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Morning Oregonian from Portland, Oregon • Page 3

Morning Oregoniani
Portland, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I Y. Honey Market. tbeCHj Ci iJN COVK uctl Tho regular tut OY.ulNir, pftifl Mlowlng mi-nilnr. wero i.menl McCrmkon. I'l municr.

i i preTlona nicotian road ami up- ilgoeJ by of I he Flmt Want broiling pMtllouco, WM reinrrod to tliu itmU public property hxMumonl MMlhm of Att. Mlllpr to thu IMMU I JT-I rafcrrnl. rronl the Chlrf KnKlitoat Ingimwr of nvemnnlri rwforreJ TlisITOprtoL JM 64 In Hjfcl, In me AVM! tA Id on In ft. filbwk, root of NiT-i for J30i (las Light Company, put fir 33 Mine, fur Cuuudl Chamber darina 1378 Walur Oouipuny, JOj II. L.

Uiivt, fotM ia Uecna-dvr'i 75, kuAping city IT atoan, J. J. HolTuMn, ncqth of ETooniary, 9198 OUj fHuitn poWlo plwa, J. tf. McOuy rat-tt lit oan Nldmhou to tho grade of Bhormnn at ratahtMtlon uf Sic Adam 1 'nflJ j4 -J, ProfhW fur if Shormnn ti gfiKlv, and CarutlMiri ill MOttrfcBt (be moi or $4,000 to tli, i Idaho Hows.

Ill ASa IITKAUKIl.H--T] woro ordered to of City ftUratMl far the prMTkllngfor thacleanluR pablUhwt la tba OuaoaiAM for ODD rjfiwlfjiiam coop of (Aftty ft, O.H down upon Ihkl gKlllimdoiia foil, wboM ub knp- i (p cooOncJ ID tbo (ID. t-aino Uu ililnnr hid lJtltl' iW the KveKiwU Into Uwt on rrdihl, but 11 Ibb Ii coop, of nwnv 4 mmid do well ta louk Into, to pooltrj to til. l.blo,ln order to or bwl. Notoolcrr otoKl lkM.hlnbfi.wnl} New York to liwtfinte a thor- who a.Usl (bond Iiir, and f.buirj'U tb DmarUntnt.

verjr tuUnroJlT I UltreeM lotlx ufflco. Km.nin, ooh of to And PTBH 8n li hn" .1 'tt Ibex Voioouflrmrt iy wna Un On Saturday night Reynold's Creek oteaoed out by tbo rod dovlls. Tbo parllouL. bare not beard, excepting that Hill Bonchy af bis staok alao man wusehot tiTthe arm, DO! dmngcrouBly.nn Orow hia tontn taken from him. II--1 ia to pay generally la ihlsjj hilo writing this I am informed by R.Trtigua- ktt, tbat a largo baud of 150 or 200 Indians wero aeeQ on tho Draco or lilddlo rlvor, two or three days ago.

Six mon wero over In that region, and upon tho Indium unawares. The white men i with the India OB that night. They offered DO violence to tbo whites. Yonra roapeotfally, 0. n.

PunDT. writing the Above, I have heard 'ram (he "Boat of war." Tbe luldion who made rafal on Jordan valley, on tho ntglit of February 14th, bare ovartnken tbe Indians and captured ill the Hook hut two hurso.i and killed one or Indlani. Thoy wow overtaken on the Owy- loe river, fuairbl a running flgut of throo or four hoam. Tho fought like deviU. OrriCUL UATTBB8.

We andnnUnd Lyoo baa appuinled Frank leoyon, Territorial Printer, and that Mr. (ooyoa and Mr. Ollion have gone to Sun Fran- oUeo to have the journala sod Statutes published book form; Mr. llowlett Is noting Seoretary of the Territory to Mr. UllWi aUaenoe.

LO OLEAKBD OtIT. We are indebted to Mr. Joseph Plnkhnm of UmfttIHa for a copy, of tbe BoUe' StaUtman Extra. ooDUinlag the follow account of a ftght with tho lodiani on Jordan Creek, Owyhfle i UU1 Beaehey'a itngo arrived tbli aftor- OOQD at flvfl o'clock, with the following oboeriag news (rota Capt, Walker. Mr.

