of in of is on at to I COLF CLUB CARNIVAL. SALE OF WORK, &C. OPENED BY THE DUCHESS OF ATHOLL. Very wet and miserable weather unfortunate!y characterised the Golf Club carnival which was held on the Laggan Braes, Comrie, on Wednesday afternoon, for the purpose of making various necessary alterations on the course, suggested by Mr James Braid, the well24 I. nown professional, and of helping to provide tennis courta for the village. Rain fell almost continually throughout the day, completely soaking the ground, and giving what is one of the most picturesque spots in Strathearn a dismal and dreary aspect. Notwithstanding the adverse conditions, there was a very gratitying attendance of spectators, including not orly many villagers. but visitors presently resident in the district. and which, of course, would have been very largely augmented had the weather been fine. Amonst the company present were: Sir George W. M. Dundas, Bart. of Comrie House; Major Graham Stirling, Mr E. and the Misses Graham Stirling. Comrie; Mr W. Gilchrist Macbeth of Dunira, Mrs Macbeth. and Miss Morrice; the Rev. C. D. R. Williamson of TomMr E. Balfour-Melville. Auchenross; perran; Mr Robert Duncan of Dalchonzie, and Mr W. Duncan: the Hon. Stephen Powys: Miss Brown Douglas, Clathick: Miss E. R. Cobb, St Fillans; the Misses Hogarth of Strowan; Mrs of Dollerie: Mr J. C. Sharp and Mra Sharp. Westerton: Mrs Robertson Smith, CulMurray toquhey. and Miss E. Tennent; Mr Thomas Prock, Avondale, Crieff: Mr J. P. Mitchell, solicitor, Comrie: Colonel M'Niel. Glenartney Rev. W. Hall. Rev. A. C. and View: Kev. Mr Newbury, Comrie, and many others. The opening ceremony was presided over by W. G. Macbeth, who, in introducing the Mr Duchess Atholl, said it was a great honour her dirace had conferred upon them in Comrie in coming there to open their sale. Everyone -friends and foes-recognised the great name her Grace had made for herself since she had gone to Westminster. (Applause.) The Duchess (who received a hearty ovation) said she was very glad to come to open the sale, because it wound further the improvements on the golf course and help in the provision of tennis courts. One of her earliest recolleoof the links at St Andrews. Golf tions was tennis, and particularly tennis, did much and to ensure health and vigour to business people. No other place could compete with the Highlands in giving health and strength. