Slaying Leads Pursued WHEELING, W. Va. (UPt) - Crewmen from an Atlanta those salvage sherlit's company deputies were among sought today as the depulles pursued all leads in an "Intense" probe of the rape of a Roman Catholic postulant. young "We're looking al every lead." one Investigator noted. "We're laking the most fruitful ones first, and working our way down." Ever since the nude body Ruberla Elam, 26, a nalive of Allendale, N. J., was discovered by an uverturned park bench on the grounds af the St. Joseph Mutherhuuse, police have beers swamped with reports. Alt. are being carefully examined. One report alluded to a run-In the victim had with crewmen from an Atlanta salvage com-. pany. over alleged obscene remarks aimed at her and nuns from Die cunveal. •Since Miss Elam often Jogged in the area, police theorized she was seen by men. "The nuns said there was one parlicular individual who'had a very loud and filthy mouth," one depuly said. "We to locate that person.' Authorities belleve that Miss Elam, kneeling In pray in her preparation for her religious lifestyle, was allacked, raped and then strangled by hand. ft accured within earshol of golfers on the Speldel Course, but none questioned could recall hearing anything screams. "1'3 an inlense InvestigaIlen," one delective sald. "The whole depariment is working on it. This Is Onto primary thingo guing vin In County al this lime." After the death of Miss Elam, Washington County, Pa., police, who are investigating the. murders of four wamen In the Southwestern Pennsylvanla county, came here lu meet with deputies. Buy after comparing notes, authorities were doub!ful Ibey were seeking a COCT killer. "They don't 'Think il's the, same one, one sheriff's spokesman said. Miss Elam, known as Sister Robin. was eulugized al A funeral Wednesday by Father Keenan Ryan as "a vuice nf faith ringing out.' "We pledge out support in prayers,' said Fr. Ryan, chaplain al West Liberty Stale Cullege. "We share with you (u some degree the pain and anguish of. your Inss, A terrible thing happened that cannot be' twisted by kogle to the point that It is understandable." Parents of the stain wuman louk cummunion, arm In Arm, during the Mass which 35 ether Catholic priests allended, among them Rev. Juseph Hodges, Charleston bishop of the Wheeling. Diocese. Stre was buried here in the MI. Calvary Cemetery.