BY Strietly PHINEAS BIRON J. Confidential Tid-Bits from Everywhere Listen Here Sagacious indeed is a comment Dr. Chaim Weizmann has made on non-Jewish view concerning things Jewish When, in a conversation with political big shots in Washington, he was told that much opposition from Jewish quarters had lately been directed against Zionism, he retorted: "In all civilized democracies the voice of the majority is enough to pass any law - but when it comes to Jewish some of our nonJewish demand that any affairs, proposal not only be approved by a majority, but be backed by unanimity" All of which reminds us that, believe it or not, some Jews object to Arthur Szyk's drawings of Jewish subjects because, they say, his Jews don't look sufficiently American If a certain plan goes through, you may have the opportunity to see in your own city a motion picture version of "We Shall Never Die," the pageant so successfully presented at Madison Square Garden some weeks ago under the auspices of the Committee for a Jewish Army Billy Rose, who staged the pageant, created a sensation at a small dinner recently by subscribing $2,500 to the Committee and then making an appeal which brought in $11,000 for the same cause. Newsy Notes Don't underestimate the Zionist achievement in getting subscriptions, to $10,775,634.50 worth of war bonds as a result of a special drive conducted by the Zionist Organization of America Treasury department officials consider this result outstanding, for the amount it represents is over and above what the same individuals subscribed to before the specific, Zionist appeal was issued nation-wide celebration commemorating seventy five years of the revitalization of the Hebrew Ianguage in this country will be held next month, and it'll be on a big (Continued Da Page 6)