Boaobey did not over to Ruby on trip, but received the ollowlDg by Pamngen -who Bane over from Hnby oortobnrato tho DOM, and ay that it Ii generally bolleyed there. Capt. Walker took only fourteen with him. and thai tine expired jMtcrd.y, This inforoa- why he has not retained. Heap- lemrito have- made a very 'clean sweep of camp, with the losi of one mam Orrios WBLLB, FARGO A Ruby City, Feb.

20ih, 1 HIM, BBAOHBT--Pear Sir: Cbilds, ernmeot expteiS meiltmger, nrrlred this evening, and npovu that a -yon thin morning i w.a^d^fesK^-t i Ofrw- 1 wwlly congtmto. Wo loth um iitb. nnw pomnu, Jktorte wor booked fc ftnd Je nfler OODlintied until 1 Bcaoot HWCImkl OlrdlluU hu room. la DM 22. biorabl.

time to Jolo tha i mpplDgM boon hoard My. born mtojr and powerful 1 WUI1S.VW arlu TMtorOny alx omltl onr bunlwrnrt, we ilQB onr R. II. Lair. who oo hftod, dlrwt from lbt kiut.

Oil Morning worth twrtHRl. 0. S. Cnavn or Jacob Mtlre allettlloi. uf Uio Court ywttc wu conilnuwl lor ftddltlunml i Commlttoe of tlie Owincll, on iy, j.

of to lc plnxa. Victoria Chromidt niaon aro rifo of gold took Inert np hi two WHnnwti ago only toU put Mothv HI iiuanlfty of drift WM Mert TMtcnlny Undcit number of Hue TKrlatlu of ocnimeotal Tho luhjoinod items aro ouplotl from tho U'nlla Walla Stautman of March 2d Air. II. BloJioo, incssongcr of Wollit, nrrlvod from tlio i Mtx'dai Uoieo Ctty. Ho roporU thu rvudit in Rood con- ri.vnln, i i i i ilio llluo ovor Tho vr.iiit.icr ut Dolno City wnn jtltjin nnl in dtijiiniio i uuM i i tbu i Tli treuU Very woul.ii tho iadomluMo i Iloaohy etUKo through tu lluby in ouo lny 'n lime, in of the I i and olumontH.

Tho nlonuior boiiiR built at tho miiuth tho lUi.i, iv or by 0. S. N. 0..., was fur R.IIUO pnrt nf tho wan onrouto. When it orriveH she will bo ready Lo run in four weeks.

A party of twenty left tho Wo.scr rivor nn the 2Ud to twml Indiana down on tho rivor at or nour ferry. Tho I i a a had stolen noiuo look (ruin them latoly, and some horaca from Mltlor of BoUo river. Jlr. Henry Urmlhouse will start a (ruin of one hunilrod muldlo hurmu sixty wagon a for IllacKfuot tbo 10th nf March to 1st of A i in" tlirou tr-tlns, oarrying about to each Ho oipocta to tbo trip Trom Itwisa Clly in flfieon or oightocn Tit purlieu wiali- ig to maka a quick nt the earliest practicable thia will bo a good opportunity. Baddlo trains lonvo first, tho wngdns lo follow.

Tbero am novorrtl other trains to leave fur (lie name place about Iho aatno time. Pnsfiigo S30. Si wa( Roing off vory alonfi tho ontlrti rout from hero to I.I|HQ, thawing little everyday an freesinft at night. The flrdt pnck-lruln of th soaflin puatiod down llurnt river on tlm 22J, tiuun fur IluiaQ Oily. Thu bail unco of (he much In or tbo Gnnko rlror ntonmor started uoroas ih! IHuo mouutulDB on sleighs on tlie 24lh.

Tho World of tbo 24th contains tbe follow I TUB JonDAK VALLKT I I A HAIR. SILTKR CITY, I. Fob. 10, 1806. FniKiiD BTRKBT bnvo no douht hoard o.

tbe late raid In Jordan tho Indlann, urn tho upon Mr. A. Hall of thai place. I at his place on Thursday. Friday and SnWrJay I think he Will rooover although bo reoo.vod dangerous wound in tho abdomen.

