The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • 17
- Publication:
- The Cincinnati Enquireri
- Location:
- Cincinnati, Ohio
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 17
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
June 21, 1948 THE CINCINNATI ENQUIRER Page 17 STEEL PILE Would Melt Fast If Miners Strike, Says Trade Publication. Demand Continues High Fo Non-Ferrous Metals During Last Week. Cleveland, June 20-(AP)-The magazine Steel said today "outcome of the coal controversy holds the key to steel supply, not only for the immediate future but for the next winter as well." There has been little opportunity to rebuild fuel stocks, said the trade journal, which continued: "Should the dispute be settled with a miners' strike it is considered possible that production following the Fourth of July letdown may rebound to present high levels. At least the raw material situation should be better, as various blast furnaces now down for repairs are about ready to resume operations if no mine strike is called. "'However, if a miners' strike oceurs it not only would immediately Interrupt steel production but would prevent summer stock piling of coal in readiness for winter.
Consequently, it is conceivable a coal strike now would be felt in the early months of 1949." Pressure of all leading steel products continues strong, and the national operating rate held last week per cent of rated capacity, said Steel. It also that "a strong undertone "persists in scrap, particularly in cast grades." New York, June 20-(AP)--Copper, lead and zinc demand continued high last week, with foreign buyers more active. Platinum prices dropped $13 an ounce to $75 wholesale and $78 retail. A seasonal decline in demand from the jewelry trade was credited. Iridium dropped in sympathy to a new price of $100 to $110 an ounce.
Palladium held at $24 an Tungsten ore dropped $2 a short ton to $28, reflecting the recent cut in imports duty on tungsten concentrates. Tri-state zinc. concentrate producers kept the price at $78 a ton, but said the apparent burial of Russel mine subsidy bill under the last-minute rush in Congress would lead to increased pressure for a zinc price hike. Major non-ferrous metals prices: cents a pound, Connecticut Valley; foreign cents to cents, New York basis. cents a pound, New York: 17.30 cents East St.
Louis: foreign, cents, Gulf of Mexico ports. Zinc-12 cents a pound, East St. Louis; 12.65 cents, New York; foreign, nominal, 13 cents, Gulf of Mexico ports. cents an ounce, New York; 5 pence, London. a pound, New York.
Aluminum-15 cents a pounds in ingot, 14 cents in pigs, shipping point basis. cents a pound, New York; 35 cents, bulk, Laredo, recased, cents a pound, electrolytic cathodes, Port Colborne, 36.35 cents, New York. an ounce wholesale, $78 retail, New York. for flask of 76 pounds, New York. Tungsten ton, carload lots, delivered.
Along Business Front Former Cincinnatian Is Named General Counsel Of Big New York Company. Rodney M. Nash, formerly of Cincinnati, has been appointed general counsel of Pan American a Petroleum Transport Co. of New York, it announced yesterday D. J.
Smith, President. He ed Thomas E. Sunderland, recently appointed general counsel of Standard Oil Co. (Indiana). Subsidiaries of Pan American NASH.
include American Oil Mexican Petroleum Pan American Refining Corp. and Pan American Production Co. The companies operate refineries in Texas. Georgia and Maryland, and market petroleum in 18 Eastern states. Nash was graduated from Withrow High School in 1926.
After receiving his A. B. degree from Ohio Wesleyan University, he studlied law at the University of Cincinnati, where he received his LLB in 1934. In 1941 he received an LLM from the University of Michigan. He is a member of Alpha Tau Omega, Phi Mu Alpha and Phi Alpha Delta fraternities.
While engaged in practice in Cincinnati, Nash served as associate Index and Ohio Law Reporter. In 1935 he became associate editor of the Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co. of Rochester, N. and in 1938, managing editor of Banks-Baldwin Law Publishing Co. of.
Cleveland and New York. From 1941 to 1943 he was principal attorney for the United States Department Labor. Nash joined Pan American Potroleum Transport Co. in 1945, after three years with the law firm of Crovath, Swaine Moore of New York. MEETING SLATED: Cincinnati will play host the first three days of next week to Crosley distributors from all parts of the world when they convene here to view a new line of Crosley radio and television home receivers.
The meeting is the second of the year for Crosley. The distributors wil! tour the recently: enlarged Crosley television plant in Cincinnati where video sets are produced. Business sessions will be held in the company's new auditorium and display room on the ninth floor of the general office. HEADS GROUP: John F. Poetker Jr.
of the John F. Poetker Son Cincinnati, was elected President National Candy Wholesalers Association at the group's recent three-day annual convention in Chicago. INSURANCE NOTES: NASH. These: are new officers of the Cincinnati Chapter of the AmeriSociety of Chartered Life Underwriters: Richard W. Angert, General Agent of Penn Mutual Life Insurance President: Arthur Barringer, Manager of the Prudential Life Insurance Vice President; and William Spiker, Manager of the New York Life Insurance Secretary-Treasurer.
New directors: Thomas McNeil of Big Turn For Better Taken In Business, Survey Shows Washington, June 20 (AP) Business clearly has taken a bigger and better turn after brief hesitation in early 1948, the Commerce Department reported today. An upswing and new orders placed with the factories during May and this month "marks the end of the period of hesitation," a new department survey of business conditions said. Stepped-up spending, it added, put a halt to the piling up in stocks of goods in the hands of business. Inventories had been showing a large increase in earlier months. The rising clamor for goods also brought a renewal in the price advance and induced factories to pick up their production schedules, the report said.
Behind the spending speed-up the department saw: (1)-Lower taxes, which began leaving more money in pay envelopes as the lower withholding rates became effective at the start of May. round" wage increases In the mass-production industries "which in previous years established the pattern of wage increases for many other industries." (3)-Increased buying under the European Recovery Program. Graduate Mechanical Engineer Able to satisfactorily design and correctly supervise production of air conditioning equipment. Cincinnati location. References required.
Salary open. Reply Box 455, Enquirer. HEATING, VENTILATING, AIR- CONDITIONING and REFRIGERATION Sales Engineer FOR CINCINNATI TERRITORY Must have adequate technical background and record of successful sales experience. Must be capable of contacting architects, consulting engineers, industrial engineers, not only to interest but to sell Opportunities unlimited. Salary plus bonus.
