transports- Pa- U.S. Opens Doors To War Refugees WASHINGTON, Dec. O-UPt President Truman tonight ordered the admission of displaced persons and refugees Jnto this country at a maximum rate of 3,900 a month under existing immigration laws. With specific orders to the head of each, the President v directed the state, war and justice departments, the War Shipping Adminis tration, the public health service, and the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration to cooperate in the program. Explaining- that he hoped the majority of those admitted would be orphaned children, President Truman said that the United States shares responsibility for relieving the suffering of displaced persons and refugees in Europe, f "I consider." he said, "that com ni'on decency and the fundamental comradeship of all human beingB requires us to do what lies within out. power to see that our established immigration quotas are used (Continued on Page 2, Column 2)