EDWARD P. GARLAND Word has been received of the death of Edward Patrick Garland. 70. formerly of Winnipeg, who died Friday morning in Toronto General Hospital. Mr. Garland was born in Caledon-950 la, Ont., and went to Portage la Prairie, Man., in 1882. He was edu- cated in Portage la Prairie and then studied law in Winnipeg. Re- turning to Portage he practised law with Ewen MacPherson (now Chief Justice MacPherson) and later came to Winnipeg in 1912 and continued in the law practise. He is survived by his widow: son, Patrick Garland, Winnipeg; daughter, Mrs. Larry Wray, Toronto: three granddaughters; brother. Charles R. Garland, Winni-| peg; five sisters, Mrs. D. B. Hanna,