Reply Box 454, The Enquirer. Prices of foods and farm products, which had stumbled in early 1948, got back on the upward path with other prices, the department reported, commenting that by the first week of June: "Prices of goods were within two per cent, and prices of farm products within four per cent, of their earlier peaks. The (price) index for commodities other than farm products and foods was somewhat higher than in January." "LOST" FATHER FOUND. Palisades, N. June 20-(UP)Police at Palisades Amusement Park today discovered Bobby Thompson, 6, wandering by himself in the crowd.
"Are you lost, sonny?" they asked. Bobby insisted he knew where he was. But he added that his father was lost. Police, paging the lost father through loudspeakers, eventually found him. LIVESTOCK Cincinnati livestock market as reported by the United States Department of Agriculture.
Production and Marketing Administration, based on market conditions and sales as reported up to 10 a. week m. June 19: Barrows and Hogs--Compared ago: gilts closed higher, instances up more on weights over 250; Scarcity weights under 160 and over 280; week's top, paid late $28.25, highest quotation since last January. Sows shared advance, light month offerings late to $22; sharp reduction receipts compared previous period; few feeder pig sales Cattle and Calves -Compared week ago: Strictly dry-feed slaughter cattle very scarce and dwindling supply grain on grass offerings; market steady to strong, demand bread; bulk marketable supplies light grassers in all classes, demand narrowing and price weak to $2 lower in very uneven outlet; good beef cows and bulls scarce, but 50c to $1 lower; veal are mostly steady, late deals uncovering decline of around week's sales included small lots high-good to low-choice 700 to 1,200 lb steers high-good 700 lb mixed yearlings 670 lb heifers $33; medium and good steers and heifers lead lots 990 lb steers $31.50 and 725 16 heifers common and medium grassers cutter grade few medium and good beef cows 50; common and medium grades bulked some common $19; canners and cutters largely shelly canners $15.50 down to $10 and below; small supply medium and good sausage bulls $24.50 top on good $26 sparingly; chiefly common light dairy-bred bulls week's top on vealers $30, late $29; under trend on stocker and feeder steers, generally steady; medium and good 640 to 710 lb steers medium 710 lb steers $26.50. Sheep week ago: Slaughter lambs and ewes generally steady; few closing deals spring lambs instances weak to $1 lower: late demand narrow; choice light ewes 50c higher; pool and trucked in native spring lambs topped $32; chiefly mixed offerings including bucks, medium to choice few good and choice common lightweights $27 down to $22: few good and choice 100 shorn lambs $25: medium and good $24; odd choice light ewes to $11.50, mostly $11 down, with weignty ewes on bulk.
FACILITIES AVAILABLE Metal Cleaning and Coating Industrial manufacturer and applicator of high resistant acid and alkali coatings, with facilities for blasting, metal cleaning, spraying, dipping and baking-with experienced personnel, wants any quantity metal items-fans, ducts, pipe, sheets, tanks, blowers, etc. Two spur tracks and overhead cranes. CYCLIC CHEMICAL Permolite Division Phone 4-6530 Hamilton, Ohio STRICTLY RICHTER. 6-21 Copr. 1948, King Features Syndicate, World rights reserved.
"Did you say SEPARATE checks?" Playing Time Is Increased From Eight To 45 Minutes In New Phonograph Record New York, June 20-(Special) -A phonograph record, capable of reproducing an entire symphony on one 12-inch disk was demonstrated here this week end by Columbia Records. A 12-inch double-face reclord, known as a microgroove, made of vinylite, will play for 45 minutes against the present playing time of eight minutes. The record player, made by Philco can be attached to any phonograph. A big library of the new records is ready for distribution. The new record player turns at revolua minute instead of the conventional 78 revolutions a minute.
The player is equipped with a new type featherweight electronic tone arm-and stylus which exert only of an ounce playing pressure the record service. tith The new record ranges from 224. to 300 microgrooves to the inch, compared with the 85 to 100l grooves cut in ordinary records. The new micregrooves are threethousandths of an inch wide, the approximate diameter of a human hair. The new players and the new records are to be available immediately in the market.
Real Estate Transfers (Tax indicated in transfers is affixed at the rate of 55 cents for every $500, fraction thereof, of value of property conveyed.) ANDERSON TOWNSHIP D. Harrison to Dwight W. Broeman, 19 acres in Survey 70-3; also, 14 acres in same survey; $1 (tax ANDERSON FERRY -Hattie Ruehlmann Zinn's to Louise Mehrckens. Lot 5 of Peter Subdivision: Lot 6 of same subdivision; $1 (tax AVONDALE Jack Levine to Edward Lipson, an undivided one-half interest in an irregular lot on Alaska Court; $1 (tax AVONDALE Wheat to Sallie G. Jones, part of Lot 21 of William F.
Irwin's Subdivision; $1 (tax AVONDALE -Helen Deremo to Henry Dentel and Jack Mollman, doing business as Equity Auto Sales, 2-year lease from July 1, 1948, of 1753 Reading monthly rental $275. AVONDALE -Phil M. Schuman to Edythe Kanter. 241 Sturgis $1 (tax BLUE -Mozelle E. Fussner to Beulah A.
Wellman, Lot 90 of Arcadia Subdivision; $1 (tax CENTRAL--Sol H. Freiberg to Walter L. and Nell R. Gross, Isaac N. Jarson and Esther H.
Jarson. an undivided one-half interest in 213 W. Fifth $1 (tax Sigmund Freiberg Estate to same, an undivided one-nalf interest in same property; $16,250 (tax CLIFTON HEIGHTS--Clara Reichert to Emma Pulskamp, 25 by 95 feet on the south side of Klotter Avenue, 182 feet west of Clifton Avenue; $1 (tax -Bertha Z. Kelsall to Elaine B. Rippe, Lot 3 of Greenview Subdivision: $1 COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP-Robert Bokelman to Mary M.
Bokelman, his wife, part of Lot 3 Riggle's Estate, Section 18: $1. COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP-Arthur Koehne to Emma C. Kamphaus, 50 by 170 feet in Section 17; $1 (tax $11). -Elizabeth Kohl to Thomas A. CINCINNATI STOCK EXCHANGE RECORD the Provident Life Insurance Robert Lauer of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.
and George Vinsonhaler, General Agent of the John Hancock Life Insurance Co. Seven members of the Cincinnati Agency of the Union Central Life Insurance Co. have received the 1948 National Quality Award for life underwriting. They outstanding work in the field. of F.
Clyde, Elsie S. Doyle, Joseph H. Grossman, John H. Kegg, Alvin J. Lehman, Irene P.
