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The Record-Argusi
Greenville, Pennsylvania
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k.B£ JJ i I 1935 icfetv of wtmietaiu in MdtfiortAl tSoiJecrt ft tl Bart, wfai cf ot the cotlogo and Clan Mcett fembers of the Bible sing. of the Church, and tholr a ohlckon pie din- io chtiroh' evealngr, dinner, alttfrlnar, bee formed lha iWbtit and Mrs. 'the committee in jl, the dinner, nnd Mrs. the entertainment dinner and gnmos word ll raoeUnsr will ben SirpMt, Uo bo held tit. hospital 86, UoyA fioolt (tnd gard were appointed an imltteo In oliafgo.

business mooting, tho of Uie unanltnoUnly JDavld R. JonoH as' thotr replace R. M. ronlffned. i attl tt.

Graff nntor- new cottnffo 6n CoU Memorial Day whon were members of tho and tholr hunbnnda, lajd-Mrs, 0. It. Munis, Br, an.1 Brown, Dr. and Mrs. Inglidtf, Mr, wul ftnd, and' Mro.

J. i rf i was onjoyotl by tho tho Jovoly troow In A 'tureen dinner was tho evening spent around in the cottage. 'Keek is tho Knout of Gladys Fuller In War. B. Kelso, a former 'tbo Shoakleyvlllo High aculty arid now a member of at Thlol collage, not- or, a party of Shoak- BOhool seniors and tholr a trip to Nlaifara "Falls points of intorcat during of tb'o'woek; of Phn Kutollo Broadhcad OoorRo Rlntr and n.

M. on'' ot Plttsbui'Kh, were JilRh BOhpoK alumni Mrs. 'Richards wns fortner- 'Mary Brondhcnd. Le61a Jloutfh of Orovo Clfy Julia Houtcli of Sharon orlal Day with Mrs, Lulu South Maroer street, the nlumnl banquet Ki, Ray -Wabbor, Mrs, A. Mo.

Cluvrtos Mra. aiid JMIss Anna Bros- tlio g'uostB from Harold Aid and 1 Mrs. Choi-lw Slrattoti of ffirle Spent Memorial day with Mr. And WArd and Mrs. A.

linker, Wia- notoori, AHd M. J. Baker, Deer Wver, Minn.) wm weent of B. Dakar n.nd fitittfly at Osgood. Baker, Osfood, has returned froth ft trlft through Wtst VtPglnla and Virginia, where ho mot his five brothers at the ttoaneko hotel, Rouheko, Maker, Wlnnaloon, Keb.) tS.

Baker, bftdfte, 0. fiakof, Oodford, 3 Uflkoi 1 Doer niver, Mlnn.j fialter, Detroit, and O. 15. Baiter, Greenville, 8lx from six different states. were present for the alumni tmnciufet oh eil- Mire.

T. V. Duncan of q.bten Mr. parents, Mr. nml Mrs.

0. and other here. Wllllnm Kdwiirds of Oil sovernl days with ftfr. and Richardson, this week. "ttnd Mrs.

Walter Woods of were tho guests nt the banquet on Wodueadny ovon- of Mrs, Elizabeth day whore Mru. Jon- Mrs. Samuol Usn Williamson of Oil and Mrs, J. 8, William- and SALE of. leaving iny homo 'public, ealoi dw Hradloy Jackson Centor fcor- June 4 I', Id equipment, (nolud- Penrce 16ft todny for YoutiRstown where ho 1ms accepted a position for the tumtticf.

-Dr. II. Elsoti of riftlnfield. N. who been the guest of Dean and Mrs.

Luther Mnltnberg this week while he was delivering a series of lectures at Thicl, Is spending several days with his daughter who Is a teacher of history In the Vottngslown schools. -Mrs. S. Dietrich Is In the Wesl Penn Hospital, Pittsburgh, 1 under observation. Guy Gray left on Wednesday for Indianapolis where she was called by the illness 6f her dattghtef, Mrs.

