Postulant Nun Raped, Murdered WHEELING, W.Va. ‹UPO - Investigaturs are continuing 10 search for leads in the rape and killing of a 26-year-old postulant with the Sisters of St. Joseph, whose partially-clad undy was fourid nulside Wheeling in it wended near the convent. Authorities said late Monday that an aulopsy report showed Sister Roberia Elam, an Allendalc. N.J. native, had been sexually-assaulted and stran• gled to death at aboul 10:30 a.m. A caretaker discovered her body three hours later about 50 feet from an overlurned park hench. Investigators theorized that the young woman, who had entered the convent last August but had nut yet taken her VOWS, was atlucked while she was praying or meditating nn the isolated grounds of tic order's mother house. Acting Ohio County Coroner Hossein Yassini said there were bruises on Sister Elam's neck, throat and legs. She was nut wearing a religious habit. A search by Slate Police bloodhounds of the golf course and farms in the area produced no clues. Ohio County Prosecuting Attorncy Dennis Naumt said he had no leads. A spokesman for the Wheeling •Charleston Diocese sald Sister Elam had been participaling in a retreat at the molher house, She was last seen hy the nuns early in the mor. ning. Th:o victim was a coordinatorfor the diocese's adult religious program. In a slatement issued Monday, The diocese expressed "shock and dismay at such a violent ac1." Legalization Of Bingo Said Not Likely CHARLESTON, W.Va. (UP1) - Legalizing bingo this year is not in the cards, according to the Senalc leadership, which rebuffed a suggestion from Gov, Jay Flockefeller that it take immediate aclinn on the controversial matter. Al a news conference Monday. Rockefeller said lawmakers legalize gambling through a resolution calling for a constitutional amendment to be pul