Miss Crittendon To Wed Lieutenant Cooper at Halls HALLS, Tenn., 'Sept. 20.-(Spl)First Baptist Church here will be scene Thursday at noon of the the marriage of Miss Bibie Crittendon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Winston Crittendon of Halls to Lt. (j. g.) Thomas Gordon Cooper, Jr., United States Naval Reserve, stationed at Melbouine, Fla., son of Mr and Mrs. Thomas Gordon Cooper of Gleason. The bride attended Union Uni-1 versity at Jackson and graduated from Peabody College in Nashville. She is a member of Chi Omega sorority, and was connect-! ed with the Gulf, Mobile and Ohio Railroad. Lieutenant Cooper, who recently returned from six months' overseas service in the Pacific theater. is a graduate of Vanderbilt University where he was a member of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. A Complete Showing of NORCROSS GREETING CARDS 719 Church St. WILES CARD SHOP 27 Arcade GREETING CARDS NORCROSS SHY? Red Hrad says send, a Friendship Card NORCROSS GREETING CARDS CUP for flavor and quality ONE POUND COLONIAL COLONIAL PERCOLATOR NASHVILLE, PACKED COFFEE BY CO grate & COFFEE Thursday Morning, Sept. 21, 1** Today's Needlecraft 936 | by Laura Wheeler Corde bags have captured the fancy of the fashion world! They're rich-looking and quite inexpenalive if you crochet them yourself. Easily-crocheted 2-inch squares or 7-inch triangles make these luxurious corde bags. Instructions 936 has directions for purses. This design. together with needlework pattern for personal or household decoration. Send FIFTEEN CENTS In coins for these patterns to The Nashville Tennessean, 99 Needlecraft Dept., 82 Eighth Avenue, New York 11, N. Y. Write plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. Fifteen cents more brings you our New 32- page Needlecraft Catalog . 133 illustrations of designs for embroidery, knitting, crochet. quilts, home decoration, toys. Personals ison returned recently their Dr. and Mrs. John ThomBrown, wedding trip to Ponte Vedra. Fla.. and are guests MIs. Thomison's aunt, Miss Courtney Hollins, at her home on Seventeenth Avenue. South. They will leave the middle of next week for Columbus, Ohio. where they will make their home while Dr. Thomison is serving his internship at Starling- Loving University Hospital. Lt. Cindr. Ewing Keith. MIs. Keith, and children. Sally and Ewing, moved on Wednesdav to their new home on Warner Place, which they recently purchased. Mrs. Brayton Wallin will return Monday from Bridgeport, Conn.. where she has visited Mr. Wallin the past two weeks. Sgt. Gray H Smith. United States Marine Corps Air Forces, stationed at New port. Ark. will atrive Friday to be the guest of his father, William P. Smith at his home on Westview Aventie. Keith Caldwell. U'nited States Naval Reserve. stationed at Millington, will spend this week end with Mrs. Caldwell at the the the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frecerie Leake, on Harding Place. Mis Wilham 1. Hunt. Jr. and son. William Liston, third, have returned from New York City where they were the guests of Mrs. Hunt's sister. Mrs. David Roskind and Mr. Roskind. Social Calendar Mrs. Earls and Miss Tate honor Miss Chilton at luncheon. Mr. Post entertains for Miss Chilton and Mr. Shwah. Mrs. Gasser compliments Mrs. Schimpf. Maple Hill Garden Club meets Lebanon Road Garden Club has meeting. Riverside Garden Club meets. Nashville Auxiliary, No. 1, N. A. P. E. meets. Virginia Association meets at the Y. W. C. A. Nashville Lodge No. 712 L. A. to B. of R. T. meets. MOTHER! THESE FOODS Extra easy ARE to digest TIBBY's special homogenization breaks open 1 the food cells, so baby's digestive juices can readily mix with the nourishment. That's why Libby's are EXTRA E of easy The the to digest. Council American on Foods Medical and Association Nutrition recognizes this result from Libby's homogenization. CARROTS baby So LIBBY, get foods only MENEILL that Libby's are & 14 extra LIBBY, varieties- easy Chicago to -the 9, digest. only IN. I ONLY BABY FOODS ARE BOTH STRAINED AND HOMOGENIZED Garden