Monford and Esther F. Vandervort. William T. Earls, Cincinnati General Agent of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Hart- ford, has qualified for the 1948 Million Dollar Round Table, he was notified by Paul H.
Dunnavan, Minneapolis, Chairman of the topflight insurance men's organization. Earls has qualified every year since 1939 except 1943 to 1945 when he was service. Earls's fourth in paid-for duction among all agencies. will head gation to the annual conference through Saturday Alberta. Other local agency chosen of outstanding the last 12 months Massa, Associate ager; Gerald supervisor; brokerage manager; Urmston, estate ment; Anthony Boettger, Robert bert H.
Hillenmeyer, tives of the Cincinnati E. Chenault, tive, and E. ager of the William I. representative of Insurance Co. of earned membership pany's National J.
McCoy, manager nati agency, Members of the the Equitable of Iowa who will pany's 36th annual Atlantic City. N. Joseph B. Moorman, who will head M. Boex, Clem J.
Moorman man, Vincent G. C. Scanlon and Boland of Cincinnati; gan, Fort Thomas, Hukill, Louisville, Howell, Hamilton, ward W. Gowert Williamson, Dayton, James C. Fire, Casualty Cincinnati, will speakers at a bermen's Mutual Agents Advisory Thursday and Ohio, Russell the company, Representatives states will attend.
in the military agency ranked insurance proof the company's EARLS. a 10-man delecompany's three-day Thursday at Jasper Park, members of the in recognition achievement during are Arthur R. General ManIsphording, agency William P. Shields, Howard T. planning departAch, W.
C. Miller and Rorepresenta- office; Dean Hamilton representations Calhoun Grier, manMiddletown office. Yaegers, the Mutual Life. New York, has in the comField Club, Charles of the Cincinannounced yesterday. Cincinnati agency Life Insurance Co.
attend the comconvention in today are: General Agent the delegation; Al. B. Richard J. Ruthemeyer, John Miss Dorothy A. H.
Leon Lee F. Ross C. Ohio, and Edand Joseph H. Ohio. O'Connor, Editor of Surety Bulletins, be one of the meeting of the LumInsurance Council to be held Friday in Mansfield, Davis, President of announced yesterday.
from more than 30 33 1.00 Electric 501 6-16 Total sales for the week were 7,895 shares. Total sales for the week ended June 11, 1948, were 8,665 shares. Paid so far this year. (v) Plus stock dividend. 151 Plus 20 per cent stock dividend.
Plus $1.00 extra. Plus 50 cents extra. (X) Plus 25 cents extra. Plus $2.00 extra. The table shows sales of stocks on the Cincinnati Exchange for week ended June 18, 1948, the high and low for 1948, the dividends, the high and low for the week, change for the week and last sale on the Exchange with the date.
1948 1948 Last Week Last Sale Low. Div. STOCKS. High. Low.
Price. Date. 27 3.00 Allied Stores 36 36 36 6-15 13 .60 Aluminum Industries 20 6-16 American Airlines 5-20 X2.00 Laundry Mach. 6-17 Products 6- 7 149 9.00 American Tel. Tel.
114 1555 6-18 Armco Steel 215 6-17 3 5-19 19 1.50 Baldwin 140 6-16 .50 Beau Brummell 5-27 23 20 .40 Burger Brewing 22 6-11 47 2.00 Carthage Mills 6-10 6.00 Do A 4-16 2.40 Do 4-16 18 1.00 Champion Paper 6-13 3.00 Chesapeake 6-18 11 8 Churngold 6- 7 5 .15 ICin'ti Adv. Prod. 6 6- 2 23 1.40 Cin'ti Gas 473 29 6-18 102 92 4.00 Do new pf. 75 101 100 1 100 6-17 80 4.00 IC. N.
O. T. P. 20 95 95 95 6-16 812 104 5.00 Do pf. 31 6-18 6-16 5 .15 Cin'ti Street 820 81 73 4.50 Telephone 222 75 74 6-18 35 35 2.25 Cin'ti Tob.
Whse. 35 4- 9 13 11 .85 Cin'ti Union Stock 2001 11 6-18 .50 Cities Service 342 6-18 City Ice 6- 3 2.50 Coca-Cola A 160 12- 5 18 18 1.00 Cohen Dan 18 6- 7 .60 Columbia Gas 265 6-18 Commonwealth Southern. 5-14 Crosley Motors 80 6-16 83 Curtiss-Wright 6-17 .60 Crystal Tissue 4-28 36 36 1.75 Dayton Mich. R. 36 1-18 4.00 Do pi.
97 10-11 1.80 Dayton Power 6-18 .50 Dixie Ice 15 10-22 .45 Dow Drug 8 5-17 7.00 Do pf. 6- 1 1.80 Eagle-Picher 23 6-17 8.00 Early 116 11- 4 21 2.00 Federated Dept. 150 6-16 1.20 Formica 501 6-18 Foundation Investment 6- 3 70 70 5.00 Do pf. 70 6- 3 30 Drug 30 2- 9 32 General Electric 41 41 6-17 3.00 General Motors 2491 64 6-16 58 49 Gibson Art 34 51 51 51 6-15 .50 Hatfield-Campbell 5- 1 65 62 5.00 Do part pt 81 62 62 62 6-16 .45 Mfg. Co.
6-11 13 .75 14 6-10 2.50 Do new 6-16 .2.40 Kroger 6-18 29 .50 Lunkenheimer 581 6-18 95 93 4.30 Little Miami 1 93 93 93 6-14 2.00 Do spl. 44 10-28 10 1.00 Magnavox 5- 1 26 24 Manischewitz 26 6- 1 .75 Meteor Motor 5-27 National Cash 6- 7 New York 6-10 1.00 Oil 1001 6-16 .15 105 51 5 5 6-16 .50 Penn. R. R. 10 6-14 15 .30 Pepsi-Cola 45 15 2 15 6-17 Gamble, 4471 6-18 230 215 8.00 Do 220 5-26 1.00 Pure Oil Co.
3401 41 6-17 15 .30 Radio Corp. 3481 15 14 15 6-18 8 .25 Randall 100 7 7 7 6-17 15 13 1.00 Rapid Electrotype new 350 6-17 23 1.00 Socony Vacuum Oil 197 23 6-17 29 2.00 Standard Brands 10 6-14 V4.00 Standard Oil N. J. 385 6-18 .75 Standard Oil Ohio 1301 34 6-18 1.50 Timken Roller 10 6-15 United Aircraft Prod. 3-18 53 50 U.
