VETERAN PILOT ACTED QUICKLY TO BEAT DEATH Young Girl Flyer Got Herself and Plane Into Trouble Veteran Aviator Saved the Day New York, Nov. 25.- -(UP)-A 22-year-old girl flyer owed her life today to the courage of a veteran pilot after she had jeopardized the life of. her passenger and herself to gratify the impulse of a moment. The desire to behead one of the huge helium-Alled "beasts"' released in Macy's annual Thanksgiving day parade, prompted Miss Annette Gibson to dive her place toward the grotesque shapped balloon, 5,000 feet up. The left wing of the ship crashed against the balloon fabric covering the animal, which was 60 feet long, and represented a cat. balloon, twisted under the impact and wound itself around the plane's wing. The ship was thrown into a tail spin and shot toward the earth, out of control. Miss Gibson snapped off the control switch to avoid fire, but killed her motor at the same time. Her passenger, and flying instructor, Hugh Copeland, who was sitting idly in the front cockpit, then took command. "Get out," he shouted. Copeland then climbed, into the rear cockpit, the girl exchanging places with him. As Miss Gibson fell Into the front seat the cabin door of the plane flew open and she was thrown violently toward the hole. Her foot caught in her safety belt just as It seemed she would be hurled from the plane, As Copeland took the controls, he snapped on the ignition switch. the warm motor caught Instantly. But as the plane plunged to within 80 feet of the ground, a crash seemed inevitable. Just at that moment the balloon fragment clinging to the wing became dislodged. Copeland quickly pulled the plane out of its dive and zoomed upward safe. He headed for Roosevelt field and landed to receive praise of veteran pilots for his quick action. Miss Gibson powdered her noise, adjusted her hair, then joined the throng at. the field although one stocking was gone it had been torn from her leg by the safety belt that prevented her plunge from the plane..