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The Record-Argus from Greenville, Pennsylvania • Page 4

The Record-Argusi
Greenville, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

0 'ftl isio thurs- A Wry crowd present. McQraiitthaft was officer of and UftrlftJa ft Wise of ft former Jamestown address Wertd office, hone South iWrsI' MoKlhaney, repreBeirf alive. of Jamestown Jflfth school tho of "Flahdew Weld" was given by Stanley Fuhrer. thft parado started from tho Mtown hall At P. mi with Uftl colors, firing, Squad, ciold Star Mothers, votorona, wives and flower ear, American Ixsglon, Spanish -American War veterans, Sons of Voterans, volunteer firemen, Uoy Bcouts, high nohool pupils, trrado pupils in this pftrftde.

The Gold Star Mothers present Were i Mrs. Kilo. McGranalian, Mrs. draco MoGnumhatu Tho Spanish- American War veterans present woroi Troy Spelr, dommiuulorj George MoColl. senior vlco command- that ioiw'taW Oaphnt, tt WHO Robert Redo, far'hu tt tweaeatd and Ur.

Mhtr Aathtt from Chapter LOVK HAT does it matter what she liaysT" Daphno naked, softly. her, do you?" arms looked round bin 'neck, ihe: smiled up at him wistfully. 'Dello've that you're marrying me Robort Apart from anything haven't got any of my own, n'e'slId from his arms, and down his hair. She said softly, "It Was rathor silly 'wasn't it? nut i don't thai all tho (money Is tied up on her and that vyo'u can't leave' me a thing. Not that lVnnVyou'to, my dear.

not as all'thot." jnerconaryl'' he laughed twe'ak'e'd her oar. "You Ibaven't even got a business head, Shave; you7 Imagining that your no- credit whon it was tHE I SUNDAY I SCHOOL J-LESSON at ntaWATBt of ntawATBft. tnlun, tor June 2 bAY OP 'W6R8HIP LB88ON dOLbBM God It Spirit! ttid that wornhlp him mail werihlti him Ift iftlrit and In 4:24. JUNIOR Our Lord'a AND What Should Oft Bundnyf tOUNQ AND What Do When Worship. tftt myaolf a pair bl pearl ear rings! didn't quite, I pulled myself together In time." She laughed rather ahrllly.

"OUt It wni a near thing. Such a lovely pair! They suited 10 welt 'and they were really eheapt" LlSON had not gone to her room. ahe alammed the boudoir door, abe ran down the atalra, Ring on her hat ai eho fled out of the front door and slammed that too. People turned round to alare at her Aa ahe darted down the prim atepa and ran headlong aceoii Cheater Square. A reipootablo and even dull neighborhood, Chester Square' ia unuaed to pretty glrla rushing madly with fever-bright eyes and flushed faces along Its'sombre atreete.

She reached the corner of, Bbury Street; breathless and panic-stricken. Sup-, pose he had gone? Out the shabby blue Rover was waiting, the curb. "Thore you are Alison did not anawor. She leaped Into the and alammod that door too, "Hullo? What's upt" Ke looked startled, naturally. "Don't talk to mo for a minute and drivo like amoko," aho bogged.

"I'm almost speechless with rago, that's all," The Origin tf the (Gen. 2:2, 8). When God had completed the heavens and the earth he desisted from creative adtlon, Since his creative work was finished* days, he ceased from'action on seventh day, which Was 1 therefore, called the Subbnth or rest day, The Shbbath WOB not a Mosaic but an Udenlc Institution. It Is older by centuries than the Sabbath given to Israel at Slnal. II.

The Sabbath Glven'to Israel (Bxod. It was undo a peculiar sign ot covenant relation between tho chosen people and Qod (Deut. 10). It enjoins a twofold 1. Work through six days (T.

8), Work was Qod'B primary thought for men (Gen. It expresses man's normal condition. The command, to work six days Is Just as binding as the command to rest on the seventh day. 2. Rest on tho seventh day (v.

10). There must be cessation from work on the Sabbath. Since Qod gavo the example and then sanctified the day, It should be kept holy. It WBB not only to give relief to the body, but to be a time when man's thoughts 1 would bo turned to It was designed to keep fresh In man's mind the consciousness of God and her mercies. It was thus made for man's well-being (Mark Ill, The Flret Day of the WeeK (Acts The early Christians mot on the first day of the week to break tho bread of fellowship and to worship God.

