Lakin 'Reich. Joseph J. Lakln.of Palermo, and Blanche May Reich, of Baker, Brown county, Kansas, were married at St. Joseph's Church, Wathena, Wednesday morning, August 10, 1911, by Kev. Fr. John Bollweg, pastor. After the coremony they were given a dinner at the home of the groom's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gao.T. Groh's whence they went to Baker and were given a reception at the bride's home. They have rented the G. T. Groh place, and will return th is week and begin housekeeping there immediately. Mr, Groh wilt move into his mother's' house so that she may not be there alone and to which she is so much attached that' she would not consent to any arrange ment by which she would have-to live anywhere else. It seems to be a happy consummation ah round, and the many relatives and friends of the young married couple congratulate and extend them their best wishes.