There wci aboat thirty Indiana who mado tho attack Tuai, dsy, at o'clock p. and drove away 37 boat! of cattle and nine hnrsoa. Thoro wero flro 011 tho house at the time. Thirty-Boron soldiers fr.nn Camp Lyon startad Tburadny morning in pursuit A aoultlaiiy of oltlsan volunteers hava Btarlod out, Two Indians wero probi.bly liillod, al hy Mr. anil tbo other by- Mr.

A his man irhlio ho was tho act of firing tho boose, which wui covered with grans. DR. 'H. GUSAIV, u. a.

AI Front -(root, WwhlnRton lilniici-, lr tb Kmh ami I OmOB-- AT TIIH 101,1) flTANIi -n Motri-Hirfi Jilrool, nw.r! coruur of WiiHlifngton Aj-iirwlminji PntixHiii IM) ll.r pulillr iny i It.V, 1 un.t UL.I- pltirixitio tiy iliUp-i N. ril n-uilti I) nl ill a "iifllo I'mrtii-oTtir Uinln-J I In" unn lir nt I ntid A.lvlro of Cliar I 11BFJCRKNOE: PATRONS. Omc-Bf Vint 1'urtlaml, OroRoi CAHDWHl.C/SOALLKlt/YiMUSKUM--tlio iti-l A Ourdwull. i COME A A Hayintr he U.S. Army.

DRBiDBNOK--Bast bfTltlrd rtrwl, tVontlnR I'luzn, bet. Main strnets. too ilJi, tbo Uor- 1 this evcnlD(r, fflBfieanr ftrriTod Cnnip with tho newi tbat oq bit tain Walker oatDfl tvcroia a oatnp of ndlioi aboat twenty mlloa from tbe Owyboa Ferry, tbe month of Jordan creek, and obarg- It left twenty-Blx Indlaos dond on the Ii inppoied that one made his uotpe. of UK Indliroi, were backs, who fought deiperately, killing baa man and lligntly wonnd- ax name not romeml In tbo camp Mr womeo children kUled, bat thin could not be bolpod, owing to tbe dcsperalo delenae by Cftpt. font to Lyon for harafos, nied nptiail killed nine of bin own martb, and wilt with bis entln oommaJB at CmiDp LyOB orcniog or to-morrow tnorniDg.

It reported (bat Be look ''eighteari bead of ant known, I not bclog able to gel lonw, bavogono off to ranch afoot, and determined to get nflor Mr. Indiaa. Yourt, 1 BK We slio append the following loiter from Ruby tlty a taitior of interest to our Ada County Companyr-and oi explaining tbo nooeielty of their going to the rapport of tbe Owybeo Voluuteora AB poaaible KuA CITT, Feb. 20, 1880. HILL BEAcnar, 3(r Ai Obalrman the Committee to collect aapplloa for our vol- aoteera, I write to infurm you tbat the boya loR lall'g ranch tbia morning for tbe fork a of tho wyhw--dlataDOo thirty miles from tbo ranch-here expect to fin4 tbe Indiana in force and prepared lo fight.

If you succeed in raising a ompany at BoUo City, harry them atone to Camp at which point they can communicate with oar company at the forks of the Owyfaec. It very probable that our boyi will need relnfureo entaaaaoonaa they can bo obtained, as they num- ar only thirty mom If you got up a company hat will take tbo B.ld it once, pleaae notify me til send tbo word to lomlng. Respectfully youn, that you nro J. A. LYTUB.

OotiOHS lBn few are tbe Importance of checking poogli or "Common Cold" In (U'flrtt stage. Tlut which In the bt-glnnlng wtrald yield lo a mild remmJy, If ncglcotwl, soon proya npoa tho lungs. BroncMai Troclut," or local LOUKOIB, aQbrd Instant relief. C. H.

MAOlt, by J. H. HATCH. D. D.

