EXTRAORDINARY SPEECH BY PROFESSOR BLACKIE. Professor Blackie delivered, on Sunday, at Glasgow, a lecture on Scottish love songs, to an audience of 4,000 persons. In the course of his lecture the professor said some people thought it profane to deliver such a lecture on Sunday, but he thought that what was harmless or good on week days could not be bad on Sunday. Ministers opposed bis speaking on love songs and beautiful women, but clergymen, usually sought for beautiful wives, especially if they possessed the added advantage of a well-filled purse. For hut own part, he liked to see a woman's beautiful face, but he never looked at her ankles. At the conclusion of the lecture, which provoked much cheering and laughter. Professor Blackie sang, to the intense delight of his auditors, the old Scotch ballad, " Will ye gang to Kelvingrove, bonnie lassie, 0. ' THE SERIOUS CHARGE