Paul used this assembly as an occasion to preach the gospel, Doubtless this became tho day of rest and worship In honor ot the Carf, a formef Jatnestoftrt boy, Who tot a nufnber of years furnished the hiuslo fof this annual occasion, selections were rendered by the band and enjoyed by the aspf-e' olfttlVB arid attentive efowd. Invocation by ttev. M. llassiett, pastor of Jamestown church, The orewd highly appreciated 8 and hearing ono of forinef boya, hev 4 Wise of clearfleld, who left this cdmrnuhlty 48 ago, The speaker stated It a great bloaOUre and honor conferred on him to be invited to return to Jamestown and the Memorial Day address, visit the graven of his toved ones, Including members of his oWn family, former 1 schoolmates and friends, visit the foHnor neighbors, relatives and fHonds who were able to attend tho services. lie stated as ho stood there amid so many well-known faces, memories of tho post crowded thick and fast about him.

Ho recalled his old homo north of tho cemetery, tho railroad beside tho cemetery, where ho walked four years attending Jamestown tllgh school, and' thought ho could MMm'tuber every tie beneath thtt' rails, Onorof tho outstanding figures in his life Was Prof. B. Scott, who was principal of tho Jam- High sohbol (luring his high school, career, who ftau long since passed to reward. Ho said ono day'as ho wan driving from Greenville to, Mercer ho and his wife stopped, at St. John's church and visited tho church cemetery where they stood with bowed heads over tho graves of Prof, and Mrs.

J. B. Scott, and many of tho high school wcporloncCs wero related os ho. was to start out In tho world 20 years aero, to help make tho world a bettor pluoo to live. Ho has had many experiences, his llfo was broadened, mot people of many countrioa'aa his work has on htm Into three states.

Ho stated "we meet here today to honor those who gave their lives who did In ffttieh t6t tftti' during those dark fcev. Mf. 'Wile weft (trlvUirf tfefotlSh the eastern Halt of Ihe stale they visited Valley wtere thfry sAW.lfte ufiale el WaehlnRton ou.boWed asklfitf dod for nivint gutdaner during ens the durkert chapters 1ft H'hfc fitei' ofy ot AinrHca, whefi Wkshlhgtotfs moh wert halt half njji'bdlnf thd Winter. ddwti Ict'w'af of 1818, that wo may jsnjoy freedom. This land ot ours IB a great land, Ono that with 18 states along: the "rolllnir Atlantic with a few thousand V'ooplo 'nnd haa grown to 48 states and over 122 millions.

"What "has been tho secret of this greatness of our country? Has It been tho natural resources? Well that has helped, but tho real score 1 has been what our forofatnors brought to this land across too Atlantic from the countries of Europe, They comb to worship God and en Joy freedom and make new homes In thla wilderness. brough tho Blblo, Sabbath, tho" conviction that stood for God and political "Wo must not forget tho sacrifices rendered by our forefathers, When wo tlitnk of Patrick Henry back In Uovolutlonnry days, wnon ho said, Ariitoer atfc Butler Square la unuied to pretty -glrlVru'thlno madly. vrny, ybu paid The manager nearly Bt, when I explained bow I'd to give the post-dated one. He I'd better get'you make ours account, so that you could on gave laugh' at the roinom- loo, "He's such a nice man. He quite fatherly! Patting my arm wanting to know What I'd done "4'ftbjmt settlements and ybu Injured your had quite a lot iVAt to get away." by the way, about insurlng- It might be the plan if I-did Insure my life In favor, I've been thinking you wJd last.jilgb said and tUnt Is you Paphne full of only said that I know difflcHlt was to keep money turns up, and one loaves It.

that's juat, IV I Ineuro, you "All right But Just look at this." Ho dropped an early News Into her lap and obeyed her order almost too literally, The car Jumped forward, shaved the corner out Into Constitution Mill, took the Ducking- ham Palace Head bond on two whools and wont up Into tho Park at a pace which" defied all regulations. They missed a shocked Rolls by more laches as they did tho whirligig around the statue of the old Queen, and touched sixty in the Mall. Hut Alison, oblivious pf the' risks they sat pallid, staring at the paper on her Only a paragraph wedged In he- the victory of the Arsenal and a plans; a paragraph with the heading In thick black print, "BODY IN AN BMPTV HOU8KI," Below: "New tenants, breaking Into locked cellar in the Croft House, Wartoy, Sussex, today found the body of a man' who had evidently been dead some "The police, sailed la onoe, are still examining the premises and can make no statement'but appears that tbe body must have there at leait' four days, The fact tMt tho door was locked and the key mjsslni (9 a suspicious clrcunv up at the top of Street, that'i were there!" Alison mered, don't uaderstaadl I wean, bow could body iot there!" Lord's resurrection. IV. True Worship Taught (lohn 4 1.