8., of tbo POOD- Collega of DrnU.1 Bargery, late of Bao tklltomU. It commcndntioa that ii OD- a Dentist of Snporfor Skill and by H. CDONALD co. OOLK, Qiillory, In Vnupli Morrimni utrculs, TIIH BKST I'lIOTOOKJ jldNlinl niblt TIIK FOHItiNOUK njtlrc MIL WOOAR OK OTHKIt 8TVLK OJF I'lCTUKKH (1ml It, hnvo Nrgnllvri, tnkn IIDIICO thor a Oniiuox at low nutiioH, Portland, Oct. IfiCft.

ml Front, thf 1'IIB. OAHTKS nlilflfor Albumn.Storoniifijpp rbytbodozoM. a JOSKPI1 IIUCllTCL. UV3ICIANB, BUllGHONB AKD ACCOUCHEUR p. Office and stud Front rARHjmi'u Uuos.

1'ortln A. J. HOFFMANN, fl Jerty I'bynlclau of tho Oo Trinity Onuity, Ctillfornli lato uf Dallcn, nnd tor iily and German 'HI I'urllulnr nttoutl. of New York, FKMAI C1IA8. 11LACII, M.

D. NPW Vork flcrmnii Mijillcnl ular atteutlnu logUHOKHY. Jnffitidm 8TKAM, BULPH JJR, VAPOR 11AT1IS. Uio of COUO118J GOLDS, lUIKUMATISU ni HBHODUUL AKFKUTlbNa. The altoullon of sulT.r, from as ono or two Romovo the Goldj Also, Cold Shower BMhi.

Steam or Vapor Baths, SI 00. Warm cents OIIA F. Proprietor, PorrUh'a Drlck, Wait Ington itroot, near Front, Portland, Oregon. DOCTORS PUY8ICIAN8, 1. A.

CHAPMAN, M.D. LATB OF NEW YOHK AXii Surgeon Surgery. PDrtUad, tl AOCpDOQXURS and Front 8ta. WM.H.WATKWa.M.D. 8 UIW EON PinST 01LKQON OaVatlry, ItKSlDKN'CE-- WMt cor Slain aud SoTuntb on.

ATKINS, having rvmivMl eiijiBctuI Inntructlon as to trmtmoiit of thu KYK nnd KAlt at the New York Kye and Ear InQrniary, wll Rlvo partlaular attention of thcno oruana. Ujiwtf ntlon gtra i Lodg. ry WednetdayB 7 o'clock, In Stork 1 third atory, Arrlgonl'i Hotel. Mem of the onler ore By onJ of WHl.mette Its I 1st and 8il Uond of each month at o'clock P. M.

Brethren In good l-n-ilng are Invited to attend. My order of W. M. No. ia.

F. A. M. 2J and 1th Uoudays of each month, Brothren In good at 7 o'clock, P. an Invited to attend.

10 tue of ALI.KN'B LDN3 BALSA5I. ive btwn rei loiwl to health by this after all other had fcllixl, For by fiMI 1 TT DAVIS, Aoinna, PortUttid, Oregor in Fhm" epeolflo for Imp to tho and Ho. 1. O. of O.

F-- l.Qdg* o. A. excite FOR BALE vou Litrr-K OH NJ un, Pnmt Stiwot, ojinuoltv J. W. REGDN STEAM NAVIGATION CD.


B. F. UOE Ill ban CKtIUI on MONDAYS, FU1DAYS for DUA tli, TO WALLBLA By order of W. M. Klllion Ho.

I. O. ofO. RteeU on khe noond and fourth Turvdayt of tach month. at7 o'clock V.

U. IjattlkRbi In good itaudlng c. P. a by Many ul Dr. Hoatetter'a Bit It rone- arlOoa and ma tbe ayatotii, and alda In nerlbrmai of Ita fnncHona.

It la a i Tlgor anil tone jl ig tlio curative ptmoni fur all In tue tnikt evere CWH of ij larhona ood wonkncae lo the been rigidly Kutod, and aU Sold by all Drngglits omncb, 'Bitten" ba tho (rreatett nd dealers everywhere Ur 8, World'aHalr torer Dre The unequal led Prep.vr«(lon. for and ibreaal ing tbe remain In any dcvlred sculp, arresting Uie Dtll, ni Ir tO It. SMk'tttTKl COlO.1 (rowtfa. For mil bj AgraU, noataller, SmlUi Ur! aitd to qalckly olunnalnft tlie never Hilla to reittoro Bl produce PACIFIC INSURANCE CCMPANY1 I OOMP1.IANOKWITH TIIK ACT OP TIIK I.EOI8.