S. Playing 5- 1 40 2.00 Print. Lith. 115 45 45 6-17 50 48 2.50 Do pf. 21 6-15 82.
5.00 U. S. Steel 2251 81 6-18 .36 Western Bank 8 5-24 Average Price of 30 Leading DOLLARS BASED UPON DOW-JONES AVERAGE OF 30 LEADING DOLLARS PER SHARE INDUSTRIAL STOCKS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE HER SHARE 240 RANGE -240 EXTREME PRICE 220 1947 1948 Based Upon Daily- 220 July HIGH June 14 194.49 Closing Prices 200 May 19 161.38 LOW Feb. 164.07. 200 LAST WEEK 180 High -Monday 180 Low Friday 190.56 160 June 18 160 140 140 191.65 120 CLOSING PRICE JUNE 15, 1948, WAS 120 HIGHEST SINCE AUG.
26, 1946 100 100 RO 80 1941 1942 1943. 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 41 Buffalo, N. June 20-(AP)The Buffalo Bisons and Syracuse Chiefs of the International League went on a hitting tear in their doubleheader today with these results: A total of 68 hits and 67 runs. Fifteen home runs-10 of them hit by Buffalo in the first game for a League record. A total of 20 doubles.
Buffalo won the first game, 28-11, and the second, 16-12. The Bisons' 44 runs tied their own League production record set in 1932. Baseball? Fall Injuries Fatal To Window Cleaner A 37 year old window cleaner died at General Hospital late yesterday from a basal skull fracture and other injuries suffered June 8 when he fell 30 feet from a window at the National Lead 1027 W. Seventh the office of Coroner Herbert P. Lyle The victim was identified as Joseph Matthew Popham, 726 Wilkinson Walnut Hills.
Police were told by a witness, Clemens Popham Taphorn, 920 plunged Central to the sidewalk that 1 after a hook in his rigging slipped. Popham is survived by his widow, Mrs. Josephine Popham. The Gilligan funeral home is in charge of arrangements. Subdivision of Hillcrest Section; $1 (tax SADIE COOK'S SUBDIVISION--Irvine E.
Ross Jr. and Elisabeth his wife, to Frances G. Holterhoff, Lot $1 (tax SHARONVILLE Ella Crowe to Herman Brink dopke, Lot 29 of resubdivision of part 55c). of Sharon Heights Subdivision; $1 (tax SPRINGDALE-Estate of Harry M. Carroll to Harriet side B.
of Carroll, Main 84 Street, by at 130 the feet on southwest the west corner of Main and Cherry $7,000 (tax SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP-Anna M. Noga to William M. Noga and Marie Gross, 90 by 484 feet on Springfield Road, Section 34; SILVERTON-Ralph G. and Patricia L. enberger, to Roger and Lucretia Lots 172 and 173 of Haines Subdivision: $1 (tax $15.40 SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP Althea Brinkmeier to Elizabeth Schellhamer, 62 by 230 feet on North Bend Road, 352 feet west of Winton Road: Section 19; $1 (tax to George W.
Bushelman, Lot 46 of SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP--Catherine Phelps Grandview Heights Realty Co. Subdivision; $1 (tax 55c). SPRINGDALE PARK -Roy D. and Clifford C. Hern to Loretta G.
and Albert F. Heggemeier, Lot 189, Section $1 (tax SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP--Suburban Development, to Valley Shop-In, of Lot of William R. Morris Subdivision, Section $1 (tax $110). SPRINGFIELD -Mary Miller John H. Miller, 50 by 128 feet on the west side of Savannah Avenue, Section 31; $1.
SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP Robert Holmes and Ollie, his wife, to John Gordon and Minerva, his wife, Lot 245 of Lincoln Heights Subdivision, Section $1 (tax SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP S. C. Cole to James Anderson, Lot 22 of Woodlawn Terrace Addition Subdivision, Section $1 (tax 55c). SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP -Emma Toennis to Anthony Lykins, 3 acres in Section 15; $1 (tax ST. BERNARD- Rose Tausch to Earl H.
of storeroom at 4908 Vine monthly Smith, one-year lease from June 28, 0 1948, rental $60. ST. BERN Jefferson Corp. to Naomi Haralson, 20 months' lease from May 23, 1948, of third-floor apartment at 4919 Vine monthly rental $18. SYCAMORE TOWNSHRIP-Charles Corhn to Eugene L.
Robbins and Benjamin F. Combs, Lots 1,114 and 1,115 of Highpoint Subdivision, Section $1 (tax 55c). SYCAMORE TOWNSHIP-Anna S. Volk and Karl E. Volk to John McAuley, Lots 21 and 22 of Henry Feuerstein's First Subdivision, Section 32; $1.
John McAuley Mary, his wife, to Russell R. Herron and Berniece his wife, part of Lot 21; $1 (tax SYCAMORE TOWNSHIP-Estate of Jane Garlington to Richard Simpson, Lots 179, 184 and 185 of Hazelwood Subdivision; $900 (tax SYCAMORE TOWNSHIP-Kenneth D. Seymour to Mary A. Seymour, part of Lot 1 of John Stevens Estate; Section $14; $1. SYCAMORE TOWNSHIP-Mamie Brewer to Lucas and Eva T.
Brewer, Lot 77 of Washington Subdivision; Section 34; $1 (tax SYCAMORE TOWNSHIP-Allan E. Reynolds and Mae his wife, to William B. and Virginia Homan, Lot 111 of Osceola Park Subdivision; Section $1 (tax SYMMES TOWNSHIP-Raymond Elbrecht and Betty, his wife, to George S. Caylor, 91 by 312 feet on a proposed street in Section 30; (tax TERRACE PARK John N. Kramer to Louis F.
and Grace L. Siegel, part of Lot 1 of C. R. Stuntz Subdivision; $1 (tax UPTOWN-Margaret Dehler, Magdalen Dehler, Anna L. Hennessey, John and Richard Dehler to Ethel Dehler, Lots 60 and 61 of Elsas and Loth Subdivision: VALLEY DALE SECOND SUBDIVISIONBertha E.
