REFUSES GRANT FOR SCIENTISTS' VICTORIA VISIT Provincial Government Declines to Foot Bill For $6,000 Dr. Plaskett Asks Chamber to Urge Decision be Reconsidered Writing to the directors of the Commerce, Dr. J. S. Plaskett, director of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory in a letter read at the director's meeting today, points out that it is proposed that two train loads of the most celebrated scientists and engineers come to Victoria during the Summer. Meetings are to be held next August in Toronto of the British Association for the advancement of Science and International Mathematical Congress. Each of these associations contains several sections for discussing and dealing with applied sciences such as electrical, civil and mining engineering with agriculture, forestry and other subjects of vital importance to British Columbia. A transcontinental excursion ending at Victoria was proposed after the meetings in Toronto. Provincial governments were contributing towards the transportation expenses, the western provinces granting $6,000 and Ontario $20,000. The B. C. Government, however, has refused to make a grant. Dr. Plaskett asked that a deputation from the chamber wait on the Government as soon after the election as possible and urge reconsideration of the decision. A difference of opinion developed as to whether the visit of the scientists was of sufficient value to the Province to warrant the $6,000 expenditure asked for. R. W. Mayhew, J. 0. Cameron P. B. Scurrah doubted whether it would be, but a motion of General R. P. Clark to endorse the matter in principle and refer it to the Associated Boards of Trade, carried.