founded the first institution for their education. It is said to have been suggested to him by observing tbe pantomimic gestures of the Parisian street gamins. The spiritual training of these unfor tunates is a matter of the greatest solid' tude, and the labors of Rev. Or.

Gallan- det. Or. Peet and those associated with them in this task have been abundantly blessed. The great truths of the gospel have been made familiar to the souls to whom God and Christ were unknown. and seed has been sown which has al ready blossomed in many instances into noble and beautiful Christian lives.

Among those who have done much to enlarge the mental and moral horizon of tbe deaf mute is Professor Isaac Lewis Peet. LL. principal of the educational department of the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. lie is the son of the founder of the insti tution. the late Harvey Prindle Peet This splendidly organized public charity was chartered in 1817 by Governor De Witt Clinton, of New York, and was the first of seven similar establishments for the training of the unfortunate deaf mates.

Even in the lower grades of instruc tion the aptitude shown by the pupils in grasping religions ideas is surprising. One young bid, Richard T. Clinton, who bad the misfortune to be born deaf, dnmband blind, and who was taught signs and objects by means of a manual alphabet, has liecome a capital scholar, with a hue command of the English lan guage, lie writes all his communica tions on a typewriter. Christian Herald. Our Hold on God.

Communication exists between city and city, between continent and continenttelegraphic, telephonic, postal and by messenger: yet many seem to think that there are no lines np between heaven and earth. Tbe interspace to many is a trackless desert. Who is your God? Is he deaf and pitiless? Is he enthroned 6tupiJity? That is uot our God. Our God is a father, all tenderness and sympathy and love, never sending trouble of any kind save to make ns pure and good and elevated and Christian. His eyes are full of pity, his bauds are full of help.

Oh, drive np your flocks of cares and griefs to this fountain of the rock and let them drink. If you want anything ask for it and you shall have it. or something better. In the direction of prayer is to be the chief victory. I believe the time will come when physicians will come to a jtttient.

kneel down and pray to God for direction, and then rise and give the medicine that will make infallible cure. The time will come when, drought apiiearing, multitudes will gather in prayer, and independent of all weather probabilities, and without any reference to which way the wind blows, the rain will descend in torrents. When Elijah prayed for rain he did not look to see which way the wind blew. Open an account with God on this subject. 1 took a blank book and put on the front pages the things for which I would especially pray, leaving the opposite pages open for record of divine answer.

And they have aD been answered. Some of them not in the way 1 expected, but all answered. There is no need of a man talking to me about prayer being an absurdity. I know of what I speak. Any man may know this if he will only test the Lord.

The trouble is many of us are afraid of being laughed at for our credulity. Laying aside all our cowardice and all our infidelity, let us lay hold of God in an enthusiasm of supplication. Let them laugh who win. A young man went off from his mother's house, went off to sea. She prayed for bis return day after day.

month after month, and year after year. After a while be started homeward, and tbe ship was in the offing; but a sudden storm swooped, and that vessel was broken to pieces on the rocks, and it was supposed that all the crew perished; but the night after there was a knock at the door of that aged mother's house. Her long absent son had returned, and the first words he uttered on entering the old homestead were, "Mother, thought yon would pray me home. The grandest, mightieni and most stu pendous agency in the universe is prayer. It is second to nothing but omnipotence.

and their shoulders touch. Dr. Talmage in Christian Herald. Four elements of Christian life and experience: First, admit; second, submit; third, com mi fourth, transmit. Canon Wilberforce.

ONE LESS AT HOME. One Inw at boinel Tbe charmd circle brukeo; a dear face Moiwl lay liy day from Its accustoiiMid place; But, cleaiaml and aaved aud perfected by grace. One more In bmfen' One leaa at borne' One voice of welcome buhed. and erermora One farewell wont unspoken; on tbe bore Where panau come not one auul lauded more. One more in heaven! Ooe leaa at borne A sense of low that meets us at tbe irate; Withiu, a place uufliled and desolate; And tar away our coming to await.