Clubs Have Harvest, Flower Shows At the Fall Harvest Show of the Battlefield Garden Club, which was held Wednesday afternoon in the garden house of Mrs. A. Raymond Hurt at her home on McNairy: Lane the following awards were presented: Mrs. H. R. Griffith. Mrs. J. J. Pagé and Mrs. L. F. Braswell. large; Mrs. Griffith, Mrs. Page and Mrs. N. A. Charlton, line: Mis C. Y. Richardson. Mrs. and Mrs. A. F. Knight, novelty: Mrs. Richardson. Mrs. J. F. Chickey and Mrs. J. B. Long, dining table: Mrs. M. M. Booth, Mrs. Page and Mrs. Charlton, console; Mrs. L. J. Bervoets. Mrs. Chickey and Mis. W W. Hogan, flowering vine: Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Charlton and Mrs. Booth, all shrub: Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Roy Stewart and Mrs. Page, miniature: Mrs. Page, fruit and flowers and all vegetable: Mrs. Hurt and Mrs. Stewart, fruit and vegetable. Mrs. Knight. Mrs. Charlton and Mrs. Page. specimen rose; and Mrs. Braswell, Mrs. Charlton Long, specimen gladioli: MIs | Chariton. specimen snapdragons; Mrs. Page. specimen sunflower: Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Braswell. specimen zennias; Mrs. Richardson. specimen vitex; Mrs. Page, specimen marigold. Awards canned foods presented Mrs. Richardson, bread and butter pickle and chili sauce; Mrs. Griffith and Mrs. Charlton, carrots: Mrs. Griffith. Mrs. Braswell and Mrs. Page, tomatoes: Mrs. Charlton, turnip greens; Mrs. Page and Mrs. Charlton. peach pickle: Mrs. Griffith and Mrs. Chariton, lima beans: MIs. Charlton, beets. green relish, chopped pepper relish. cherry preserves, blackberry jam, pear. peach and plum preserves; Mrs. Griffith, Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Page, green beans: Mrs. Braswell. Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Charlton. strawberry preserves: Mrs. Richardson MIs. Charlton. blackberries; Mrs. Charlton and Mrs. Mrs. Page and MIs. marmalade: Mrs. Page. Richardson. Chickey and Mrs. Braswell, canned peaches: Mrs. Chickey. canned pears: Mrs. Charlton canned apples: Mrs. Charlton, tomato juice. Sweepstakes awards were won hy Mis. Charlton, first, and Mrs. Page, second. Harriett Griffith. LaNiede Cartwright. Diane O'Donnell and Melinda Richardson were presented awards for flower by children and Robert Drake received an award for vegetables grown by children. COUNTRY HOMES GARDEN CLUB Country Homes Garden Club met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ben Pridemore at White's Creek, with Mrs. Bruce Carney presiding. Following a brief business meeting the following awards were made for exhibits in the trophy class: large, Mrs. Herman Thompson; table. Mrs. Thompson; medium. Mrs. O. J. Bilis; novelty. Mrs. Billis; and feature, Mrs. A. B. Graves. In the sweepstake class awards wete made for the following exhibits: large. MIs. Tom Williams: medium. Mrs. Swen Ericson: table. Mrs. Ernest Williams and novelty, Mrs. Mark Williams. Escue-Ervin Vows Said Mr. and Mrs. C R. Ervin anthe manage their daughter. Dorothy Jean. of Washington, D. C. to James Mayo Escue. son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Escue. dav. September 12, at PresbyThe wedding took place, Tuesterian Church at Arlington. Va., with the Rev. Walter W'oll of- Miss Katherine Helm of Arlington was the bride's only attendant James W'. Head of Arlington attended Mr. Escue as best man. Following the ceremony Mrs. Russell Stockey and MIs. Mary Mottern entertained at A wedding supper at the Lotus Club in New York. Following a wedding trip Mr. Escue will return to Nashville and will begin his senior year at Vanderbilt University where member of Kappa Sigma fraternity. Mrs. Escue is a graduate of Central High School and is now connected with the navy department at Washington. Mr. Escue was graduated from Central High School. Ration Coupon CALENDAR MEATS. FATS, ETC. Book 4 red stamps A-8 through Z-8 and A-5 through G-5 good indefinitely. SHOES Airplane stamps No. 4 and 2 in Book 3 good indefinitely. SUGAR Stamps 30. 