Keister and Gene her husband, to Blanche P. Brosemer, wife of Arthur part of Lots 140 and 141; $1 (tax WALNUT HILLS--John Tierney and Mary, his wife, to Albert H. Koehler, part of Lots 71 and 72 of Idlewild Syndicate First Subdivision: $1 (tax WALNUT HILLS-Benjamin A. Lawson and Marie his wife, to Milton Miller and Lillie, his wife, 60 by 170 feet on Gilbert Avenue, being Lot 9 of Mathew Partition Subdivision; $1 (tax 55c), J. W.
WEAVER'S SUBDIVISION--Corinne Schirman to Ralph Reidell and Loretta, his wife, Lot 16; $1 (tax WALNUT HILLS -Grace O. Hoffman, et per Sheriff, to H. C. Hubbell, Lots 1 and 2 of subdivision of part of Samuel Beresford's Subdivision; $942 (tax WALNUT HILLS Viola Shannon and Lottie M. Long, wife of George to Haidee G.
Neblett, 22 by 184 feet on the north side of Lincoln Avenue, being Lot 20 of Rebecca Rusk Subdivision: $1 (tax $8.80 WALNUT HILLS Charles McGonegle to Thomas P. McGonegle, an irregular lot on the northwest corner of Madison Road and Fairfield Avenue: $1 (tax WEST END--Thomas Perry and Ethel, his wife. to the Board of Education of CincinLot 59 of J. B. Purcell's Subdivision; $3,085.
WEST END-Leo Marcus to Framil Corporation, 904 Richmond $1. WEST END-Betty C. Kuby to Hyman Chrnek, Lot 15 of W. Thom's Subrlivision in Cutter's Square Five: $1 (tax WEST END--John T. Mims to Thomas Perry and Ethel, his wife, 20 by 126 feet on the east side of Cutter Street, 373 feet south of Clark Street: $1.
WEST END -Blanche Gerstner to The Board of Education of Cincinnati, 1043 Mound also 23 by 87 feet on the west side of Mound Street, 386 feet north of Court Street: $1. WESTCHESTER SUBDIVISION Westchester Housing Corp. to John J. and Josephine Reifschneider, Lot 21; $1 (tax $13.75) (reg.) WEST END -Lucius T. Jenkins and Lula M.
Jenkins to Homer L. Foster, part of Lot 6 of Cutter's Subdivision; $1 (tax WEST END--Larkin Rousey to Otha Rousey, 25 by 100 feet on the east side of Freeman Avenue, 25 feet north of York Alley; $1, WEST END--Jacob Newman to The Eliokum Investment Lot 88 of Francis Carr Estate: $1 (tax WESTWOOD -Peter Dottermann to Dottermann Son, Lot 41 of Frederick W. Schwartze Estate: $1 (tax WESTWOOD-Louise Ringenberger to Gertrude E. Cutter, 50 by 150 feet on the west side of Epworth Avenue, 100 feet south of Wardall Avenue; $1 (tax WESTWOOD -Nettie E. Burkley and Harry her husband, to Alberta S.
Burrows, 50 by 115 feet on the south side of Harrison Avenue, 413 feet east of La Feuille Avenue: $1 (tax WOODSIDE HOMES SUBDIVISION -Roger T. Neal and Eleanor his wife, to Vera B. Smith, Lot 57: $1 (tax WOODSIDE HOMES SUBDIVISION--Charles P. Taft to Ohio Homes Lot 44. Section $1 (tax WYOMING- The Queen City Construction Co.
to Minnie C. Steinmetz. part of Lot 4 of A. Pendery's Estate: $100 (tax 55 cents). -Eloise B.
McFerran to Charles R. Braun and Anna E. Braun. Lot 53 of Wyoming L. B.
Co. Subdivision; $1 (tax -Frances G. Ashbrook and Elliott. her husband, to Robert F. Riley and Jane his wife, part of Lot of J.
T. Wilson Subdivision: $1 (tax Number of Business Failures Monthly Data NUMBER Source of Data: Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. 500T 400 BUSINESS OF I 200 100 1945 1946 1947 1948 By The Chicope Tribeel Twelve On List Of Injured In Two A Automobile Crashes On Trafficways Of County Twelve persons were injured, none seriously, in two automobile collisions that occurred in the Hamilton County area late Saturday night and early yesterday. Four Western Hills residents and three young men living in Dent were hurt when an automobile driven by James E. Lyons, 19, 1221 Quebec hit an unlighted car that had a stopped in traffic North Bend Road at a point 200 feet Clover Leaf Lane in Monfort Heights, Deputy Sheriff wrest Piening reported.
owner of the second car, Russell J. Walden, 20, Harrison Pike, Dent, told Piening that he and some friends were on their way home from a near-by tavern when battery trouble forced him to stop his car. Three young men riding with Walden were injured. They were Milton Rack, 21, Harrison Dent, head bruises; Robert Bessler, 22, Box 275, Harrison Pike, Dent; cut and bruised, and Robert Karst, 17, Box 274, Harrison Pike, face All were treated by private physicians. Lyons escaped injury, but four passengers in his car were injured.
They were Thomas Haley, 28, 1044 Academy Price Hill, and Miss Jane Korb, 25, 4723 Glenway both taken to St. Mary Hospital for treatment of head injuries; Robert Brueggemeyer, 27, 4778 Guerley and James Maloney, 19, 3407 Alta Vista Cheviot, both suffering from face cuts. In the second accident, a. car driven by Carl Agner, 21, 471 Canal Lawrenceburg, collided with another car driven by Andrew Thom, 39, Braddock, Pa. on Ohio 128 at Cilley Rd.
Riding with Thom was ANNOUNCEMENTS Silvero, 21, Quincy, who suffered head cuts. 'Thom has been staying at U. S. 52 and Kilby Rd. and Silvero on Cilley Rd.
Those injured in Agner's car, all living in Lawrenceburg, were Phillip Punkett, 21, neck cuts; Louis Johnston, 15, right leg fracture; Carl Corn, 20, cuts over right eye, and Freddie Corn, 15, left shoulder cuts. Kaiser-Frazer Accused By Investment House Cleveland, June 20-(UP)-Otis Cleveland investment house, today charged the Kai Corp. with committing a fraud on their stockholders and demanded that it return to the people "assets and worth millions of dollars aluminum producing." income, Otis served its demand on Henry J. Kaiser and Edgar Kaiser, based on a recent registration statement filed by the Kaiser-owned Permanente Metals Corp. with the Securities and Exchange Commission for the sale of 600,000 shares of capital stock to the public.
