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The Algona Upper Des Moines from Algona, Iowa • Page 22

Algona, Iowa
Issue Date:
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(Id.) Dti Tuesday, May 10, I960 tip? CENSUS PROVES THE POINT If anyone had any doubt as to whether or flat the middle west in general, and Iowa in particular, was losing farm population, the first results of the I960 census verify the fact. In Kossuth county, Algona and a majority 6f the towns in the county show some population Increase. The strictly rural areas show a considerable decrease in population. If there were any surprises in the urban totals, it was the fact that Algona's growth in the past 10 years was not as much as had been expected, and that at least six Kossuth towns also showed some increase, which had not generally been anticipated. Five towns will probably show a loss.

In a day and age when we hear so much about "population explosion" it is not entirely comforting to find that Algona barely gained, and that the county as a whole lost population, there is nothing to be elated about in the unofficial totals recently released. None of use can stay the hand of time, or would we want to retard progress. But we can Well ask ourselves whether or not there is "progress" in rural areas when the population totals are shrinking as the census indicates. All this talk in recent years about eliminating the "family farm" is no nonsense; it is a fact. The independent farmer who comfortably farms his own place in security is decreasing, and rapidly.

Unless agriculture receives more intelligent consideration in governmental circles, and a farm program that goes with it on a fair and equitable basis with relationship to other segments of the economy, there will be a further drop in rural population. IF FARM PROPS WERE CUT We have often remarked that in the Department of Agriculture, under Secretary Benson, the left hand seldom seems to know what the right hand is doing or saying, for that matter. A few days ago Senator Ellender of Louisiana asked the department to prepare a study on agricultural income if price supports on all 1 farm commodities were reduced to free-market levels. The "free-market level" is something that Secretary Benson has long talked about as a near-Utopian situation for the farmers. The Dept.

of Agriculture technicians indicated, in their report, that by net farm income would be cut to 48 percent below that of 1958 if supports were reduced to free-market levels. That is what Mr Benson wants and his own department says that the above is what would happen to American agriculture if Benson gets what he wants. There is nothing like having a diligent person looking after the interests of American agriculture! Blessed is the man who is loo busy lo worry in the daytime and too tired to worry at night Upper IK-s 111 E. Call CY Iowa Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Algona, Iowa, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Issued Tuesday in 1960 By THE UPPER DES MOINES PUBLISHING CO.

R. B. WALLER, Editor DON SMITH, News Editpr DARLENE SKOGSTROM, Advertising Mgr. NATIONAL EDITORIAL NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE Weekly Newspaper Representatives, Inc. 404 Fifth New York 18, N.

Y. SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN KOSSUTH CO. One Year, tn advance Both Algona papers, in combination, per year Single Copies JOG SUBSCRIPTION RATES OUTSIDE KOSSUTH One Year, in advance $4.00 Both Algona papers in combination, one year $6.00 No subscription less than 6 months. OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY NEWSPAPER Display Advertising, per inch 63c ADVERTISING RATES Washington ighlights never sees, skilled teams thence Easterly 4SO feet on said rnllroad behind the scenes, all essential southeasterly across mvervVw Cerne- 6 to the task Of caring for thc sick, tery 360 feet to a manhole, thence Southwesterly 253 feet across Riveras well as the doctors and nurs- vlew Ccmcter tn mn thence ns liquidated damages In tho event the successful bidder falls to enter Into a font met within ten dnys and post bond sntlsfnrtory to the City insuring the faithful fulfillment of the contract and m.tinti-nnnre of Improvement as required by 1'nyment for said sewer Improvements will ho made from proceeds A Repot-Ufom CJpftdf If POST OF COUNTY CHAPLAIN Iowa Falls Citizen It has been suggested that one of the reasons we must not tamper with County government or consolidate it or merge it or make it more inaccessible to the people is that taxpayers want some place close where they can go and discuss their problems and their complaints. Well, let's go ahead then and reorganize our county government into more efficient units and create a new post that of County Chaplain where the aggrieved and the afflicted may draw nigh with their social and political aches and pains and then, unburdened, hasten home refreshed in body and spirit and able to carry on through yet another tax season.

