THE MENACE IN EUROPE The world is neither confounded or aghast- at what comes about in Europe. It was expected, but not so soon. Nor was the crossing of the Rhine expected so soon, nor the obvious trail blazing toward Austria and Czechoslovakia. It was not thought that these demonstrations, defiances would occur for some time, not in fact until Germany felt herself restored somewhat on the sea. And yet, with assurance of Italian sympathy, and help and otherwise, by keeping her fleet bottled up, the issues would be forced on land and in the air. And with the apparent entente plus the assurance of support are thought to be enough. What undercurrents in Germany cannot be guessed. Had the United States taken a voice in council this could scarcely have happened. But minded to peace our people would prefer to see half the world stolen by the other half, rather than become embroiled even as a consulting nation, even though the despoilers are doubly dangerous. All this could have been told also by turning back the pages, from the partition of Poland back in the late 1700's, through the rebellions of the 1840's, the regime of Bismark, and the episode of 1914. The signs are all written in those pages. No longer, one fears, can Germany which now "annexes" Austria and puts that nation, claim that the hers. Neither 1914 nor the present could have come without a pretty general thought that These people who have been steadily fed on a diet of defiances, hegemonies, scraps of paper and bayonets feed people that for generations and there Austria is annexed, no longer a nation. This catastrophe will make a paragraph of imperishable history, Austria, a great people, great in sciences, great in schools, great in the arts, with more distinguished names pictorial than Germany herself. is a knell to other nations that ling. What the outcome? One "whom the gods would destroy, ginning of this or that. Italy apparently does not think there is any possible peril in nation on her borders. Meantime Americans may take comfort in the story, just now published at a most opportune time, the story of a great writer who has just completed great spaces and the hidden oughly studied the situation in Poles than in any city in the world except Warsaw; New York where the ployglot population man; the high mid-west, where German nativities of the third and fourth generation are. And what finding? A distinct remembrance that the flower of Germany came here because of a defeated love of freedom at home. Those Germans saved Missouri to the Union for us, and were enormous assistance in the Avar against the division of this country. They and their descendants are German only in far off sentiment. Their whole feeling and outlook is American. Even so it is with the present Bunds, to judge by the present deliverances. With Italians and Polish this observer found sentiment not European but American despite all the attempted surgings of emotional cliques over here. With all this we may take great comfort. As to the rest, it is well again that "heaven from all creatures hides the book of fate, all but the page inscribed our present state." an end to the independence of responsibility for 1914 was not was by no means unanimous. will be clear results as here in the realm of music and the Austria delenda erat. This may expect the same strang can only look to the past etc., etc. This may be the be this close approach of a militant a several months' tour in the nooks of this country. He trior Chicago where there are more is heavy with Italian and Ger