The Kaisers have "unlawfully and improperly transferred the lease of the Trentwood Rolling Mill near Spokane, major plant of Permanente, from Kaiser-Frazer in which the public has invested more than $78,000,000 to a company in which Kaiser and family, through intermediate companies, own 60 per cent," Otis said. The investment house said this was "in violation of your fiduciary responsibilities, constituting a fraud upon the stockholders of Kaiser-Frazer Corp," in a telegram to Henry J. Kaiser. Otis added that it was making the demand "as stockholders and underwriters of two issues of stock." ANNOUNCEMENTS HAMILTON COUNTY RECORDER. Week Ending June 19, 1948.
Deeds 489 Mortgages 431 Cancellations. 347 Land Registrations 129 Chattels 1,033 Lot A of Hyde Park Subdivision; $1 (tax $22). HYDE PARK D. Elliott Wilson and Mae his wife, to Clement M. Pray and Violet his wife, Lot 13 and of Lot 12 of Charles G.
Comegy's Subdivision; $1 (tax -Edna Koetter and Joseph, her husband, to Minerva S. Cunningham, Lot 268 of J. H. Oliver's Second Addition; $1 (tax MADEIRA-Laura L. Flinn to Hazel Schmidt, Lots 36 and 37 of Madeira Heights Subdivision; $1.
Allen E. Collins, part of Lot 47, Block MADISONVILLE-Elmer and Ethel Fischer to of Cornuelle Muchmore's Addition; $1. MADISONVILLE- Anthony Pedro and Mary, his wife, to James W. Cunningham and Elsie E. Wamser, part of Lot 141 of Ayres L.
Bramble Estate; $1 (tax MOHAWK-Sophie Lindemann to Frederick J. Lindemann, 2465 McMicken $1 (tax 55c). MT. AUBURN-Fred C. Rampleman and Rose his wife, to Matilda N.
Waldman, Lot 4 of Philip M. Price's Subdivision; also, 1604 Highland $1,800 (tax MT. HEALTHY E. Berndt and Margaret, his wife, to Rose P. Steiber, 90 by 255 feet on Adams Road, Section 33, Springfield Township; $1 (tax -Lela S.
Rabe to Earl and Lulu Beson, Lot 3 of Clara Crull Subdivision; $1 (tax NORTHERN LIBERTIES Henry Shull to Emma K. Robberts, 1708 Goose Alley; $1 (tax 55c). NORTHSIDE Ralph E. Ruehrwein and Jack Ruehrwein to Edgar C. Kennedy, Lot 24 of Abram Bell's First Subdivision; $1.
NORWOOD Ralph Hollars to Ella Hollars, part of Lots 59 and 58 of Norwood Highland Syndicate Subdivision; $1 (tax NORWOOD-Wilbur H. and Mabel L. Powell to John L. Morand and Mary G. Morand, Lot 24 of proposed Sheridan Drive Subdivision; $1 (tax NORWOOD Rachel C.
Staub to Charles J. Staub, her husband, Lot 21 of South Norwood Syndicate Subdivision; $1. NORWOOD-Allene M. Wait to Frank and Ora M. Wiese, part of Lot 10 of Parvin, Lane and Bolles Subdivision; $1 (tax $22).
NORWOOD- -Samuel A. Vandever and Jewell. his wife, top Edna White, 2628 Duck Creek Road: $1 (tax 55c). -Charles Willis to Leona, his wife. Lot 1279 and part of Lot 1282 of BOfinger and Hopkins Second Subdivision; $1.
NORWOOD Lelia M. Snyder to Mary I. Walter, 2686 Arbor $1 (tax NORWOOD-Clarence R. Hughes and Ruth his wife, to Clarence J. Steinke and William F.
Woeste. 48 by 110 feet on the north side of Buxton 505 feet cast of Montgomery Pike: $1 (tax NORWOOD -Herman Buse to Gertrude Buse, Lot 25 of Mills and Kline's First Subdivision; also, Lot 24 of same subdivision; $1 (tax Aloysius Buse, Marie, Leo H. and Catherine Buse to Gertrude Buse, Lot 25 of Mills and Kline's First Subdivision; also, Lot 24 of same subdivision; $1 (tax Herman Buse to same, part of Lot 4 of Culbertson Park's Subdivision; $1 (tax 55c). Aloysius Bruse, Marie, Leo H. and Catherine Buse to same, same property; $1 (tax 55c).
PLEASANT RIDGE -Mary Bickers to Gladys L. Byus, part of Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20 D. Freeman's Resubdivision: $1 (tax $11). PLEASANT RIDGE SYNDICATE SUBDIVISION-Gladys E. Volk to Georgia Schroy, Lot 98: $1 (tax PLEASANT RIDGE -Eitel Gross to Mildred K.
Lyle, part of Lot 42 of Ridgewood Subdivision: $1. (tax PRICE HILL--Patrick J. Joyce and Mary his wife, to Ralph L. Dolan, an irregular lot on the east side of Rutledge Avenue, 54 feet south of Glenway Avenue: $1 (tax PRICE HILL--Mary F. Stevens, et al, per Sheriff to Anna Wood, Lots 20 and 21 of Sarah Moore Estate; $1,000.
PRICE HILL-Alice L. White, et al, per Sheriff to Arthur Wood, Lot 19 of Sarah A. Moore Estate: $50. PRICE HILL-Minnie C. Pabst to Joseph L.
part of Lot 10 of David Allen's Estate; $1 (tax PRICE HILL- Jack H. Rickett to Alma R. Rickett, 40 by 100 feet on the west side of Kingston Place, 156 feet south of Stoddard Place; $1. PRICE HILL William J. Hagemeyer and Isabelle, his wife, to Melva L.
Speidel, 1100 Rosemont Avenue: $1 (tax PRICE HILL -Leona Kuhlman and Edward. her husband, to Mary H. Burke, 25 by 112 on the west side of Boldface Road, 600 feet south of Warsaw Pike; $1 (tax PRICE HILL--Frank L. Trepohl and Helen his wife, to Edna Wetzel, 1237 Denver Avenue: $1 (tax PRICE HILL -Arthur Wood to Alfred Bauer, Lot 19 of Sarah Moore Subdivision; $1 (tax Anna Wood to same, part of Lot 20 of same subdivision; $1 (tax READING--Albert Meyer and Mary, his wife, to John R. Moore, 50 by 100 feet on the east side of Fenton Avenue, 250 feet north of Walnut Street: $1 (tax READING P.