Intnreof the State i-iitUlod "An mrnrniutc April Kid, ISfill, tin olInirlnK Aniiunl amount urtlio Cniiltnl 8 of Idle Co nny 8KVKN HUMBIIEB AMD HMJY THOUSAND liol- palil In UOLB'. Mnoilnl oTtbe AiooU XOU ONK BULLION AN'D IIUNOJIHI) A 87 Company lias NO JJK nuiuiiut JtiMlrancPi id wbfcli rumnjiicd In fares Decei mnrlnc Tills Compmiy'i: IIRItBt IHUU. Company I ut-oil uiKluijvrltiiig 51 ar I and many other, of 8an Pram-lu-o. Patronage of doalring TDilBUJm OPKIUnoNS I. panlnuariy OmCKand UA110RATOKY--At the oh! No.

Alder Portta.a, oVe, OLABB H. H. 00. -H CBnTIFIOATK OF DB- WM In ftonthw WM l. Book un tulnlnu Lewi.

River, Waelilngton Territory. Tlie nailer will he.ultnhly rowanlml im loavlnR It 'Uia OFFIOK, or nub UK. KINDBIt, Uwl. nicli7iltr Dissolution of Copartnership. IIKOO-I'AUTNKKDIIIPI under the firm nan a.

dlMolved by limitation on J. B. "lUKHK. I. W.

CASK, will onollnne tbe biulnen al tho ol land nndar tin nam of UAI1KKI1 nilOTimiS. All acconnli dug tbo late llrui mnnlflHi tothmn mcliTdtf I. W. CASH, ll.reli 2, Una jr. B.

UAIIKKU. Found. ie uf I W. CASK CO i(, 0 (iwtant. amount Iwt tlie MJ 'toe money.


A. Si'ontiiry. II, 0, Doll. Cliiu. Mnynt, Lloyd T.

t. I Ktlwntd MriUln, I). O. i.frMuJy.K. llMiHxnmHit fihrrnwd, L.

B. llmioblrr, Hurl Aii'iiud. John (1. Bmy, A Illlyllin-il, Wllll 1. inTM, J.Jii.

0. Knrl, Hum Iliillar. Mi.ynr, Alfred Ikirel, William D. .1. IHIver.

O.T. Ixml. Mrlduie Dull, K. Ullvi.r Kldrlilm, W. 0.

llnl.lon, A Jwhii WIglilmnu, p. L. Wetivi-T, J. 0 a Stnlo ufCaliliiriiln, Clly ujiil Couiiiy of SH Klj-lit Iliitiilroil a Mid Oily anil County, uu.l tlwrcJi ind nvrurn, A. KntjitoD did dejrow and thnt ho Un- JlMuranco Company, nod Hint Um In tlio foragotDg Hoport thu anj truo, full nnd oormul.

Bwom uid autworlboil to bui Juniw.rjr,A.D. 1800. H.B.UOMAPJ8,NoUry Public. LAID A TILTOJV, Gen mcb2 scapi IiiNun.tipnCftii|iniir A. J.ltALBTON.

i. IbU lUlh iltiy Agents, S. X. imbltxl i wouki lurlt of njipctltu, dos i.i1 try PLANTATION BITTERS, thin-ltlrri, ami warm clnl Bffwt. Tlioy i ftliduniHlmutu utuj Tlioy pitrlff, rttruiiglli Titltliy Thoy Tli it nrt nnililnl ouoclft urillHMlrtntloii and Into hount.

Tluty prevent RtliinuintlD jiurlfy the limUh Tlioy euro Dyrjiepriiu nuit Thctjr ciir nml Dlnrrliro Llv nouk ntn. i ix ri niiluru'H grv tltfl culalirHtttI Kiuriufrnn, i-oaln nnd l.urbx, all pro St. Croix rum. KOI ii.Uinmtiili.wli botflo. In Uvu.iro our iirKwto irh, with pliintnllui plnlc aldoltiUnl.