Thomas Keck, who underwent an operation for appendicitis In an Indianapolis hospital on Wednesday, Lillian Jones of Sharon is a guest in the home of her brother, tfrnnk W. Dickinson and family, Clinton street. Augusta McCracken of Cleveland who underwent an operation there several weeks ago, Is recuperating nt tho home of her mother, Mrs. E. E.

McCracken on Plum street. Violet Pressler who hns' MENUS" OF By MRS. ALEXANDER QEORQE MERCER GRADUATING CLASS 1935 Uottom row, left to Snttou, Doris foster, Jean Itcinor, 1'oiort, Aiuta ttaihlet, Slmw, Morrow, rratieoR Itucy, Dorothy Mills, Mawon, Cathryn Mfcrtlu. Second left to McOari, Dorothy Homo, Dorothy Morrison, irblon I'sylor, Jvornu, Betty Ely, ilcrncoii, Mnt-y libCrlo, Tholtnn Atidorgon, tJHa Taylor, Itosallnu Klrby, Olive Dlffht. Third row, loft to' Woodnnv Moslnr, Olto llorclitoldl, Qworgti Heritor, otto Kloss, Windsor Homeuway, Kuoch FUcr, Uaniard nor, Morlo Mlnnldi, LPO Wolilost, William Hlmlor.

Fourth row, loft to Stewart, Bruce Jolmiwn, tlud Ooorirc, I'aul King-, Don llroivn, I'aiil Snydor, Illll Montgomery, Clmflcg Persclia, Holllg', Lelfttid Adnnts, lUrohl Jtnrnos, Kill Hoddn. Coinmoncomoiit Is tonliflif, May ni, nliimnl liutitjuot intd follows commencvmont exercises at tho American I.Cfflon Homo, II, A. Krall is'tho by llulngcr nnd Mulroy. completed her third year of teaching in the schools at Cochranton, Is spending the summer at lier home here, -Mr. and; Mrs.

Fred Bacr of Moadvillc arc spending several days with Mrs. Uacr's parents, Mr, and Paxton, Bessemer street. and Mrs, Clarence Staup of Mercer vllle. spctit Thursday in Crcen- Eacalloped Egg (Utat Breakfast ChltUd Cooked Corn Jam Croiun Tonnt Coftfio for Children Dattv) i Luncheon Crwim ChtMt SandwtohM Plum Bauoe IxwU Chooolata Dinner Ksoallopoil TDgltn 1 HuUoroU Splnnah Broad Qrnuo xlom lion Ijitluoo Ho I lull Dresnlnn Ulmbnrb Down Pudding (Uilti For OMIdnm Daily) J. M.

Jamison of drove City attended alumni banquet of the Greenville high school on Wednesday evening. Sue and Clara Led of Conncaul, Ohio, were guests of friends here on Memorial Day. and Mrs. Walter West and daughter of Warren, 0,, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. T.

R. Crawford on Thursday; and Mrs. William Duff and family of Pittsburgh have been guests of Mrs. Dull's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

E. S. Tcmplelon. and Mrs. C.

Palms spent Memorial Day in Kast Liverpool, 0. Lee Goldsmith and Miss' Anna Goldsmith were quests of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Wolft and family iu Youngstown on Thursday. Cecalloptd I Ublupooiw butter I tabJcMpooM floor 1H OUIM milk toaapoon paprika teoapoon aaH 1 1 tablespoon 1 tivbloapoon chopped plmlontoH cup orumbi I tubloitpoonn butldr, (netted hard cooked til Iced Molt the tablospobns buttor and add flour.

Mix well aud add milk, Cook until creamy sauco forms. Stir constantly. Add seasonings and eggs, Pour Into buttered shallow baking dlah. Cover with crumbs mixed with mollod buttor. Bake 20 minutes ID moderate oven.