True worship Is not confined to a particular place (vv. 21, 22). Tbe place Is unimportant. The all- Important thing Is to have the right conception i of Qod as revealed through the 3ovm. Since Qod Is omnipresent, the true worshiper can hold Intercourse with him anywhere and everywhere.

2. It must be spiritual (vv. 23, 84). God Is Spirit, Therefore, only those who through regeneration have a spiritual nature truly worship God. y.

A Psalm of Worship (Ps. 100). 'i. Wtiom to' worship (v. 1).

Woty ship aiiovld be rendered to God, for Ue. alouo Is wprtljv. 2, The spirit of worship (T. 2). Worship should be Joyful, This Joy Bhould be manifest In the singing of praises to Qod, 8.

Who should worship (v. 1). All the'world should worship, not merely the Jews, all nations, The peculiar mission of tho Jews was fo cull' all nations to tho worship of the true Qod. 4. Reasons for worship (vv.

3-5), Go'd Bhould be worshiped because he IB God, Being -God, ho la our Creator, Preserver, and Savior. The Soul Poise of the True Werehlper (Col. Peace rules iho llfo (v. 15). The one Joined to Christ by faith and resting In his flnUhed work ot 'peace with God and should bo peace -with nil members of the body I'ead Christ.

2, Give thanks to God (T. 15). In ffplte of all troubles which beset the Cbrlatlim, should all be drowned in bis constant giving of thanks'to God. Christ's Word to dwell In the heart (T- It is not enough to know the truth; the very words of Christ tnnst be taatie real In experience- They -must be made to dwell, titat IB, be, at home In heart. 4, 'The 'definite function of tbe Christian (r, 10), It to teach, and warn others.

Christ's wprdf dwell- lug In the believer wjll rwtt'lu, towing to others. The'Christian' ehpuld always maintain a Joyous A)) that Christian ahvuld bt flory Tbe enthroueroentipf, Obrlltlfta'B duties are pej copclouanew pf 'Give mo Liberty "or give mo death'. must rf call' Washington, Oreeney Where We fought tot tMt ncc from and on to the civil War, where au? country divided bver slavery, tio could etftfld where it was divided gainst Itself, Itft their plows and went to ho fronl with their guns to fight or the Union. "Again in 1014 iho Bp'ark was lg- nlted when we entered the World's War, Some say we should have kept out ot it, Bui could We? Germany said we could just send one ship a Wock to England and that was on Hunday and just ono could come U) America from England each week and that must be on Wednesday. The ships had to bo painted a certain color and carry certain flags.

"Wo either had to Join tho allies, acknowledge Germany as our dictator. Wo entered the and manyt of our loved ones of America Ho bur- cd In French soli today with Amer- can flags floating over them, and many woro sent homo and interred American eoll. "Shall wo forgot what'our liberty cost? Tho lives taken, the land ruined? not. We cannot." Among 1 those present from a distance woro: Harry Laughrcy, of and Mrs. Harry McCtlmons, Franklin; Miss Etta Moroland, Lock Haven; Mrs.

Susan Wylle, Arblo and J. P. Clark, of Mahonlngtown; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cook and daughter, of Salem, and Mrs.

Frank Mrs. Joe Alden, and family, J. B. 1 Martin, and Mrs. Frlzzol, William Glanoy, of Mr.

and Mrs. 'Bert Mullen and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. K.

Davidson and daughter Doris, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Royal, Mrs.

Emery and daughter, of Castle. Mrs. Ijottle Brown of Conneaut, Miss Mary Blue, Pittsburgh; Mrs. Nannie Mr. and Mrs, Ray Booscr and son, of Erie; Mr.

and Mrs. George Davis and daughter Ruth, Mrs. Ella Bailey Morelajid, Sharpsvlllo; John Bailey, William Andrews, Dr. and Mrs. Fre'd Ifans, Mr.

and Mrs. John Paxton and Max Vernon, Greenville; Miss Gladys North and Miss Molllo McCrumb, of Sharon; Miss Sara Cough, of Grove City. BRIEFS Frank Tarono 1ms purchased tho Fischer property, Malix street, recently occupied by Mr. and Fred Moore," Now Castle, Mr. and called on Wednesday.

at the home of Mrs. Mamie Thiif8daf Mr. and Mrs. Robert OehmlW IM children bort and fend MU8 frorreit of frtUbtirth, ftobei-t Nolan of and and Mrs. Button of dreenvitle.

