Exof TickF. cordially he purchased immerelief. mediin person Druggists. Injunction Chancery sellany as a TROUSERS guaranteed FUNERAL NOTICE. The friends and acquaintances of the late Rev. T. W. Stringer are respectfully invited to attend his funeral to proceed from the residence, South Cherry street, tomorrow, Tuesday, morning at 10 o'clock a.m. and Bethel A. M. E. Church at 11 o'clock. VICKSBURG, Miss., Aug. 28, 1893. The officers and members of M. W. Stringer Grand Lodge of Mississippi, are hereby notified to meet at their Masonic Hall in the city of Vicksburg Tuesday, morning Aug. 29, 1893, at 8 o'clock attend the funeral of their late brother, Dr. T. W. Stringer, Grand Master of Mississippi. By order of H. B. BROTHERS, G. S. W. B. F. GARRETT, G. S. The officers and members of the Grand Lodge of Knights of Pythias of Mississippi, are hereby notified to meet at the Hall of Progress Lodge No. 35, Vicksburg, Miss., Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock to attend the funeral of their late brother, Dr. T. W. Stringer, -Supreme Chancellor, and founder of the By order of G. F. BOWLES, G. C. W. T. JONES, K. R. S. The following fraternal, benevolent and protective Orders and Associations are notified to meet at their respective halls row morning punctually at 8 o'clock to pay tomorthe last sad honors to their eminent deceased brother: The officers and members of Vicksburg Tabernacle No. 1, B. & 8. of Love and (harity are hereby notified to meet at their hall tomorrow, Tuesday, morning at 8 o'clock to attend the funeral of their late broth r, Dr. T. W. Stringer, G. W. S. By order of JOHN H LL, W. 8. LOUISA DAVIS, R. Sheltering Rock No. 2 is invited to attend. The officers and members of Progress Lodge No. 35, K. P. are hereby notified to meet at their Castle Hall Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock, to attend the funeral of their late brother, Dr Stringer, Ex-Supreme Chancellor and founder of the order. By order of W. T, JONES, PL REED, K. R. and S: R Disney Lodge No 1 is invited to be present. The officers and members of Vicksburg notified Chapter No 1, Eastern State, are hereby to meet at their hall tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock to attend the tuneral of their late brother, Dr. T W Stringer G. W. P. order of BROADWATERS, W. M: AMANDA E. LOVETT, Secretary. The officers and members of St Johh's Commandery K. T, are hereby notified to hall tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock to attend the funeral of their late brother, Dr T W Stringer, M. E. G. C: By order of T M BROADWATERS, D G C. The officers and members of Lodge No. 1 F. A. A. M., are hereby notifiStringer at ed 8 to o'clock meet at to their attend hall the to- morning funeral of their late brother Dr. T. W. Stringer Grand Master of Mississippi. By order of ORANGE TAYLOR, W. M. W. H. PERKINg, Secretary. J. P. Campbell Lodge No. 7 Prince Hall Lodge No. 26 are invited to attend. Pall Hawkins, Bearers--Joseph Hendricks, Joseph Antony Matt Geo. Hopkins, Foster, Taylor, Murpby, Wm. Black• well, W. C. Crayton. HONARY PALL BEARERS. L Jesse, Reed, Williams, J L Smith, R J Bell, P Joseph Reed, H L Slaughter, A L Pace, WH Perkins.