Rhubarb Down Pudding 4 illoed teaipoon valt UblMpoon j) OUr I tnbleiponni lonnpoon butter olnnntnon cup wnttr Mix rhubarb with sugar and flour, Add rest of Ingredients and pour into butterod pan. Cover with crust. Crust flour toftspoon 1 ttk t.bta.p«on. tablespoon cup milk i Mix- dry IngredlenU. Add inllk slawly, wliou dough forme, pat out and flt ovor top rhubarb.

Make 4 holes In top. Bake 30 minutes In moderate oven, Unmold, rhubarb Bide Benrs warm or cold, Buffalo Livestock East Buffalo, N. May 31 (AP) (U. S. Dcpt pogs 1100; active, generally steady with Wednesday; bulk desirable 160-250 Ibs.

averaging liJO-2'IO Ibs, 10.60, top somewhat plainer kinds and mixed weights 140-160 Ibs, 10.10- 10.SO. Cattle 350, holdovers 250, low grades grassy offering cows and bulls active steady; not much iloue on fed steers; few, medium to good mixed yearlings 9.25; cutters slccrs and heifers 5.50-6,50; medium hulls 6.50-675; fleshy cows low cutter and cutter 4.40-46,00; late wed- ncsday good and choice 1275 Ibs stem 13.00.'. Calves 500, venlcrs mostly steady; good to choice sparingly 10.00. medium to choice lambs with sprinkling fo yearlings included steady good to choice spring lambs throwouts mainly 8.50; huiulyweight ewes 4.00; mixed ewes Did You Hour tho COTY announcement on too radio last nlb'hl? A half-drum bottlo of A Sunm Per'umo 860) will bo nlven to anyone snnillim' the Coty Compiuty tho Coty seal t'rorn tho top a box of Coty'H Knco Powder. Coty'a Kaoo Powder specially priced 69cat Alexander Perifano Tho Itoxull Drug Storo Phono 0000 Wo Dcllvrr DAVIS SHOE CO, "JUST A STEP AHEAD" Our 5th VARIETY is here so wide in scope to sat- 3 isfy tha most Purapi Strap Sandals I Oxfords Step-In Pumps WHITE FOOTWEAR trom UM low sport Pittsburgh Produce Pittsburgh, May 31 (AP) (U.S Pa.

Dcpt. Agr.) Produce demand moderate. Apples, 4 cars; steady; bushel baskets New York 1.60-75; Russets 1.15; Rome Beauties Potatoes, .19 cars; about steady; 60-75; IS-lb. sacks 17-78; Alabama Bliss Triumphs 100 Ib. sacks, 1.50-65; North Carolina Cobblers bbl.

3.25 South Carolina Cobblers 100 Ib. sacks Spanieling Rose 1.50-60. Buttor, weaker; nearby 02 score extra 25Hi standards 80 score 2-1 88 score 24. Eggs weaker; nearby current ro- 100 Ib, sacks Maine eelpts frosh extra firsts tp $1.59 n.95 pPl i- I i vifae SPECTATOR SPORTS FROCKS OF WASHABLE CREPE 10.00 You'll live in them in the country and in the city for business or vacation. Each time they are laundered the delightful pastel shades of pink, blue, maize, and pench look fresher and prettier, then, there are plenty of white, many of which have colored jackets You will find the new yoke treatments, novel back effects, plaid scarfs and belts, flared capes over the shoulders and the buttons down the front new and extremely clever features.

All sizes from 12 to 20 and 38 to 46. OTHERS PRICED AT $5.95 to $15.00 Floor. freah killed, full dressed faena 88 faog dreseed 2 1 live Hstnalnder Pittiburgh May 31 (U S. Hogs, 2,400 including 1,600 IS liighef 170-240 10.50; above 2SO 9.SO-10.2S 130-150 Ibs, 9.5010.00 i 100420 Ibs, 8.7S-9.SO; good sows 8.75. "Catlle, 300 incltiditig 200 difect; stedy; calves 250 including 50 direct; 'Steady; top 13.00; good kind lO.yS-ll^S; good heifers 9.50 fat cows i beef bulls 6.50-7.25 vealers 9.50.