Kxatnliio ng to anil riiuiliUlon UlHera liy t)i i Any linitutln iy otbor imperial therein, wbct Illltvrg will bo on ii crlinluul by ovnrnl purtlott ro-fllllngoor thcmsclvwi Into clone ur Urako'i PlnntnllcD Ditli icrcliBiitrt, Inurcdiblo. Tin In tlit tvMtwca irci promal of Ity. Tlioy Hold by all rtujio tiyalclnnn, hotels, uilooiifl, Hloa uliotta aod country torc.i. P. H.

DRAKE SA1IT1I 71 Front 8l rtwt, Afftntt fur Orryon ad Hit Ttrritoria. I I CAN ARIES! What ia Mora Char ning ICuaio TLeVolofioffbttBIrd tiliould olw-ayn hton far Love by Its Mcrei ts Ungfat, DO at Bcrar C. N. HUKlisTON, 13 A. 1V a It ilglicnt niudlc! i lit igruraliln, JUT I Denier in and STOCKS AND SECURITIES, iliTaJii tin mind, nlltont ft.vont llty of Iha utoniach.

HrauaohD. i InngulJ brilliant, rwilorpr. They otu Inirk, nlnlargrovn, In potTfctlj inira clrculunnaJ jvurj botlla, Bcothjit mniutllul(Hi OTCF ir dfjjnntuto on flue Ihut imr iK.ttlo not rodllnl rht Bulls, ii tic, or Moiling icr called the U. Lnw, rouily hnrconro)- IT. A.

ALMllnd MTRAKEN; SIIIPIMSO, I I STOCKS, C. -NO. tt Tlloolc, riialiliiffton BLreot, PORTLAND, OIIEOON. ixromoan. bo will mcceod Tbo drmani! clereyroou, trinl A.


JOHN O'COKNOll, WILLAME1IE IRON WORKS n.r or Horth Front and Blojik Nortli of Canch-i Whnrf, D. OREOON, SAW TIIK fiTKAUE OAPT. a i 1,0 PASflKNOKB TRAIK tocoi Umillllt PortUnil, rs, WKDNUHDAYBam 4.80 A. 1 p.h. nui, isra.

INSWOBTH, JoiilO. 8. N.Oo. TRANSPORTATION CIVS Notice. (ROM AND AITERTniS DAI Kutlcb, will dbpi tcli rom linooln Home Wlarf, Portland, IIOBKINO AT Oity, nnoctlog tho OOMMODIOD1, PAST-BimBlrtO OR SALEM, ALBANY AND on OHDA.V* and THUHSDA RATBB OC PAI rom Porlland to Salrro.

Altani. Oorvalll MEALS AND BEIITH8 I Tlcketfl cnn bo had and al npulying to tlio nndenlgnt No. 81 Front Btrdet; ID ore, Portland, Oregon. o) each week. IE I r.z"".TM i IDHD.

lurtlier Information riio fjoinnanvwlll nlio dl.patclia ly overv Tuesday, of each week, immediate Portlmd, 14, II Agent for WILLAMETTE STEAM 3sro TUB 81BAB1BB WIU LKAVE VADQlIN'a Wll. iron EUY BIOHN1NO (aundrtvB rxoep cnniirctfng ou 9IOKDAT AND TIIUR; KAaiKR CAPT. for 8ALHU, Al.nANY, n. w. BUU EDPLE'S TRANSPOR Ifotioo to era.

(ROM ANT) AKTKH THIS DAT at thu folliiiviii); City pp DOWN F1IKIIUIT AT8AB freights ILLAMETTE STEAN Will take Fifight nt folk wlo i I'urtlnml to Orcguri rity, pot Cuimiitiii. Halcw, A I Curvriflln, DOWN nsr.iant AT SAI No Kxlra Chui'Ko nvtr tlio D. To Hotel Eeepu-s. 8ITOA710N 11 Tin. tluu I.

act CUamliur Malil. Would i Addron ElllUlldt C. trllb Stmraen ftr UNTIL 1-VBTEBB Far nnlu In lot. unit nvlianrra. by JiilJlf JIXHIAKEN, HEIHtlLL STOill Front I Columbian Uotell, FOKTL, ND, OniMON.

