DR. PLASKETT'S WORK RECOGNIZED. Canadians as a whole and British Columbians in particular will feel gratified over the distinction which has been conferred upon Dr. J. S. Plaskett by the Royal Society of Britain. The honor it-| self will very naturally afford its recipient a good deal of pleasure; but. its importance in the national sense lies in a recognition, by the most exclusive scientific body in existence, of Dr. Plaskett's valuable work over a period of years. Canada is particularly interested in the action of the Royal Society because the director of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory is the first official in the public service of this country to be honored with a fellowship. The significance of the distinction similarly takes on added dignity and value when it is borne in mind that there are only six Fellows of the Royal Society in Canada and less than half a dozen astronomers even in the United Kingdom on its roster. Dr. Plaskett's' untiring research over a considerable period has attracted the greatest minds in the scientific realm. His more recent discoveries, and particularly that of the star which now bears his name, have lent prominence to the contributions which he has made possible through his competent direction of the establishment on Little Saanich Mountain.