Matre and Olivia, his wife, to Eleanora Stauverman, Lot 198 of Oliver's Second Addition; $1. Eleanora Stauverman and Richard het husband, to Harry T. Walters and Elsie I. Walters, same property: $1 (tax READING-Adolph W. Link and Theresa, his wife; Amandus Link and Hazel, his wife, and Charles L.
Link and Agnes, his wife, to Charles J. Huening, husband of Vera Lot 30 of E. B. Blunt's Second Subdivision; $1 (tax READING -George Luedeke to Augusta J. Rebholz, part of Lot 68 of Gahl Subdivision; $1 (tax RIDGE PARK SUBDIVISION-Marshal W.
Argadine and Elizabeth his wife, to Helen C. Kreuzman, wife of William part of Lots 14 and 15: $1 (tax RIDGEWOOD SUBDIVISION-Hotze, Kuntzler Co. to Raymond F. Hare, Lot 32; $1 (tax $2.201. RIDGEWOOD SUBDIVISION--The Sibey Construction Company to Mary J.
Collins, part of Lots 4 and 5: 1 (tax RIDGEWOOD SUBDIVISION--Anna Abbihl to F. Hare, Lot 71: 51 $2.731 ROSELAWN- E. De LaCroix and Alma his wife, to Bernadette R. Antonelli and Robert her husband. Lot 157 of Fourth Chattels Canceled 83 Leases 20 Liens 4 Miscellaneous 205 Assignments 3 Certified Copies 20 Servicemen's Discharges 38 Total Papers 2,802 Rose and Nora, his wife, Lot 228 of Bryant Trevor's Subdivision; $1 (tax GOLF MANOR B.
Allison to Ruby S. Hopper, Lot 99 of Golf Manor Subdivision; $1 (tax GREEN TOWNSHIP Martha Schlensker Jacob W. Reinhart and Billie his wife. 50 by 135 feet on the west side of Race Avenue, 844 feet south of Harrison Avenue, Section 15; $1 (tax HIGHPOINT -Myrtle Groves to Robert G. Rothenbusch, Lots 924, 925 and 926; $1 (tax 55c).
HYDE PARK--Arthur E. Forester and Lillian his wife, to Ruth H. Meckstroth, part of Their Final Tribute A Rodel Service. HALPIN, Mary PALMISANO, William AXTOBY, Annie MIDDLETON, Mike BESUNER, Charles Radel's, that every service is conducted with the full appreciation it is a sacred tribute to someone's memory. The JOHN J.
RADEL Co. HENRY J. RADEL. Pres. WA 4512 HE 0365-6 Four Convenient Funeral Homes CO 8560-1 4185 W.
Funeral Mack Johnson Schaefer Busby Formerly With McMillan and Upland Place WILTSEE, Inc. WOodburn 0474-0475 REIN 24 W. 9th St. CH 0932 WHITING KLEB FUNERAL FUNERAL HOME WEIL HOME 3901 READING RD. Serving Greater Cincinnati 3900 Montgomery Road VITT STERMER, INC.
ME 2240 1824, Harrison MO 0833. Westwood. WA 0787. 3035 River WA 0110. GEO.
H. ROHDE SON The Busse AIR Linwood and CONDITIONED Delta Ave. FUNERAL EAst 0404. HOME. Central Parkway at Clifton Borgmann Hills Lane.
Elkton 7401 VA 0 Vitie Bamber Funeral Home, Inc. 0805 JOHN W. BAMBER-ROBERT BAMBER VORHIS FUNERAL HOMES 3011 Woodburn Ave. WO 1440. VA Lockland.
0063. Ohio. ME Norwood, 4884. Ohio. CHAS.
A. MILLER SONS NORTHSIDE. ALLISON ROSE KI 0040 Madison and Robbins Ave. COVINGTON, KY. Wrassmann Barfknecht Cincinnati Cremation Co.
2625 1421-23 Gilbert Main AVE. St. Inc. WO CH 0338 1600 825 DIXMYTH AVE. UN 1021.
Tredway Funeral Home Established 1892. Norwood, Ohio, 2131 Cameron Ave ME 0311. Journeys End A. C. DOBBLING SON FT.
THOMAS. BELLEVUE. HI 1730. CO 8041. Brueckner Mappes Currier Miller JOURNEY'S END Goebel Palmisano Grubbs Schwein MAPPES-Mathilda M.
(nee Ritter), Schroeder Hauck beloved wife of Walter C. Mappes and Hughes Sieving devoted mother of Mrs. Wilbur (MiLSelmeier Jackson Sullivan dred) Winebrenner, Walter Jr. and Lynch Walker Albin J. Mappes, suddenly, Friday, June Mandery.
18, 1948, residence, 1831 Mills ave. Friends may call at 1 the Romer-Moeller funeral home, 3943 Montgomery at Mentor, Norwood, Monday after p. m. Requiem high mass St. Elizabeth Salvation belongeth unto the Church Tuesday, June 22, at 9 a.
m. Lord. MILLER--Anna Horn, beloved wife of. Copr. 1948, John Howard Miller, mother of Mrs.
H. J. ley, Mrs. Clifford Stegman, Mrs. Edwin Copr.
1948, John Howard BRUECKNER--Rev. Ernst William, beloved brother of Edna and Ida Brueckner, Clara Herget, Lydia Gaenge and Charles E. Brueckner of Monrovia, Thursday, June 17, 1948; residence. 3100 Markbreit ave. Services at the Witt, Good Kelsch funeral home, 3026 Madison Hyde Park, at Oakley Square, Monday, June 21, at 2 m.
Friends may call Sunday after 2 p. m. (Mass.) papers please CURRIER -Lewis beloved husband of Romaine C. Currier (nee Louge), father of Lewis J. Currier III, and brother of John Currier, Sunday, June 20, 1948, at residence, 2741 Minot ave.
Funeral services Wednesday, June 23, at Cleveland, Ohio. GOEBEL -William beloved husband of Betty Wilkinson Goebel, dear brother of Minnie Conover, Elsie, Charles and John Allen Goebel, suddenly, Thursday, June 17, 1948, at Miami, Fla. Friends may call at the Chas. A. Miller Sons funeral home, Hamilton ave.
at Knowlton Northside, Monday after p. m. Funeral services Tuesday, at 10:30 a. m. GRUBBS-Contes beloved husband of Susie Scoble Grubbs, beloved father of Albert L.
of Lafayette, Mrs Margaret Smith of Cleves, Ohio, Ralph of Bright, and Russell of Harrison, Ohio, and the late Robert Grubbs of Lawrenceburg, at his residence, Bright, Saturday, June 19, 1948. Friends may call at the Jackman Bullock funeral home, Harrison, Ohio, after 2 p. m. Tuesday, June 22. Funeral services from the Methodist Church, Bright, Wednesday, June 23, at 2:30 p.
m. HAUCK-Emma L. (Ross), beloved wife of George J. Hauck and mother of Mrs. Eugene Durham, Walter and Milton Hauck and grandmother of Howard, Milton and Marilyn Hauck, Thursday, June 17, 1948; residence, 2917 Maisel Clifton.
