I Danish Jews Risk Death to Reach Sweden 1 'l iri v n 1 i Hundreds Mee Irom Purge as Utliers right German Troops in Copenhagen Stockholm, Oct. 3 W) Hundreds of Jews who preferred to risk being shot to death bv Germanl pairuis aiong ine uanisn coast iwiruis ttiuiiK me jjaniMi cmni rather than be deported to Nazi labor camps poured into Sweden today as Adolf Hitler's anti-semitic! purge in uenmarK ianneai Swedish feeling. Skirmishes and bloodshed were op-reported when a few Jews resisted arrest in Copenhagen, and others! were pursued through Jutland by squads of Gestapo men. The deportation of Danish to Germany and Poland started NTo,ic Innil or loot iomnArorllv i " onnn iuj innnn .w hnm' ih nimanstki blamed for the mililant onnosition 7 v.. . i . . to uerman occupation or wnat once was Hitler's "model nrol.ec-1 torate " . ,.. ., f wu,u' 8,000 of the personal oeiongings, many jews arrived in Sweden in rowpoats and1 fishing smacks after eluding reinforced German patrols which were ordered to shoot anyone try- lng t0 eSCape' Thev ram n fnt nni at sn'-nH manv w-ttPi-Arf ninpps ninmr thpf southwestern Swedish coast, which at US Closest . POint IS Only and a half miles across the SOUnd frnm TAnm.n. 4UI nnn,,nfi,l ""imoin, iiiol count was vet available. UllOfflCi-l any, however, lt that at jeast 1 10( ' Unoffici was estimated Sweden -inre rurnors of the puige p1, lnroun iJenmarK a weeKj af"- The Swedish eovernment nre-:t.ion. .djfted in a formal note to thel German Foreign Office In Berlin that "serious repercussions" would be felt in Sweden, and feeling ran! high, especially in southern Sweden which, once was a part DZTrL. f rr The Swedish government offer l S Ann t u uki not in-j ciuucr ,vv,v ucvva wjiu xicu uri-iwpre Austria and other countries: Austria and other countries; 0-and obtained refuge in Denmark man) early in the war. Germany's reply was to send; boatloads of Jews from Conen- i hagen apparently to Baltic ports, i Sweden, now strongly mobilized j and in a better position than at any time in its history to back up woras wnn iorce u necessary, ai ready had officially expressed sym pathy for Norway by halting traffic of German troops and war material on Swedish rauwaya between Germany and Norway. She followed up these measures by banning on October 1 the movement of fuel oilr-a vital German military store on her railways to other countries. The Swedish press acclaimed the government's latest move to aid the Jews in Denmark but the newspaper Social-Demokraten, or-, gait- of the dominant government party, said "all our humanitarian efforts are killed by the sadistic methods of the other side (Ger-lin who use every opportunity to destroy the Jewish race."