As a matter of fact we might even have a visiting chaplain, and, as is the case with the welfare worker or the social security man, the chaplain would visit Iowa Falls or Alden or Buckeye on certain days of the week. These could be known as "bring-your- troubles-day" and alert merchants could no doubt make quite a promotion out of Chaplain Day in their community. There could be towels for those who must sob silently while they wait, and red bow ties for those who had had an unusually successful day with their troubles. And maybe the doctors and the druggists and the chaplain could get together on a kind of a "package like the frozen TV dinner, for those who sought comfort both physical and psychological. And wow, what a day for the taverns! OMEN FOR NOVEMBER Indianola you are one of the many democrats who have expressed a fear that the party may be torn asunder by the intra-party fights of these pre-convention weeks, perhaps you can rest a bit easier now.

Conversely, if you happen to be a republican who enjoys watching the opposition party tear itself apart while your own party basks in the harmony of already 'having chosen its presidential candidate even before the convention takes up, it might be time to start worrying. At least, these situations might be so if you lake any stock in the theory that history repeats itself. In a recently published book, "The Politics of National Party Conventions," written for the Brookings Institution by three political scientists, are some interesting statistics concerning the advantages or disadvantages, as expressed by winning or losing, of having rough-and-tumble scrambles for the nomination, such as the democrats are staging this year. It was in 1832 that the modern convention system of nominating a president came into being. Since then there have been eleven elections when the out-of-power party (the 1960 democrats )had conflict in choosing its nominee.

In those eleven cases, the out-of-power party has gone on to win the election eight times! There have been seven cases in which there was conflict among the 'outs' and harmony in the party then in office, and the 'outs' have been victorious five times. The bouk also suggests that it plight even be dangeruus for the party out of power to be cloaked in complete harmony in an election year. In the fifteen cases where this happened the candidate ivas named with little or no internal party bickering the 'out' party was defeated thirteen times. So, if you believe in statistics, or if you are convinced that figures can't lie, it might be fair to assume that this bit of "spring training" currently being carried on by candidates within the democratic parly will turn out to be a real asset. EXEMPT HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS The Waterloo Courier quotes one of the Black Hawk County Supervisors who has made a careful survey that it costs the county more 'to collect taxes on household items, including television sets radios, home freezers and air conditioners than the county gets in return in the form of taxes.

Furnishings for the average home should be k'fl free of taxes. Many of them are. They should all be exempt. A home freezer and and air conditioner are as necessary needs in the home as rtig.s and carpels en the floor, And inasmuch as the survey in Black' Hawk shows the county is losing money in taxing household furnishings and necessities, it would seem like poor business to continue to assess this kind of property. Our State Ta.K Commission should abate this unnecessary nuisance and direct county assessors in the future to eliminate the assessment of household Now thai we've read how the federal inierstaie highway program has been abused in some slates and trickery and thievery used in billing for trie wurfc, we'd like 1 to also read just what happened to the crooks that did it.

HAIL THE MAILMAN Americans have a favorite peeve, it's against the post office. Cer- lainly, few of us have not had reason to complain at one time or another. But in all fairness, where in thc world do people get the mail service we do and at as little' cost? The Post Office Department has big plans ahead. It won't be long before a letter mailed anywhere in the United States will be delivered anywhere else the following morning. And, in time, same-day delivery will become a reality.

