| a NEWS OF LODGES Wausau Lodge No. 71, Junior of Moose, came into actual existence yesterday afternoon the Moose Temple, the first class of forty candidates was put through the initiatory work, the full ritual of the junior order being exemplified by George Leicht, past dictator of the Senior lodge, assisted by a few of the other officers. The newly appointed officers the Junior lodge, who had been installed by Junior Governor Jess at a meeting held on the previous Sunday, took their respective stations, assisted by Mr. Leicht. Fred Lillicrap, Leo Crooks, Rollin Green and Harry Folwell of the Senior lodge. The Junior officers are: Past Detator- -Thaddeus Kryshak. Dictator--Francis R. Crooks. -Kermit Laabs. Prelate--Leo T. Gwidt. Secretary- Clayton J. Crooks Treasure Sergeant-at-Arms-Albert Norman Schaefer. Meade, Jr. Inner Guard--Leslie Pregont. Outer Guard- -Quenton Archie. Trustees- John J. Magrecki and Noke M. Lillicrap. At the close of the meeting dinner was served by the Ladies of Mooseheart Legion, No. Dictator Ed Jess acting as toastmaster. Talks were given L. D. Crooks, Karl Pagenkopf and Harry Folwell of the Senior lodge and Clayton Crooks, Leo Gwidt. Norman Schaefer and Francis R. Crooks of the Juniors. The ceremonies were brought to a close at 7:30 o'clock, and the Junior members. led by Clayton Crooks., gave rousing cheer for the Ladies Legion for their kindness in serving the splendid dinner.