Sheep, about steady; good and choice shorn lambs 7.45-60; oogd sheep 4.75-5.00; goodand choice spring lambs 9.50-10.00. Former Greenville Woman to Receive Degree Four honorary degrees will be conferred by Grdv'e City college at the fifty-sixth annual coitiiticnce- itient sxefcises Jtlhe 12. Recipients Will be: Rev. Wistar Hodge of Princeton seminkfyj and Rev. Irvin Stufgcr of Philadelphia, who will receive degrees of Doctor of Divinity, Oil City, and Judge Lois Downs McDride of Pittsburgh, upon whom will be 1 the degree of Dottor of Laws.

Rev. is a Grove City graduate in the class of 1913, and Judge McBride received an A. B. tfegree there with the class of 1904. Chicago Grain Chicago, May .11 to streiigth by the Liver- pool wheai ttafleet, 'gfnth tended Upwafd eaHy today.

Cables said Liverpool wheat was firftt and advancing because of sdareity of sellers, with rairtS walited ia Australia and Argentina, Opening tiHchafiged 1 to 1-2 cfcfli higher, July 8S-8S 1-8, Chicafri wheat futures advanced all around. Corn started 14 1 1-8 tip, July 78 3-8, and then rose further. government day announced mobilisation of 44,000 additional fat- sefrvieo In East Africa shortly alter Jt stated that Ethiopian officials had arrest" ed Italian diplomatic coUHcfs itig malt to the Italian consulate at Qondar. It Pays to Read and Use Uie Recofd-ArgUS Classified Ads, NABORHOOD STORES Because they have always found the quality of all foods and supplies here to be they know that the owner himself serves they know that the group plan of these stores brings lowest prices, particular people confidently concentrate their food buying at NABORHOOD STORES. can I9c LIBBY'S TENDER Sweet Peat TEMPLAR Sweat Peat 25c LIBBVS FINEST Golden Bantam Corn 2 Mns 27c Starched Linens IN WHITE HAVE BEEN PROCLAIMED IDEAL FOR ALL SUMMER WEAR THIS IS STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE TIME ige.

pkge. 32c ARBUCKLE'S POWDERED Sugar DANISH PRIDE' Milk ROSEBUD Pastry Flour 1 Tuna Fish. can I2c -ln Ib. can. 2 I9c King Ko Spinach.

.2 ige can. 29c Libby's I4c LIBBY'S CUT Groan or Wax Boans 2 can. 33c Hart Kidney I9c FRENCH'S Worcestershire Sauce bottle I5c Blue Rose Rice 2 lie MICHIGANDER Navy Boans 60 Smart halts to wear with the new cotton frocks flattering, snug fitting crowns 'and graceful brims with bands and bindings in Dubonnet, Green, Brown, Navy and Black with tiny flower clusters match one of this season's outstanding successes. Floor. PLAY SUITS The Cool and Practical Garment -For Summer Time Play Dayir U.OO want to wear one of every wbep she sew bow plfysrty Pjywjwfe.anS how 9001 and comtor, talple thw Shorts are pleated, are backless styles witti halter neck aiyj TM ot Gingham, Broaclok 8M9ker Noye)ty Polka Pets'wjth nawcal appjiques, necks and other 1 1 tQ'14 bew Seer' Rinse 2 9 lge LIFEBUOY Health Soap .3 ban, 1 9c Boggle Blnner .....3 can.

25e NEW METHOD Carpel Cleaner 22c i i Brano a SB Ot SB cleans as it polishes 2 pkges.26C Soap CLEVELAND Paper Cleaner 3 23o CHARMIN BATHROOM TISSUE EQUATED 4 25c STOKPS n. these specials at yoqr 'Offbortooodp' PA,.

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