One more In beaveal One has at home I Ctilll as tbe earth burn mist tbe thought would rise. And wrap our footsteps round, and dim our eyea; But tbe bright sunbeam darteth from the One more in heaven! One more at home! This la not borne, where, cramped la earthly mold, Oursisbtof Christ Is dim. our love Is cold; But there, where face to face we shall behold. Is home in heaven. One Iras oo earth 1 Ita pain, ha sorrow and it toil to share; One less tbe pilgrim's daily cross to bear; One more the crown of ransomed aouia to wear At home in heaven' Ooe more In beaveal Another thought to brlgbtea cloudy days.

Another theme for thaukf ulaeaa and praao. Another bnk on bbrb our s-juIs to rauo To home and beaveal One more at noma That home where rparatioa cannot be. That home where none are missed eternally. Lord Jesus, (rant ua ail a place with then. At home la heaven! -Uttell "Living Age." SPARKS FROM TALMAGE.

We inost use mea well as ropplj- is ZSAOTOCT HUMPHREYS' Dr. Hchtobjeys' specifics areadvntincmllTand Carefully prepared preseripOuus used for many years la private pwiHrviiDbiH-nwnQKiruirr thirty years eJ by Uje people. Kverr sluicle Spe-cine Is a special cure for the uifteae named. These Kpecincs cure without druwdnK. purring or reducing the syMem.

and are in 1 act and deedtbesovereiffB reaiedieeef tarWerld. Xjstt of nuscrr AL sos. crura. phkt. 1 Fevers, lontrestinn.

erais, Worm rever. orm ryiaa Inranls lliarrkea. of Children or Adults 5 llyeealerj, Orlplutt, bilious Colic baler Merbas, VonilUug 5 7 eass. Cold. Jironcmus Nearalsia, ft, Kick Headache.

Vertigo 10 llresepsia. Bilious Momach. 11 rinaaressed or Paiafal Feriada. 1-i Whites, too Profuse Periods 13 nai, Cough. li alt Kheasa.

Errslprla, Eruptions. 16 Fever and A gee. Chuls, Malaria. KhraBsatlsai. nneuroauc IT Pill 19 at rs, Blind or meeuing a rr Infl uenra.

Cold in the Bead 'It U'kmliii fah. VtoU-st CoimhB. tit General llebilitv. Physical Weakness 7 Kiaaey llisespe 30 I riaa-ry Weakness, Wetting Bed. 31 Itiaeaaecaf tbeUeart.PsIpltatioal.a Sold by Druggists, or sent postpaid on receipt of price.

Da. Humphreys hiMU, ul pywl richly bound In cloth and gold, called free. a ns eb rey ed id aeCe.l' Fulton St. V. SPEC I I 1 iousam- uuVtf Ik-vM cur-l by lifcTOasRsaaamfflni fr-ev -u once.

noprratioo or ta3 of huh I nun tusinss. 1 iirMuiiri iu-cu rattle 'jy Wa.tUr-1. -ija ircular. CURE GUARANTEED. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line ol arlvprticinfr in A mpriron papers by addressing Geo.

P. Rowell Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruoei New York. Send OcU lOO-Pags Pamphlet. Important to Sick Folks. RELIABLE REMEDIES FOR ALL DISEASES.

Sent MtimM liy mall on receipt of price. No. 1. Cures throat and lung diseasr s. coughs, colds, catarrh, intluenra, consumption tn its first Frice II pur package, containing 24 doses.

No. 2. all stomach and liver diseas es, dyspepsia, indigestion, biliousness, loss of appetite, constipation, headache, etc. ITlce 1 per lockage, containing 24 doses. No.

3. Cures all kidney and urinary dis eases, disease.alluiuinoria, diabetes. dropny. Incontinence, uremia, etc. Trice fl per package, containing 24 doses.

No. 4. Cures all blood and skin diseases. malaria, fever and ague, blood poisoning. syphilitic and contagious diseases, bolls, pimples, eruptions, etc.