This will be done by instantan-. ecus transmission of a picture of your letter in the same way 20YEM AGO i IN tHE iftg personnel that you more southeasterly "220 fet-i across Rtvcr- nhsprvp in arlinn vlcw Ometcry nt street to reaaiiy ooserve in action. manhole on the South side of pine From the governing board Of Street and the West side of Lnntry derived from thc sole and Issuance of vAluntper communttv 1 a A Street, thence South along the West Sewer Construction Bonds of snld Cily, u- -j iu i- "We of Lantry Street to a mnnhole on payable from nn ad valorem tax levy, Which aids in setting the policy the eenterllne of Oak Street, thence from such other funds of said and program for the hospital to 81 along centerllne of Oak Street City as may be legally used for said 1H3 feet to a manhole, thence Southeast- pin posts. tne young WOrKCr JUSt employed cr)y 247 fcoti unc jcr the Chicago North- p.i.vmnnl to the contractor for said who is learning a new hospital western Railroad to a manhole on the sewer Improvements will bo made In nn fhn inh hncmitnl pnro tnr East side of Heckart Street, 177 feet cash on the basis of monthly estimates SKIII on int joo, nospuai care lor Nor(h hc centerllne of Elm Street, equivalent to ninety percent (DO'S.) of each patient IS the product Of thence South along the East side of the contract value of the work com- thnueht and rirvntrrl nf Heckart Street to a manhole on thc plctc-d clurhiR thc preceding calendar inougni ana acvoiCCI enpri OT ct ntcrllnp of Elm strcqti thence East Estimates will ho prepared on many people With many Kinds of nlong Elm Street to a mnnholc on the the first day of ench month 'by thc skills West side of Main Street. Contractor, subject to the approval of BcginnliiR at a manhole at the center the Engineer, who will certify to tho we nope you Will all join of lc intersection of Jones Street and City for payment each approved cstl- FROM THE FILES THE ALGONA UPPER Dfi3TMOlNES MAY 14, 1940 Two Swea Cily area boys were a little the worse for wear with US in saluting the dedicated Oak Street, thence East along Oak ma'ie on or before the tenth (10th) day nnri raropr Street to a manhole 24 feet East of the of the month In question.

Such monthly volunteers ana cartel WOrKers West 1)nc ot Oarfleld Street, thence payments he in no way construed Who constantly strive to give US South along Garflcld Street to a man- ns an net of acceptance for any part thp host in mnrlrrn mm hole 30 feet South of the North line of llic work partially completed. Final inc DCSl in mocicin nospuai care rect thcnce Easl a nll i of tile remaining ton percent at lowest possible cost. Street to a manhole on thc ccnterlinu will be marie not earlier than Our salute to national hos- of -Lantry Street. thiriy-one 1311 days after completion of The sanitary sewer construction shrill said improvements and acceptance by Pita IS. consist of furnishing and installing, vlt- resolution of the City Council ol' the Pricskorn rifled clay sewer pipe in 12" completed const ruction contract, sub- Proclrlpnt nnd 15 diameters, vitrified clay with Ject lo the conditions and in accordance special construction methods, or ns- with the provisions of Chapter o73 ot St.

Ann Hospital Auxiliary bestos bonded, fully paved corrugated the Code of Iowa, HI50. Our slogan for thp vpar metal sewer pipe In 18" and 31" The work under the proposed concur Slogan lor me year s)j cs 2(J BSbcslos bonded, fully tnict shnll be commenced within photographs are moved lo news- after misshaps there during the "Many Hands and Many Skills." paved corrugated metal pipe arch, two thirty CIDI days of the signing of the railroad crbsslngs, one highway cross- conliact for the proposed construction ing, cutting Into one highway, one and the work shall be completed before paved street crossing remodeling an December 1. IfHiO. papers by wire. The P.O.

Dept. week. Johnny Bauer, son of Mr also making progress in other and Mrs Frank Bauer, who lived ways. In thc past seven years two miles east of town, fell Give Adron Gifts more than 3,500 new post of- from his pony and broke his arm. fices have been built.

