Patterson Boy Asks For Cutile. - Sitting in the door to his ward in the St. Francis hospital day after day. An Willie, Patterson. 'the boy hero. As he sits in , the door , he eagerly watches the patients and nurses and visitors as they walk softly by him to other parts of the buildin. . He Is always looking , toward , the stairway and elevator shaft with an ea,ger expression. Whenever a, strange face appears, be It patient, nurse, doctor nr visitor, his own face lights up with Joy, and as thsy come abreast him, he stops them. One question he desires to ask. But. that one question means much to him. It is: "Will you give some of your skin to graft upon my body? The replies, which have been negative so far, cause his face to lose' its eager expressions and resume Its usual lines as he waits for another strange' face to appear. He is always hoping that some day some one will appear j who will, give 'the "cuticle for the operation. A second operation is-all that; prevents Willie" from getting,, out and romping, like other boys. About SO square r Inches or cuticle Is needed to cover the raw spots on his body where he was burned In, rescuing bis little brother and sister from the burning Patterson home in January.