31, 32 and 33 in Book each good for 5 pounds indefinitely. Stamp 40 valid for five, pounds for canning (expires Feb. 19451. CANNED PROCESSED FOODS Blue stamps A-8 through Z-8, and A-5 through I-5 now valid indefinitely. Use of blue Tokens will be discontinued October 1. GASOLINE A-12 coupons now valid. Expire September 21. B-3. B-4. C-3 and C-4 coupons good for five gallons. TIRE INSPECTION Inspections are now required only in applying for additional gasoline supplies or new tires. FUEL OIL Period 4 and 5 coupons good through coming heating vear. New period 1 coupon good now through heating vear. Studying in U. S. MIAMI. Fla.. Sept. 20 -(P) Arriving by Pan American clipper, Miss Celina Passos, De Janeiro nutrition specialist, will go to Detroit to study for a vear at the Merril-Palmer Institute. PIMPLES I Try Cuticura for the prompt relief of externally caused pimples; Cuticura promptly helps soften tips of BLACKHEADS ADS for easy removal. Used by many nurses, some hospitals. Buy at your nearest druggist today! Quickl Mildly medicated. CUTICURA SOAP and OINTMENT Two To Honor Miss Chilton Mrs. Arthur Earls of Pensacola Fla., and Miss Virginia Tate will entertain at a luncheon today at the Belle Meade Country Club tc compliment Miss Olivia Chilton, whose marriage to Robert Davidson Shwab will take place Sat urday evening. The twenty-one guests will be seated in the music room at table which will have a low center arangement Autumn blossoms and the places will be marked by cards in design. Among the will be the bridals mothers of the two hostesses. Mrs. William C. Cockrill and Mrs. W' K. Tate. Mrs Buist Shwab, mother of Mr. Shwab and Mrs. Fitzgerald Hall. Club Notes •Culture- It's Importance to Young, Women." was the subject of an address given by Mrs. R. B Bennett. worthy advisor, at a recent meeting of the Music and Drama Club at the Music and Art Studios on Eighth Avenue. Following the talk a musical program was given by the following vocalists: Miss Juanita Walsh, Miss Jeanne Seigenthaler, Miss Margaret McKinstry. Miss Martha Miss Jeanne Robinette. Refreshments were served. NASHVILLE 'ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE The Rev. C. Darby Fulton, executive secretary, Foreign Mission Committee of the Presbyterian Church. was the guest speaker at a recent meeting of the Nashville Association of Insurance Women at the Andrew Jackson Hotel. Mr. Fulton chose as his topic, "Japan It's Past and Future." Plans for the general membership drive were outlined and discussed by the members. Junior Garden Club Has Flower Exhibit Harding Jackson Junior Garden met recently at the Woodie Barton Goodwill Center with Mrs J. B. Thomas chairman and Mra Joe Pritchett co-chairman A flower show was held with Mrs. E. W. Hartcell demonstrating various flower arrangements. The children were given containers and flowers to make floral arrangements for children in the hospital. Awards were made for the following exhibits Twin. Margaret Crowell, Billie Sartain; large. Mildred Netherton: small. Mary Roberts: novelty, June Gillespie: fall, Fay Woods and Jean Caldwell. One-eighth of a ton of coal 1s needed to make a barrel of gaso- Chest Funds Aid Servicemen p A Taking advantage of writing facilities provided by the USO. Pfc. Guy H. Cowgill Lebanon Road, now stationed at Fairfax Field. Kansas City. Kan., is shown selecting a card to mail to friends in Nashville. letter writing service is only one of the many aüreeting by the USO, a member agency of cardeand the National War Fund. The USO will be alloted $117.769 of the $568.862 to be raised in Davidson County in the Community and War Chest campaign to begin October 9. Chemists Studying Chemists are studying the possibilities of developing chemical, and fibrous bi products from the large amounts of redwood and redwood bark wastes which normally result from lumbering operations in the West. Don't worry- -use Want Ads. TAYSTEE BREAD FOR TASTY TOAST! tee Taystee 1 Mrs. Roosevelt Visits Ontario Refugee Shelter The First Lady was accompanied Moroline Hair Tonic. MIs. Henry Morgenthau. Jr. *Lookie, Teacher -Idaho Onions!