Couldn't Find Chinese Beau In Vancouver, Actress Says VANCOUVER (CP) Maria movies. She was the "number Tsien, shapely, Chinese girl who two wife" in "The King and I." is a movie a television actress, She has done all this in a threeleft here to return to Hollywood year acting career which followed with some disappointment her training as an interior decoshe had not been able to find an rator at the University of Calieligible Vancouver bachelor for fornia and modelling jobs in New herself. York. "I wish I had more time to She said that at one time she look around," she said. "I'm so was worried that people would busy and it's hard to meet an never recognize her except by eligible man in Hollywood. There her legs. The legs appeared in a just doesn't seem to be any nice succession of hosiery advertiseChinese boy in acting." ments in magazines. Maria, whose 104 pounds are The modelling career was revived last spring when Marie nicely distributed, has played spent three months in Paris, leading roles in 26 television working for French designers plays and has worked in six Jacques Grieffe and Jean Patou.