To really while a 16-year old son of Mr and meet our needs we have to Mrs Henry Wiley was shot in the May 3, at the home of Gretchen struciion. clearing and grubbing and iowa domestic labor modernize, replace or build an- heel when a rifle was discharged Dcim and gave a tea for mothers us Jffi other 12.000 to 15,000 post offices, accidentally. Both boys were and presented them with aprons. existing overflow manhole, hooking By virtue of statutory authority of existing sewcr to the new sewer, con- preference will be given to products rr A 1 i structlng manholes, repairing nil ex- and provisions grown and coal pro- U-UU-1-UU l-n ClUO met istlng utilities damaged during con- duccd within tho State ot Iowa, and to In 25 years our 'constantly grow- coming along fine. ine volume of mail will more than double today's enormous a style show.

rn atond New vehicles conHnued to aell There was also Good Grooming contest winners is" Type 2 const. L.F. equal to one hundred percent were: Senior division Zulabel Type const. UF. annual load of over 62,000,000,000 at a rapid pace during the first Ankenbauer; Intermediate divi- itr 14 gnufie dMP snn L.F.

proved bV the city council nnd shall fhillinrO niocps of mail million; pieces OI mail. Hivicinn "'vision, iviauitcn Thr, ine nf Max- A tntil nf 1.1 aays Ot A total Ot new cars and trucks and a motor- rvHo had brrfi rreistprprl at thp Sirls are going to Burt to com- WHERE IT HURTS The ris- office during ctc with other clubs in the ing tide of imports and loss of the por iod. Sales by area dealers county, May 21. exports of American-made prod- had held up very wcll for sev ucts is being felt more and more eral wee ks. Plum Creek 4-H rium 1-fl Doreen Funk; and Junior 21" Type 2 Const.

.487 UF. 21 3 Const. 792 L.F. across the width and breadth of this country. Consider steel, for instance.

And that's just one of innumerable items where the squeeze is being felt. In 1957, 21" 14 gauge CMP 247 L.F. 15" VSP 20 L.F. 12" VSP 211 L.F. 10" VSP L.F.

8" VSP 1430 L.F. 6" VSP 38 L.F. 0" VSP Service'Conn. 400 L.F. 6" VSP Risers 235 L.F.

guarantee' the faithful performance oE the contract and the terms and conditions therein contained and the maintenance of said improvements In good repair for not less than two (2) yoais Irom the time of acceptance of, tho said improvements by the City. Plans and specif leal governing the construction of the proposed improvements have been by The trend toward air travel got a boost in this area during the Johnny Hauptman went to Wayne, Mich. Thc Plum Creek 4-H club met 4 at Center school at 8 p.m. Manhole Base and Casting 32 Each Wallace Holland, Consulting Eng- Manhole Barrel 3'JO L.F. jneeis.

ot Mason City. Iowa, which Manhole Drop fiB L.F. plans; and specifications and the cc di the City Council referring. to ana defining said improvements are hereby made a p.irl or this notice and Abandon Manhole 0 Each 2 vv ye an Each lu ivmil. clliu t.n«h/ wuiv.ii win we imported 11 million tons of fk home a new falack and June beginning at 7:30 steel mill products.

Last year rc Stinson airplane. Herb Klas- a.m. at Jerry Raney's. A pic- I M1anhoIel8Pll sum this rose to 4.4-million tons. On Ti nr nHnlnno nfAof ir will ho holri nftnr IBB sie of Titonka placed an order nic will be held after the tour at for a new Aeronca Chief 65 De- Call State the other side of the coin we exported 5.2 million tons of finish- two-passenger plane, and served ed steel but this dropped to 1.5 be delivered in about Keiths.

million tons last year. Translate that into jobs. This increase in imports and decrease in exports means 7 million tons of steel not nvrwJiK-ori in Amm-ir-in mills T-TaH in /iuit.iu.dii linns, iidu Friday to trained in its home rjl 111 iniito. AAOU it been it would have produced evening at Algona and one of the nursing jobs for 56,000 more peopie in a ms of business, besides the election of officers, was a dis- of. Plans were completed for the 18" Wye Each annual Huh tnnr whirh will ho 6" 22 Ench the pi'oposcd comracl uy referenec, and annual C1UD tout, wmtn Will DC fi Wyc ...22 Each the proposed contract shall be exe- culctl lo comply therewith.

