Danish Jews Flee In Boats: Sweden Angered at Nazis Hundreds Seeking to Es. cape Nazi Roundup; Germans Spurn Swedish Offer of Haven STOCKHOLM, Oct. 3- LAP Hundreds of Jews who preferred to risk being shot to death by German patrols along the Danish coast rather than be deported to nazi labor camps into Sweden today as Hitler's poured, Sen purge in Denmark fanned Swedish feeling. Skirmishes and bloodshed were reported when a few Jews resisted Arrest in Copenhagen, and others were pursued through Jutland by squads of gestapo men. The deportation of Danish Jews to Germany and started from Copenhagen yesterday as the nazis Ignored. at least temporarily, a Swedish government offer to provide haven for 8000 of the 10.000 Jews whom the Germans blamed for the militant opposition to German occupation of what once was Hitler's. "model protectorate. Many Jews arrived in Sweden in rowboats and fishing smacks after eluding the reinforced German patrols which were ordered to shoot anvone trying to escape, It was estimated that at least 1100 have reached Sweden since rumors of the purge swept through Denmark a week ago. The Swedish government predieted in a formal note to the German foreign office in Berlin that "serious repercussions would be felt In Sweden, and feeling ran high. Sweden, now strongly mobilized and in A better position than at any time in its history to back up words with force if necessary, ready had officially expressed sympathy for Norway by halting traftie of German troops and war materiel on Swedish railways between Germany and Norway.