tyWltnUt$ May Report A,f0ci,; to paT QWICHT L. PITKIN inmv Anrii 20 in t an-! MlDllitjr arM todav y w wltneM reports by British parlia- ment members and United Statea representatives on conditions in the Nazi concentration camps might be con-1 presented directly to tne world se- i curl ty Conference at San Francisco to emphasize the need lor a strong Jo- Mars tion peace. as A bouse of commons delegation left her today to Inspect the horror sites and later Gen. Dwight D. Elsenhower cabled Gen. George C. rshall, chief of Starr, aa lnvlta- f or 12 United Statea congress men ana n American eaiiors to make personal Inspections. Diplomatie quarters in London, noting ths wave of revulsion which followed the publioation of ' details of ths concentratioa camps, maintained that a joint report to the conference would provide a powerful argument for the need for unity to prevent recurrences. Such a report it was argued, ek would outweigh technical differences of opinion among the as sembled delegatea and stiffen the new league's determination to maintain guarantees againat future Gar-man aggression. Maj. Gen. Sir Edward Spears, until recently British minister to Syria, suggested today that all per-petratora of atrocities be confined . on a desert isiana tor me rest or their lives with sufficient "but not excessive rations. He urged also in a apsech that the rations of German prisoners of war be reduced to "subsistence level."