IIII! UNDBIJ81QNK 1 tho pnbllc that hit AMD A CRIST MILL, OF ALL KINDS, Gutiigi for Agrienlturol Machinery, wnorjoni IKON BiruiiEK wonit, for Tin-Proof at BAH FRANCISCO COST ABD rRiciciiT. A MADE TO ORDER BY ler. (or Wiirk wfll be Executed Promptly. NATION. labrafry 1, ISDO.

dtf w. r. i WILLIAMS MfBRIDE, iumrAonrttm un if, lurnuE GROUND COFFEE AND SPICES! IOE I.KS. PIE fnurre, JAMS, JBLLIKS, AUCHS, Prdaht. FRE81 (1 HOUND CHART I IKS GOttXlt wuslnnlly on ind an 1 put.up with p-wtloulw cnra or Ihfl Uln ng Herob nt.

la nuuket i be So. toMtnor from Oregon ISDjroiw Cftj and at Un JUttM. 0. D. BILKS, NAY.


Oo. ATION GO'S 2 60 UCOUI.I.T, rcm.lwit P. T.Co. NAY. CO.

no 74 1 60 2 GO KATKB. City nallrciul. A MAN wire. Steward nml lite luacountry totfU, Painting M'KGOHMie A M'DOUOALL, UOVSfl, Bid I AND OUSAMEMTAL VIII Did brand of Ob: fee fttiyotbtr now ID told A TtMle the Lowest rojti Front 'sii PO rfU dsptr M1CHAKL, Hf1 NBRB, HARBUEBa, DKOOKATIVB PAP BE IIJ gcnwnl LooklBiOIua Rnd Pic OttOC! ID OLABSlffoimrkctured to ordtrfor BidDliobltJ SkyHgliMand other Interior COMPCBrriON bltNAMlCSTa nwdo for StrambU ni 1 Store DoDarntlora. ENGK ON GLASS AND MKTALS.

Tlio linving Prmctlcnl Workmen Bn.xnuilH{togivfll'«rfect at 8ION rat nichfrdiptf Fnmt A. G. BRADFORD, IllPOnTER AND JOnr RR IK Firont Street, PORTLAND, pRMOrl. CES OF IRON REDUCED! 'ATT BHOffi ot. per AJLL OTUKB B1ZEB IN 1'IIOI'OHTION, a.

KOKTHRUp Importem and Dcnl.rfl In 1 lardwnre, llron, Btrel, and Wagon Timber JWtlitnd, Orugon San Franclwo. 8. LIBINHAUB J. 80HONFELD 8ECAR8 AND TOBACCO, MatcUcia, AND VAKXEE NOTIONS US Unit Street, corner Wellington, POIITLAND, OHKGON. J.

SonoNI II. BKKUI I HER i A III IVotice. tllV GIVE NOTICK THAT I HAVIi WITi fmni th. Orni ot VKRIIT, A I It IIION 1VU11K8. link rMpuiiHll.l.) any M.I or tor uny work i Portln DIl uttle In qnaiitltn! to PAISTB, the Wliat Olieer 1 Itora Ii uow pen; anil XK fen at the Ixnrwl a I VAIIBIIBIIBS, OLAII UUtiBtlliS, rilNTKKt' UAT'PIiiJ 3V Op FAN TOltET TOOin BBUKH.j,, flNK IfOSTKNnOLM'B CUTLKST, rmuiia TAOKLE, fc, lo.

Prraciiptlon. caraltelly CAinidcndad exporlenoad Drutfgl.t and and pnt up honra of tua nlghi. 1 Ordan Irom aolldtad and a4.i JySldtf rei and Picture HOSEWOOD.JOILT WAUiTO MOLII1 Jlorrlaoal Stilectt (oppoalt. TMND, OttEOOH. --loiyjaiiomiiiniw PUO alC.

PEOIALlIT TOOBAl'll UH. SnANAKAN, l.t.ofA. KobUi'. Mn.fc.1 Ibkimnt, San Vr.pc«,. will to Tlnlnl I kind.

I I I'orllloJ. J.n. 1, ISM fllnnili tj, I IVotice. AUKIl MAI1CII III, p. M.

