: CZECH MARTYRDOM Again, Hitler and his killers are wrontr V- They proudly boast they have razed the little - town of Lidice in Czechoslovakia to the ground and "extinguished" the name of the ; community because it was susDected of har. boring the slayers of the assassinated Rein- hard Heydnch, the bloodiest of the Nazi butchers. ' " , How far wrong Hitler and his aides were , is best demonstrated by the fact the whole world today knows about Lidice and very few, . outside of individuals with ties in Czecho-. Slovakia, were aware of its existence before its 1,200 residents were either put to the swora or interned and their property des T; troyed. Lidice has achieved immortality because of ' this martyrdom. It will remain forever a '," monument to Nazi brutality and inhumanity. i The' world will regard the fate of these un-. fortunate victims of hate and tyranny as evidence 01 wnat tne ruling regime in Ger-many has in mind for peoples of other lands - they might subdue. And knowing this, they H win ngfli aujne naraer to maintain both free- dom and justice. st , During the first World War, the propaganda, bureau were accused of manufacturing atrocity, stories to arouse the public. But .there is no peed to use the imagination i for anything in this conflict, for the Nazis ,r seem to take particular delight in telling of ; their ruthlessness in" a dozen countries of Europe where thousands of innocent persons have been brutally slain. ; . Terhaps,' when this war is concluded, it ; might be well for the United Nations to set up a court on a spot like Lidice for the trial of the Nazi despoilers. Other countries may feel they are entitled to this .consideration ; because of the way they have suffered, but Lidice is our immediate choice for-at least ; one of the tribunals that surely will be neces-1 Mry to mete out justice to the band of mur-vrs row in the i 1 C :: -any, . ,' a to