Hitler Massacre Total Mounts Into Hundreds; All-Nazi Cabinet Looms 60 Storm Troopers Met Death Bravely Refused Bandages for Eyes, Witness to Executions Says; Trials. Lasted Three Minutes (Copyright 1934, by Berlin, July 2 The story of how executed with unbandaged eyes in superb was told today by a man Chancellor Hitler's firing. squad. The man, a member of the Schutz Staffel, special black shirt guards, whispered his story of 60 executions after making certain that no eavesdropper could hear. Before the executions, there was a trial for each "traitor" before a court of three men, under the chairmanship of Heinrich Himmler, chief of secret police. Another judge was a high ranking officer of the Schutz Staffel and another came from the Reichswehr (army.) Each man was given three minutes before the judges, and each was sentenced to death, although some were. given an opportunity to commit suicide. "The men were judged and condemned in three minutes," said the witness, "and were disposed of shortly after that. "From the tribunal were taken before the firing squad as drums rolled to drown out the shots. "All died without bandages over their eyes-all refused to be blinded. "Ernst and Strasser (Karl Ernst, troop leader, and Gregor Strasser) were shot there. (In the school.) "Ernst as he turned toward the squad cried: innocent. Heil Hitler! Hell Germany!' "Men with meritorious records given the privilege as was Roehm (Ernst Roehm, cabinet min- Goebbels' Wings May Be Clipped and His Duties Assigned to Others VON PAPEN GUARDED BY GERMAN TROOPS Von Hindenburg Better as He Commends Chancellor on Purging of Party The Associated Press) 60 rebellious storm troopers were an old cadet school in a Berlin who obviously was a member of | ister and supreme, leader of the troopers,) to commit suicide, but few accepted. "The execution of one S. A. leader named Ehrdt was held up momentarily by the arrival of an order from Hitler giving him the right to choose suicide or the firing squad. "Ehrdt was an aviator and held the highest military. decorations. For this reason the chancellor extended him the favor. "But Ehrdt refused to shoot himself, proclaiming he was Innocent." The eye-witness said the strain of the ordeal caused him to leave the place after he had seen 60 shot, intimating that many more than that number fell in the cadet school at Lichterselde. The school was established In 1717, and is a castle-like structure which was used in monarchial days for training of officers. The circumstances of the killing of General Kurt von Schleicher and his wife in their home near Babelburg, the Hollywood of Germany, were related by another eye-witness. The witness, an old army officer, related the story after being assured that his identity would not be revealed. Eight heavily armed storm troopers in a bus went to the house, he said, jumped out and marched in. "I heard shots and shortly thereafter the storm troopers came out," he said. (Copyright, 1934, by The Associated Press) Outstanding developments in the Pearl crisis reliable in Germany, source Monday: said hundreds -not a score or 80-were executed when Chancellor Hitler struck at "traitors." The number shot down in Berlin alone was given as more than 60, by this authority, as the government again delayed giving out its "authentic" list of dead. ber An of eye witness, obviously a memthe firing squad, told how 60 Storm Troop leaders. and other "traitors" were shot with unbandaged eyes Berlin suburb after each had a "the trial. Informed political observers predicted that the result of the crisis will be an all-Nazi cabinet the middle course, strictly antitaking monarchical. of There were signs that the wings Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, now one of Hitler's apparently close advisers, will be clipped, many of his duties being given to others. Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen, conservative critic of some Nazi policies, was placed under the protection of the Reichswehr (regular army) by his friend, President Paul von Hindenburg.