Tlie Council reserves the right to elder acceptance of any proposal for a period not to exceed twenty (20) days from Hie date of hearing anrt lotting. Copies 01 said plans and specifications are now on file in the office i the City Clerk In (he City Hnll lix for examination by bidders, and copies may be obtained from Wallace Holland, Consulting Engineers. 401 North Federal Avenue, and specifications will be required piuiipci'iivc bidders, however, the by Park. Lunch the Priebcs was and The American Red Cross issu- Jones and oak st. The Kossuth County Petroleum ed 225,500 certificates last year Dealers Association met Crossing Lump Sum Milwaukee Railroad Crossing Lump Sum Northwestern Railroad Crossing Lump Sum Diagonal Street Crossing Sum the steel industry.

ROLL OUT THE CARPET There's a bill in Congress to create a government travel office Thc bill would appropriate $5 million annually for this purpose. It seems to be a wise move when cussion of EFFORTS MADE TO INCREASE GASOLINE TAX LEVIES. Most of the gasoline men in the state were against any hikes, but they probably got them then just as they do now only maybe not as often. The melhod of construction shall De bv contract in accordance with the p)ans and CL ir i catl ons and general Consulting Engineers request that the stipulations for said improvements up- unsuccessful bidders and those Intcr- pibved by the City Councfl. receiving plans and spec- Each proposal shall be made on a mentions, but unable to place a bid, form furnished by the City and must puins and specifications in OFFICIAL NOTICE BEFORE THE IOWA STATE COMMERCE COMMISSION 0 THE CITIZENS OF KOSSUTH COUNTY, IOWA W.

L. Kaberlc and Mildred Kaberlc. officers of the DBA Kaberle Farm Supply, Strawberry Point. Iowa, transferor and Central IR accompanied by a check, certified good condition to the Engineers within by an Iowa bank and tiled in an on- is) cl.u.s after the date of rcceiv- vclope separate i'rom the one containing the proposal, sealed, and In an amount equal to Of the. amount of the proposal, made payable to the City Treasurer ol City of Algona.

Iowa, and may be cashed, by the Treasurer ing bids. upon order of the Count if. Algona. Iowa. David A.

Smith Cily Clerk ol Algona, Iowa City it occiuo LU uc a inuvt wucii or an ij, a on Frl 1 1 Jowa iransieror and Centra you consider an estimated lgam Uelan O- Petroleum Transport, Strawberry flnn.AmAriran* will tr-wol ihrnnH President; E. H. Wray, Vice pre- Point. Iowa, transferee, have filed a will travel amoad Studcr WPS- joml application for the Commission's i. uiuvjn, approval of ih" will travel abroad year arid spend close to $2.5 billion outside the U.S.

Right now, we only spend about $50,000 a year telling foreign tourists cibout all the good things to see in this country. Great Britain realizes the benefits of this advertising and spends $2.6 million voir Tho nnnr lit tip rnuntrv mercur soared to 86 degrees a year. The poor little country lantin was well the transfer of Liquid Transport Carrier Certificate No. LC-84, which authorizes operations as a liquid which had been greatly 0 Tipwa. betWecn a ints appreciated by area residents The Commission has fixed Tuesday, thp nast fpw ont June 14 1960 ten 10 :00) o'clock a.m.

ine past tew days, got a the office of the Commission. Des right out of thc weatrier Moines, Iowa, as time and place for Monday, when thc 8 lh ab ve dockcted Professional Directory ii Iowa State Commerce Commission Bernard J. Martin, Chairman Ray H. Thompson, Commissioner Iho US about $200 000 a vear larmcrs wcrc hoping for a Harold E. Hughes.