• Johnnie probably won't need to bribe Miss McGinnis to get passing marks in all'round good judgment. Idaho Sweet Spanish Onions are first choice at home, in Americas finest restaurants- -in fact, wherever good food is STUFFED IDAHO ONIONS. Peel served., and cut two gashes in root end. Parkind of de- boil in salted water 30 m. n. Drain and Packed with the cool. Remove centers. Chop and mix licious, mild flavor that adds with sausage ur grated cheese. Top with bread crumbs. Bake in covered zest to ordinary meals, Idaho dish with small amount of water in (350°) oven until tender. Onions are a worthy partner moderate. Top with grated cheese, slip in oven few minutes, then serve. to the world-famous Idaho Russet Potatoes. Serve them often with meat, in soups and casseroles. •Bake 'em, boil 'em or stuff 'em for a delicious main course dish. WISE HOUSEWIVES! Buy a 50 lb. bag of Idaho Onions this fall. They store well in any dry, well. ventilated -and you will be sure of having them throughout the winter. Always ask tor Idahos Surest Onions OSWEGO. N. Y.. Sept. 20 (P) Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt visited, many of the 982 Europeans at the Fort Ontario emergency refugee shelter today, and commented that "evidently the shelter program has been very successful to date. I have not received A single complaint." LOWER THAN YOUD at THINK PRICES Sturdy, large 1 size utility, CHENILLE Can that IS moistureproof, weather- proof SPREADS Handy carrying handles, heavy cover. $794 No Certificate Smart figured patterns. Choice Required! of colors. Easy SOLID $9834 Something new your bedroom- -a style suite in a Ish you will admire. price we include chest of drawers dresser or vanity. $2834 BABY spacious chest in cedar. Made of solid red safely Colorful ed in oyster -proof. real value at cedar, finish. low price Jerms Holds filling. cording smoke POWERFUL CAST IRON the home HEATER for Wood or Coal coast. Powerful cast iron combination coal -or wood Lusky's SPECIAL cient heater. Attractive in Joints in operation. sealed appearance, it has smoke tight. economical duplex and effi- Trade heavy S grates, Fast Heating sectional fire pot. which easily removable RANGE VALUE reversible collar and large ash pan, Extra heavy through teed door. Screw- type draft controls. Enameled toot rail and large swing top. Large $2434 teed teed door. door opening. Ash door Mica on side. windows in Outside front grate of LAUNDRY STOVE shaker. Our best seller of heaters. An efficient, inexpensive coal Sturdy cast -iron stove. Big 2- range that will cook and bake burner top. Burns wood or coal. to your complete satisfaction $2434 Order yours now at this $3°* Equipped with four lid-cooking money-saving price surface. BRING YOUR RATION CERTIFICATE Just wife of the treasury secretary. During her visit, Mrs. Roosevelt ceived a package of woodcuts and watercolors from Mrs. . Marian Sommerburg. a Jewish refugee from Germany. IT'S of is ALWAYS TOPS: LUSKY'S Tops in the appearance the " " " well-dressed you' a head of well-groomed hair. Moroline Hair Tonic makes it easy to keep your hairneat. Adds lustre. Aids dry scalp. Large bottle, 25c. Try OAK SOFA Sleep and live comfortably room The sofa is an smartly tailored in a choice 43-Pc. HOBNAIL Service for "8' GARBAGE CAN $194 in the same attractive design, of coyers. BED 34 32° $349 Cups Saucers 8 Plates Sherbets ROOMY Goblets CHEST Serving Plate Cream $1534 Sugar and different for solid oak colonial beautiful light f n- At this low the full size bed. and choice of SET Genuine Tennessee Red Cedar CHEST Use Our Budget BEDS Plan oak finishwhite A this $894 BRING YOUR RATION CERTIFICATE TO LUSKY'S For a Genuine WARM AIRE HEATER $4950 100 lbs. of coal at one Lasts up to 3 days acto weather. Burns -the that usually goes up to chimney. Time -tested and -tested from coast to WOOD WARDROBE A solid mothnatural Plenty of hanging spare for long garments In sturdy double door wardrobe! Walnut finish. $3694 With Lou -He Trusts You LUSKY TURNITURE CO. ½ Block West of Courthouse at 314-316-318 Cedar