CAPTAIN for Sale. A aXuDLK AKD HAUNKSg SHO1-, doll a llclnil lnuliin In Ibp Cllj. A lo J. I I No. Krontwrcol, I'nrtlniia.

for Sale. BWJEI.LINU illOUBK AND Un COUCH'S lill'UOVKU LOTB. lo JOHN SIIXWIWD Fobrui Dividend Notice. CoupjiitT Ottaaf. Mud, lww lDBSU 1IA HAY TI1EO.

WYOANT, Th. HAP! HAPPY I I nuMons, aonoFUL, tbo gnat Uw 10 nan, CRAKE i A 't i Oregon Corner rOKTL Wuhlogloia Str OREGON. prlcaa will bda.fbllay.far01tAfir tBADat tlielr UuhprTill Ij amtapttl ila 7 MlEi fiotla IL Pic Nio i fltignr 4I Jiinnj llnd Pilot Droii! Portland, Jan. i KLOPENSTINE CO. nud Union PROVISIONS, raiiCT sr', SAN 11KV ARE NOW PKKPAKKDTOOiriiltaRKiTXl iDdnccmpntBijthnn u.yer to tdl iiarclunlne Qo nl tliojj wontd.reapeoKUUy lollrllrt cull felBd3( Cjoal Oil I 2,000 GALLONS OF COAL OIL SAN PU A CISCO PRICB FSIQ IT n.

O. KUOKT 8TKKKT, 1'OItTLAND. i i Buildera take Notice. JJTATKS' MA1K WINDOW 8AJSII BOORS AlfD HI.IND8 01 ALL S17.K8 AJiD OF TI1K nl Htnull Iwpl on liaml and for liy Icope Zlope I UST HKCKIVKD AK ASSOttTMKNT 01 nbpl all from 6-liinb. i A HKKP.IC, at Sun FrancUctt rrlccBn id 1 H.

BNEAT1I. WlioUiVlc Grocer, 25 FTMt slml, (Tu. Co' IPortlnnd, I dtf TO THE 'i GREEN BAND vr. IMPOETKB AND DBAI.BB IK DRIIOB.

PA.NXd, OIIS, WINDOW O'-ASS, ALOOLOL, COAt. Oil, iVRPtlliTmm, COUn, BRUSHEt, PAIMT13BV FANCY OOODS, DKDOOIma' Ac. We rcnxcUblly call tlie attention ol the Iran, to on dMlrlng anylblurln 'ont iL, Well-ftrlected Stock, In offering OOODS Ut VERT LOW I1ATE8.1. ara now dolug. It ttiat aaopl, naar llj.CASU BVBMft.

PHYSICIANS' PrlKBORimONB pouniied, of IDDbaat mwlklai 1 at'much Ifa. Klin par tier emt. fcr Ilidr a. wa allow Iba KO. 130 FKOHT STKBBT.

Fauuin. THE LIFE MBR11E OF NEW YORK. IKOOBFOAATXD. A 11 ANItDAl racOMl, til Hub, PAID 8 ow OtPBdV AND tnaEST INSURANCE In the Tnitod States I ill POUCUS KOH (Ml la U. J-rl, limultw 111.

moul or towtnb MOB) wu lo Md lo Droporlloo to pr-ilum. avor-decterod ID of UtM IML Dl.iu.KDS OE POUOIBB Ki JMPtSMdnol ro.ooooo 10.00000 i nan j.ooood'S Z.OOOOO 118 i S.OOO 00 4,00000 bj Ui. Llfcam) Kndowmoot ID. ntoe of i IbU 0.rr*o7 lower, while the JMbu.h otter Ib ft, Oulwd SiS vnanrmiderorajmllcyl ampnntilii Uuaamii Jr.i|ort[gn,)n iiiltU tmaimoaljiuuliw UNIVERSAL INSURINCE INSURANCE OF IMPAIRED LIVES. AIL KINBS OF POWC1KB, rr.nlMr.

No W- iuirTr K. OLISAS, II. A pooB MKOIJAKlOIAili OJB OAK HOUJ nh JPlb irad Uuuoier ud IM bli CblMl on Torn DB Qood oo P. rAWl-ALT, OpMetan. MILLARD VAN SCHUYVER 10 L.ADD, REED Ic ImperKr.

nd Brandies, Wines and Liquors tOBTUHD. ORKOOM. Doors, Windows and Blinds. mu.4HD VAN iWSPAPERI.

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