Commissioner UU U.b. about a yeai, few gQodj soaking which ATTEST: Claude E. Davis. Secretary of Haiti four times as much as planting was well alone dlon Two men narrowly escaped Saturday afternoon when autos collided on highway of Algona. A.

B. leaded north OH Des OFFICIAL NOTICE TO THE CITIZENS OF KOSSUTH create an Eisenhower Library at By law this by Congress as in the case of the D. Roosevelt Library at Hyde Park. N.Y., and thc -Truman Library at Independence, Mo. Naturally headed s'ouTh Inc Ccdar Rapids, in the Government won't use simple neactea soutn at the time of filcd a jolnt application Kpcp lnc ml shap.

Millers auto over- Commission's approval of the language in referring to these Presidential libraries. Instead, it calls them "Presidential archival depositories." The Eisenhowei Library will be valued at approximately $3 million. Nino acres of land on which it will be located, together with construction money, was donated by private citizens. Since it will DBA Tubbs Company, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Moines transferor and Cronbaugh Transport, Rapic i OWOi transferee, for tlie transfer turned several times and wound 1 ations as a liquid transport carrier between a P. points in the State of Iowa.

The Commission lias fixed Wudnes- was day. June 15, 1960, ten (10:00) o'clock first 1 A 1 lne office ol the Commission, up in a ditch, demolished, front of the other vehicle caved in. Neither man seriously hurt, although The INSURANCE A. J. (Arnie) Ricklcfs Hospitalization Health Accident Life Auto Fire Hail Personal Claim Service 2 E.

Slate CY 4-4529 ALGONA INSURANCE AGENCY J. R. (Jim) KOLP Surety Bonds All Linea of Insurance 206 East State St. Phone CY 4-3176 BLOSSOM INSURANCE AGENCY All Lines of Insurance Automobile Furniture Loan 7 N. Dodge Phone CY 4-2735 DENTISTS a vah miilHn'f Des Moincs Iowa, as time and place 1 0 sccne Jc ldn J01 )Ub hearing on the above "6Ure how they escaped death, docketed application.

i owa stalc Commerce Commission Oftn Bernard J. Martin, Chairman Nea 200 chicks were Ray H. Thompson, Commissioner smothorcd Saturday when Harold E. Hughes, Commissioner Only In The NEWSPAPER does advertising carry such strong authority. As a news medium the newspaper creates a favorable framework for all advertising and advertising regarded as news itself when properly prepared and printed.

In the Algona area, advertising gets the greatest stiles action in THE ALGONA UPPER DES MOINES Read By Over 5,400 Families Each Issue li'l QQOQ IMUNf TO smotnercct Saturday when a waroiu t. wugnes, commissioner contain priceless historical docu- hl nr ATTEST: ciaude E. Davis, Secretary ments and papers the library blooder hou sc at thc Fl ed at DCS Moincs, Iowa, April ae, ily brought thc fire under control before much damage could be done to the building and saved 200 other chickens. THIRSTY GIANTS Those big, steam powcrplanls around the Country use so much water it is now estimated they will need times the average flow of the Mississippi river at St. Louis by 1980.

This means of BOHANNON INSURANCE SERVICE 1 N. Dodge St. Ph. CY 4-4443 Home Automobile Farm Polio Insurance CHARLES D. PAXSON Dwelling, Auto, Liability, Life, General Phone CY 4-4512 1S tK St of not way that is almost half I Will poses.


AGENCY For Auto, House, Household Medium heavy butcher hogs topped at $5.70 during the week as hereinafter described in general, and as described in the plans and specifications for said improvements Ted S. Herbst ANDY CRAWFORD That's far from true. In fact, only.21 oui of 256 come under the price siipport program. And half of the Fed- charged farmers is actually appropriated loir other than price supports such as tcheol foreign aid, food inspection and other services important to the general public. PEOPLE in GLASS HOUSES Conerfrssmfen do a pretty £6od job of investigating everybody but themselves.