Price ft per pact age, containing 24 doses. No. 5. Cures all bone and nerve diseases. rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, pains in ine head, back, loins, body, legs, arms, etc.

Price 1 per package, containing 24 doses. No. S. Cuiesall female weakness and diseases, irregularities, leucorrhiea, fainting Htiells. falling sickness, hysterics, etc.

lTlce 11 per package, containing 24 doses. No. 7. Cores nervous debility' and physl eal weakness, resulting from the errors of youth or excesses of sue. Price 1 1 per pack- ago, cootainiDg 24 doses.

These seven reim-dles are the resnlt of over half a century's succe.fal practice by the eminent Profersor Wilson-and never fall to cure any disease that tlesa Is heir to when taken according to directions and even when the disease is incurable they will prolong life aud prevent Buttering. Ther are not for sale in drug stores but must he freshly prepared to suit the wants of each lent who mast send a clear account of tlie symptoms to CYKL'S WIIJsON, M. IK, Maine Avenue, Washington, I. C. Tootli Bruslies.

We are pleased to lie able to ahow yo wl at we consider the Best loom crusu m-" at very low prices. TIC.VV rko. Donation for Churclies. AVs will make a donation of one gallon Lintmin Martlnex enclit Kailons twed on church property Easton. Ma.

33HXJSHES. It too want a fine Kngilsh Tooth or Hair r. r. dt of Aluminum the Barest Metal. Aluminum is now the rarest metal in the world, although it is the most useful, and the earth from which it can be reduced is found all over the globe in Ohio as well as far off India.

The largest piece of aluminum in the world is the cap of the Washington monument. This weighs 100 ounces. A larger piece of the metal has never been produced. Not many years ago a Washington chemist discovered a process for the production of the metal. He thought it was perfect, and found no difficulty in getting $500,000 to back him up.

A huge plant was erected in Tennessee and work was commenced. but no aluminum was produced. The professor's theory and experiments were all good enough, but they did not wwk upon a large scale. There have been dozens of bke experiences, and thousands of men are today trying to dis cover the iieriect method that wall be commercially practicable. New York Telegram.

Money Invested In Electricity. Some recent authentic statistics show the extent to which the electric lighting industry has grown in this conutry. The returns from about 1,400 central stations aggregate a capital stock of $119,000,000, and this may be taken to be very near the amount actually invested, as the plants, owing to increases and reconstructions, frequently represent much more than the nominal share capital. These stations have a capacity of 137,000 arc lights and 1,500,000 incaudescents of 10 candle power, and the dynamos which supply current for these lights are operated by engines of 350,755 horse power. New ork Post.

A Novel PtM-ketbook. What is known as a commuter tiocket- book is verv iiopnlar with the vonn women who live in the suburbs of Cin cinnati and ride, on railwav trains to and from the city on visiting and shop ping expeditious. This pocketbook flat, roomy and rectangular', and in the front is set a tiny watch, the face of which tdiows through a hole in the leath er. 1 be unfortunate woman who is al ways obliged to keep an eye on the flight of time lias this watch in view when en Kaged iu the whirl of shopping. Ex change.

A Cloe Corporation. Freshlej Y'bat did that colored man want? Henrv What did he want? He wanted to borrow fifty cents. Freshley Did be get it? Henry No. I yaiu't no Loan an' Bust "oriashun. Ejhx h.

To mend chiaa or glass mix unslaked lime with tlie white of an egg. aud having the edges 1 1 tlie bruken arts quite clean, put the ou with a eplinter. Ureskfat on Hare Mahogany. This of all seasons is the one when a bare silished mahogany table makes a breakfast of melt ins.

rice cakes and eoffee a fir rtJJ a the palate. on may not have a veritable from San Domingo, but if you care to give a cabinet finisher 2 he will hand polish a cherry or oak. and in a fresh white dress you can make your husband and little folks believe yon are a breakfast beauty. To be most effective neither scarfs nor mats must be used. Have socie yretty tile for the coffee iKit rest, and instruct the girl to keep the hot plates cu tbe sideboard.

