BISHOP J. M. BROWN. . WASiiiNd'roK. March 10. Bishop Brown, of the African Methodist. Episcopal Church, died hcve 'io-'hiy, ;ij;i! 73. Hp hud been ill for some Lime ami bis dentil was not unexpected. Bishop Brown was eminent In the church and was greatly respected and esteemed. ' - Information-was received here yesterday by & telegram' to tite African Methodist Episcopal Publishing Huuse that Bishop John MIflcn Brown", colored, of the Metbodst Churoh died iu 'Washington yesterday at 13 o'clock. , Bishop .Brown was born in CautwcllsBrldgc, now called Odessa, Neircoatlo County, Del., Sept. 8, 1817, whore, he remained until 10 years old. -He then Wilmington, Del., ssd. remained there two years in the family of Mr. William Seals, a Quaker gentle man, who taught him to work." Ho attended both the Sabbath and private schools taught - byv-'iiv friendly white- woman In ' Oantwolla '.' -Bridge. -Hc jUso received instruotionwhlle at AVflmingtoh'irbm'Mr. William Thomas, who taught'tne' oilly colored school In 'the oity. Hia Sabbath-school instruction wo3 mixed, Ho first attended the Presbyterian Sunday-. boIiooI. . Ho left and. attended the .Roman' . Catbolio Sabbnth-sohool and Church. The priest offurcd to educate him1 in the Catholio school lu-Baitimorb. ";-" ,I consequence of hla early training by his Erandfather,'.itho"wafi:a MothodiBt minister, as wore his parents, he declined the offer, unwilling to forsake the religion of hla ancestors. Ac the end of his stay In Wilmington an older sister took hlni to Philadelphia and gflTO , him bcuer cdiicutional-faollltieB-thdn wercpoaslble for hlm'Whertfho was.M.Hofoundalidmowith Dr. "Emerfidn' and : Henry; Chester .".both emfhcnt'iflCn'. .SVblle behoved, serviceable to tbQm"iWP:ovcd.-mucli - mora so to.ihiiu. Hcr&theifonndatloh of education - and piety was laid;'-- They Instructed himln.:-the. rudl-monWtyV.Waniihca arid catopnisod him' in : tho ;nrInciplca:o-rcU of the; " Bible.' -In compllaiicQTvith their wish ho au ,: tended StrtThonioa' .'. BroteBtiiat;'; Episcopal Church, colored." .' ' ' ' Bishop Brown united with Bethel ' A. M. E. . Church In Pbiludelphta in-1R36. . .:-. lii the fall of 183S hobecame . a member of the .Wcslyan Academyat: Wilbrdham, Maw. ; leniuiniug two years preparing for college.! Intbe-fallof 1846 he entered. Oberlln.'.Col-Iccc, Ohio, remaining for nearly our yeara ,' ' In 1864 hiitnlted with the Ohio conference, JjOOJUiKOTIOES Artist material. A. Frank- & Co. mhlG we,frl ' Ajit studies. A. Prank & Co. mh!5 we,frl Wb will frame your picture cheap. Frank & Co. mhl5 wc.fri. Wall paper 5c. wc.fri A. Frank & Co. mh!5 Secure Your J'npcr Hanger And buy your paper of A. Frank & Co. if you want it-cheap. mhl5 Autist material. ' A. Frank & Co. mhl5 we,frl STUETCHEns. . A. Frank & Co. mhl5we,frl Elegant gilt wall paper 10c. A. Frank & Co. miil5 wc,frl ScnourSS portrait frames. A. Frank & Co. mh!5 we,fri Artist material. wc,frl ( . A. Frank & Co. mhlB was elected deacon and was sent to Columbus, O.j whore ho preached for three years. In addition to bis ministerial unties he waa appointed principal of the Union Seminary by. the Olilo conference, out of which bus grown Wilbcrforco University, the largest echool owned and controlled by ncgroca. At the General Conference of 1804 ho was elected editor of tho Christian .Recorder. Later he wub elected Corresponding Secretary of the Parent Home and Foreign Missionary Society of hla church, which position he held four years. In 1868 bo waB elected ahd ordained " to the office of -Bishop by the General Conference which met iu Washington, At the time of biB death, on the lllth Inst., he was Presiding Bisbop of tiie Eleventh Episcopal District, which comprises Kentucky and Tennessee. , Ho llgured during the past year aa advocating it political independence on the pare of tho negro race, and counseled his people to vote In the recent presidential, canvass for Graver Cleveland, tbo Democratic candidate. Tho LateBt Product uf ClenluS. ' ." He who will not rccognizo that the world moves and that improvements': arejbolng made In typewriters is in great danger of being run over by vhe progress of ovents. The Smith Prcmier'ls tho'latest productot geuitis. Shall we send you n tataloguoi Brandon Printing Company, Nashville, Tcnn. XcStlo'm, Kea-l ICstuto TranBlern. The following are tho rtuuV estate transfers since last report as furbished by tho Nashville Ileal Estate Exchange: G. W. Hubbard et iix. to W. H. OgJetoh, iDtoh Thomas street.... $ 200 00 R.. H. WoodDn to Mrs. Maud S. " Priest, lot on Bumrrier street. . .'. .. 5,000 00 J. O. Fehr to Mra. AUda Welmcr ot al., lot on Stevcnsori avenue.. 2,250 00 0.K. Whltworth,Clerk and Master, to J. H. HI to, lot in Mintb Uis-" trlot.....,.;... 6,616 65 E.B.Polketux:toPatrIckH.Cain, , lotpn BnehaVUtaplke ...... -1825 00 Elinor MoAlIster. and husband to , .WiUtcr.GlarcnceMcAliBter, lotbn. . Carolina avenue... Gift e. a, Asncrait ec at. to iicnrtctta ' ..Sherman, loton Tweed street;. 300 00 Lee Lawrence-and Svlfo to G. R. . Padgett, latin Fourth District.';. . 600 00 J.'B. Stiles etui., to Elvira'- Mann. - . "loton Shelby -avenue.. t..i....: : l;425 00 o. a, jiaynie-ct ai. ro j. v. vvnguc . etux., lotonBrlek Church pike.. ,700.00