This "paj-ola" investigation is good oxamplo eggs, 16 cents; cream, 28 cents; henSj 13 cents; and ducks and geese, seven cents. SUPPORT OF HOSPITAL WEEK May 8. through 14tji is National Week and we'd like to pay tribute to our hospital people who are ready to be on or at such later time as may then be fixed. At said time and place hearing will be held on the proposed plans, specifications and proposed form contract lor said improvements, and at said hearing any interested person may appear and tile objections thereto or to the cost of said improvements. The extent of the work involved is the construction of sanitary sewer improvements, as hereinafter described, trom and to thc points and upon and along portions of thc following streets in said City, to-wit: Beginning at an existing overflow manhole which is located 155 feet Westerly from the ccnterline of U.

S. Highway 169 and 56 feet Northerly from the centerllne of the Chicago; Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad, thence Easterly 224 feet to a manhole on the Easterly right-of-way line of U. S. Highway ICO, thence Northerly 226 feet across private property to a manhole, thence Easterly 216 feet across private properly to a manhole, thence Northeasterly 106 ft, across private property Phone CY 4-335J contribution by disclosing how many of our lawmakers accept free airplane rides, gifts of all dis- cription, inoney for making speochejiy inyimions to cocktail movies, ballgames and almost apytttinf else you can mention.

But don't hold your breath. This wont' happen. for the public good. When you or your loved ones engine hospital, the help of many hands and skills is a't once mobftbkd. matter wlpt the illness or emergency, the services of the hospital family are Jhe hospital staff is made, up of many people whom the pat- thence Easterly 3U8 feat across private property to a manhole, thence Southerly 234 feet across private property and under the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.

Paul BnUroacl, to a manhole 46 feet Southerly of the centerline of said Wooster Street extended, thence Easterly on the Chicago, Milwaukee, and on said railroad right-of-way to a 300 to HAROLD c. SUNDET Representing State Farm Ins. Co 706 So. Phillips St. Ugona Phone CY 4-2341 DALE W.

LOCKWOOD Representative The Equitable Life Assurance Society Of The United States Burt. Iowa Phone 201 Chiropractor Pr. D. Arnold Chiropractor Over Penney's Office Phone CY 4-3373 Hours: 9:00 Open Friday Night Dr, WiUiam L. Chiropractor IE.

Stalest. Hours; 9:00 Pit. DR. KARL R. HOFFMAN Office in Home Federal Blrlg phone CY DR.

J. B. HARRIS, JR. Dentist New Location On Corner Phone CY At 622 E. Slate DOCTORS MELVTN G.

BOURNE, M. D. Physician Surgeon 118 N. Moore St. Office phone CY 4-2345 Resident phone CY 4-2277 J.

N. KENEFICK. M. D. Physician Surgeon 218 W.

State Street Office phone CY 4-2353 Resident phone CY 4-2614 CAROL L. PLOTT, M.D, liO N. Moore Street Practice Limited to Surgery Office Hours by Appointment CYpres.s 4-48U-1 Office CYpress 4-4331 Residence JOSEPH M. ROONEY Physician Surgeon 114 N-. Moore OffiCo phone CY 4-2224 Resident phone CY 4-2232 JOHN M.

SCHUTTER. Physician Surgeon 220 No. Dodge, Algona Office phone CY 4-4490 Resident phone CY 4-2335 OPTOMETRISTS DR. L. L.

SNYDER Optometrist 113 East State Alyona Telephone CY 4-2713 Closed Saturday Afternoons Drs. SAWYER and ERICKSOH Eyes Examined Contact Lenses Hearing Aid Glasses 9 East State Street Algona, Iowa Phone CYpress 4-2198 Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closed Saturday Afternoons DR. C.

M. O'CONNOR Optometrist Visual Analysis Visual Tr'i 103 South Harlan St (Home Federal Bldg.) PHONE CY 4-3743 farm Management Carlson Farm Company 12 Mi N. Ph. CY 4-8991 HumboloH Polo Alto Kotiuth Countto.

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