The fish and cakes will be passed around, and the basket of rolls, the platter of melon and the bowl of china aster or dahlias will be furniture enough for the center. Kansas City Times. Never Mixed Hualness. A man with a box on his shoulder was making his way along Chambers street the other day when it fell to the walk. After two or three efforts to replace it he appealed to a man in a doorway with "Give me a lift, please "Can't do it," was the prompt reply.

"And why not?" "Because 1 never mix business. I am a plumber and the man next door is in tho elevator business. It for him to give you a lift." The man with the box thought for a moment, grinned in a good natured way. and by an extra grunt re-shouldered the box and passed on. New York Sun.

Grant's Old War Unrse. The horse that Gen. Grant used throughout his army exjierience is still alive and not far from St. Lords. The general made a present of the horse to Judge Long, an old friend of his and a gentleman well known in St.

Louis. He kept the horse for a long time, and when be began to get old and feeble he sent him to tbe old Sappington farm, not far from the city. St- Louis Post-Die patch. Experience lias shown that an electric street car can be comfortably heated by the expenditure of one horse power of electrical energy. The electrical heaters do not reduce the seating capacity of the car, which is kept clear of coal dust and cinders.

A Lucky Lady. Milan, Sept. 23d. Mrs. G.

W. Combs, of Humboldt, a former resident of this place, baa recently fallen heir to half a mil lion dollars left by her Scotch grandfather. She has forwarded proof of ber relationship to the lawyers and will re ceive her inheritance today. Evening Mail and Express, New York, Sept. 23d, 1890.

We are Mrs. Combs'' lawyer and by her seeing our advertisement became the agents of ber good fortune. We have a number of similar daiina in our hands and expect to gain them. If your ancestors came from the old country write us and enclose 25 cents for reply. There are more titan half a billion dol lars in Great Britain alone, unclaimed.

hich rightly belong to-people in the United States. EVaYPAN CLAIMS AGENCY, 59 Pearl Street, New Yojifc. This is a general aUction day. Jt I ness entrusted to his care. All claims and collections will receive early attention, and prompt returns uiade.

Houses rented and renta collected. I have houses for rent at aU times. LEALVSLCUS C0U3H SY2UP. The ireatst Congh fiyrup on Earth. Ev ery bottle rives satisfaction.

A sure care for the most oosuoaie cuukhb, iiuuui biviuk the patient Laudanum, Morphia or Aieoiiol uabita. It does not bind tbe boweis, thus nwetsiitattng cathartics, out oy its peculiar nerve tonic properties, stimulate them to regular action, thereby counteracting any tendency to const! allon. It has never been known to fail, even In cases of colds of seven or eight vears" standing. This syrup la well named "Marvelous, ior cenainiy 11 marvelous the success It baa had within so abort a time. For aale by W.

C. HCGHEP, Druggist. uin. aee what we can do, as went" the oil for Harness, as it is ''r" nronertiea. tor sale PURE PAINTS.

See what M'adaworth A Co. say abont their Pure prepared Paints: Any building that is not satisfactory wben painted with our Prepared I'alnta we will repaint at our expense with such White Lead or ober paint as Uie property owner may select. This contract is understood to apply to every gallon sold by auy dealer who has the aale of our paints, and every dealer la authorized by us to ulnil It. using for Uie purpose the funds which he baa belonging to vs. Very respectfully.

UjNGMAN. Call and get cards of colors of J.C. HENUY A Druggists, Agent, East on, Md. ciu ui vuici at the Drug c. rGHK.

Successor to K. J. Trippe. fJet your Glass and at nwiv Warmer. They SlwlU burn frTwo Sve boars, laeful ferC uTnd-nd Feet.

Earache, Tootn- rehe.dx. BROTHER'S. Cj EE oar Solid Back French Hair Brush. S3 i-. BRO.

Fer Cheap White Wash Brash CSU on HENKY A BRO opposite Uie Bank. 7.

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