REUNIONS KremlS, Buhl FaJrrn, fihwoh, 16, SfttUtdajr. White School, tfalfrvlew township, June 16. "I have had butlers all my life and 'ihoiild know what they shbtild and 'Shouldn't do," said, Viscoujit be Kergoet, eon of a Paris banker, who became a butler In.the home of Mr. and Mrs, James Darele of Paiadena, because he couldn't make a living In any other way. (Associated Preia Photo) Struck by ftn bite which police said was drIVeft by State Representative Alfred Tronzo, aul 41, of la dead of his injuries.

Also Atttd tteflfinhfclnf Instant Setttee, confidential HAfcofr flfrAfrefe CO, 1 Shafpsvllfo PISH PRY TONIGHT 20c Shady Side Park Dancing Mrs, Gongq Loyd Mr. Farone will the house. Mr." and Mrs. J. R.

Fry are from tho Davidson house on Main street to the Martin house on Depot street. Hood and son Arthur of WHIamsCleld were recent guests of M. Jean' Youngstown a "few days at her home hereT and Stanley children Meadvlllo spent Thursday with Mrs. Ella McQrana- han. William- Courtney of OH City spent Thursday nt his home here.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sherbondy and daughter Margaret Sarah Sherbondy were guests of Dr. and Mrs. James Shorbondy of Young stown Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald BarleiV and daughter "of Sharpsvllle were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M.

P. Larkln on Thursday. Mr. nntl Mrs. Charles Wooley of Just Received Fresh Shipment Boston Mackerel 3 Ibs.

211 Main Street place, it went right the Ut" ttM HE AT Is As GREAT An Enemy Of FURS As The MOTH! j', Proper Fur Protection During Summer Months Requires COLD Storage The deadliest enemy of fine is HEAT. Atk any expert tell you heat dries out the natural oils and cracks the skins. Don't trust YOUR furs to anything short of Cold Storage! S-H Fur Vaulh Are The City's Largest And Most Modern! First of they. a clean, dry, bracing ARCTIC COLD which keeps furs glossy an'd they are a protection from MOTHS an4 DIRT, they insure your furs against FIRB and THEFT, they are right here on- the fari are available at any time. Red Circle Coffee A rich and full-bodied blend of the finest coffees grown.

Ground before your eyes to suit your method of making. 2 39 Sharp Cheese Wax Paper Chili Sauce Pickles Sweet Pickles Waldorf Tissue Matches Bread and Butter 23c 2 ro 8 I3c 12-01. btl. I5C Jar quart-, jar 35C 4 I7c boxes 25C 55c WhitehouseMilk3 I9c Peanut Butter 'l7c Cornflakes Jorse 2 Ginqerale Bllver Knight Salad Dressing 29c Brand Salad Dressing quart jar 25e: Tub Butter 2 Sllvcrbrook Country Roll Style 2 Ibt, 57e Rafah Mustard Flavor to Your Favorite Dishei Ibe. 51c 9-ei.

Coylpn' rt 2 bus. 9C Plus So Btl, JDep. Sweet Pickles Wldlar'i Swaet Alio Red Salmon 2 25-ci. 9c 2lc tall cant 35c Fancy Suhana Brand New Potatoes 10' 23c of 'up to of STORAGE valuation IOQ MINIMUM CHARGES tur. well fUy wi I lp ffpijr remodel all pf fur soiWi new fwr t9 Large, Solid, Thin-Skinned, Selected U.S.., Government Grade No.

I Bananas 5 ii 25c Lettuce Crlip, Solid Tomatoes Ripe, Fansy Hot Houie Large, Golden-Yellow Ripe Fruit Cucumbers Large, Fancy, Hot Home each 5c lOc I7c QUALITY SPECIALS SKINNED QrSwift Premium) 25c Whole or String End THUR1NGER OR SOFT 27c VEAL ROASf lie SMOKED CALLAS ELUE PJKE FILETS BOSTON BLUE FISH ASSORTED COLD.

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