AN IDIOTIC PERFORMANCE Gormany burning tho books! What a pectcle of Gormany roturnlng to tho dark age that will present to tho -world n May 19! And what an Irreparable loss to Germany of Intellectual and aptrltual things! Tor In carrying out thla order of tho mad chancellor. Germany win lose moro than tho mero physical value of tho printed worka which it may bo possible to reproduco when tho demand art- Tho aptrtt which makes auch a thing aa thla poaelbl la much moro destructive than tho burning can poeaibty b. n though thousand of libraries, public and private, will bo despoiled of torn of tho most valuable contribution to Germanic art. literature, science, bust neon and religion, and tho great mate of th Gorman peopl will bo deprived cf their use and Influence. Thla Insane and certainly futile destruction and despoliation, a part of Germany' antl-Semotic campaign no. not Germany'a but Hitler's: we do not believe It has tho sympathy of the German peopl cannot fall to react upon tho whole German people. Tho books which will bo destroyed if this . order ia carried out will Include much of tho holcet literature of Germany, tho contributions of some of tho nations greatest minds, from Albert Eir,tin down through long and eminent lit. While- this, which Includes much of the best thought of the agrs. will perhaps remain to tho world at large, to Germany it will b a ald fountain. Whether It shall again bo made to flow aa of old may be questioned if this program la carried cit. Fven now it is difficult to betievo the German people will consent to such an lnane and Miotic performance.