Mrs Austin Savage - is recovering rapidly from her recent illeeaa 1 dosia Mann ia spending the weel$ with Mm Jacob Savage et Antioch Minnie Ames has gone to Russell to work for Mm CEdwsrds this summer' Mortimer Savage hue Jast erected t monument nt thn Hickory cemetery in memory of hi young wife ' Clayton King nnd Lee Savage went toiAnrors-on their bikes Inst Saturday nnd spent n few dsya with relatives at that place Abbie Ames has returned home from a six weeks stay in Lake Forsst and Waukegan Mira Abbie tfie owner of anew wheel1 fisue Grace and Mend King re turned this week from in extended visit witk their sister Mm Harry Wheeler of Aurora “ Mr and Mm Sidney Hunting have moved their 'household' good from Evnnston'intopart of the Thomas Ed ward's house Mn Hunting is caring for her parents who am very feeble Rev Sell orb a blind preacher of Evanston and quite a noted man will delivers lecture entitled ”W list can Women de” nt the Hickory church f-n Saturday evening Mjj 31 No admission will be charged but a collet tion will be taken for the benefit of the church Mr Schorb dill also preach morning nnd evening on Snn day M7 S3