NOTICE OF CONSULTATION SECTION 106 NATIONAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION ACT (AMENDED 2006) Kawaihae Road -Waiaka Bridge Replacement and Realignment of Approaches Project Ahupuaa of Lalamilo, Knoniki, Kauniho, and Waiaka 1 South Kohala District, Island of Hawaii Near Tax Map Keys: 6-6-4: 01; 6-5-001: 15, 33; 6-6-001: 077; 6-6-9: 07, 08, and 09 JV ntOJECT LOCATION C2gCJi0 WAIAKA BR I DOE r- Notice ia hereby given that the Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT), in coordination with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), proposes to construct a project referred to as the Kawaihae Road - Waiaka Bridge Replacement and Realignment of Approaches, in the South Kohala District on the Island of Hawaii. HDOT proposes to replace the ifa'ng Waiaka Bridge, realign the bridge approach to improve sight Hiatrniww, and improve traffic operations at the intersection of Kawaihae Road and Kohala Mmntsin Road. Waiaka Bridge is situated along Kawaihae Road, near Kawaiahe RoadKohala Mountain Road intersection in Waiaka. Pursuant to Section 108 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Amended 2006), Native Hawaiian Organizations and Native Hawaiian descendants with ancestral lineal or cultural ties to, cultural knowledge or concerns for, and cultural or religious attachment to the historic resources of the ahupuaa of Lalamilo, Keoniki, Kauniho, and Waiaka 1 are requested to contact Mr. Lance Manabe, HDOT, (808) 587-2338, 869 Punchbowl Street Room 514, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, Please respond by March 2, 2012. (No. 54951-West Hawaii Today: February 1, 2012)