Friends may call at the Clarence A. Baiter funeral home, 3412 Clifton Clifton. Sunday from 3 to 10 p. m. Services Monday, June 21, at 2 p.
m. HUGHES-John beloved husband of Virginia Hughes (nee Speaks), beloved father of David, Jack and Carolyn Ann Hughes, beloved son of Mrs. Irene Powell and John T. Hughes and beloved brother of George Hughes, suddenly, Saturday, June 19, 1948; residence. 51 W.
Corry aged 30 years. Friends may call at the Busse Borgmann Co. Parkway funeral home, Central pkwy. and Clifton Hills Monday after 1 p. m.
Services Tuesday, June 22, at 2:30 p. m. JACKSON-Perry beloved husband of Minnie Harris Jackson, at residence, No. 1 Lane Seminary Grounds. Friends may call at Jacocks funeral home, 2602 Gilbert ave.
at Toft Monday after 2 p. m. Services Tuesday, June 22, 1948, at 2 p. m. LYNCH-Joseph beloved husband of the late Anna M.
Benton Lynch, and sort. of the late Dennis and Elizabeth Devine Lynch, brother of Mary William F. and Sylvester J. Lynch, Sunday, June 20. 1948; residence, 3768.
Ferdinand pl. Funeral from the Witt, Good Kelsch funeral home, 3026 Madison Hyde Park, at Oakley Square, Wednesday, June 23. at 9:30 a. m. Solemn requiem high mass St.
Cecilia Church at 10 a. m. Friends may call Tuesday after 4 p. m. MANDERY-Carrie (nee Hoffmann), beloved wife of the late Jacob Mandery, beloved mother of Oscar E.
Mandery and Sister Mary Concepta, O.F.S.. Sunday, June 20, at residence. 692 Riddle rd. Friends may call at the Busse de Borgmann Co. Parkway funeral home, Central pkwy.
and Clifton Hills Tuesday after 1 p. m. Solemn requiem high mass Sacred Heart Church Wednesday, June 23, at 9 a. m. Kisker, Mrs.
Fred Scull, Irene D. and Earl F. Miller, Thursday, June 17, 1948: residence, 653 Foulke Clifton. Friends may call at the Clarence A. Baiter funeral home, 3412 Clifton Clifton, Sunday from 3 to 10 p.m.
Services at the convenience of the family. PALMISANO-William beloved husband of the late Lucy Palmisano (nee Sanzone) devoted father of Frank and Pyt. Vincent Palmisano, beloved son of Frank and Augusta Palmisano (nee Gentile), of Norwood. Ohio; devoted brother of Frank Palmisano of Clear Water, Paul and Neal Palmisano, Mrs. Susie Mercurio, Mrs.
Lena Cianciolo, Mrs. Augusta Sanzone, Mrs. FrediaDegaro and Mrs. Mary Duccilli, Friday, June 18, 1948, of 677 Hermosa ave. Funeral from the John J.
Radel Co. Price Hill funeral home, Glenway and Dewey Tuesday, June 22 at d. m. Solemn requiem high mass St. William Church, at 9:30 a.
m. Friends may call after 1 p. m. Monday. SCHROEDER-Paul suddenly, at the residence of Theodore Hechinger, Jackson near Owensville, Ohio, Friday, June 18, 1948.
Funeral Monroe funeral home, Milford, Ohio. Services Monday, June 21, at 2 p. m. Committal service Cincinnati Crematory, Friends call 2 to 10 p. m.
Sunday. SCHWEIN-Louise (nee Oesper), beloved wife of the late Henry Schwein, dear mother of Mrs. Edna Thiel, Friday, June 18, 1948; residence, 5450 Hamilton aged 83 years. Funeral Tuesday, June 22, at 10 a. Spaeth Sons funeral home, 1320 Chase ave.
at Chambers Northside. Friends may call Monday after 3 p. m. SELMEIER-J. Nornia Huffzky, beloved wife of Louis J.
Selmeler and mother of Mrs. William Hal Newsom, daughter of Mrs. Mary Huffzky, sister of Mrs. Fred Owens and Mrs. Harry E.
Fisk, Saturday, June 19, 1948; residence, 1730 Avonlea Bond Hill, Friends may call at the Clarence A. Baiter funeral home, 3412 Clifton Clifton, Monday from 4 to 10 p. m. Services Tuesday, June 22, at 2:30 p. m.
-Charles beloved brother of Anna Sieving, Saturday, June 19, 1948; residence, 1701 Hughes st. Friends may call at the Wrassmann Barfknecht funeral home, 2625 Gilbert north of Taft Monday after 4 p. m. Services Tuesday, June 22, at 1:30 p. m.
SULLIVAN-Mattie sister of Cora A. Sullivan and Mrs. John C. Sconce, Saturday, June 19. 1948, at her residence.
2548 Cleinview ave. Friends may call Monday after 3 p. J. Sullivan Co. funeral home, 1336 E.
McMillan at Bell pl. Requiem high mass St. Francis de Sales Church, Tuesday, 9 a. m. Kindly omit flowers.
WALKER Mary wife of the late Alfred B. Walker, mother of Mrs. F. R. Deprez and Mrs.
William C. Mullally, grandmother of Mrs. Warren A. Wittkopp, F. Robert and Jacques W.
Deprez, William W. and James C. Mullally. sister of Mrs. Anna Tucker and Mrs.
Margaret Hall, Thursday, June 17, 1948. Friends may call at the W. Mack Johnson funeral home, McMillan at Upland Sunday after 4 p. 111. Services Monday, June 21, at 10:30 a.m.
SOCIETIES AND LODGES SCOTTISH RITE Ring service will be held for Brother Blaine E. Lemert. Monday, June 21, at 8 p. m1. at the Mack Johnson funeral home, McMillan at Upland ARTHUR C.
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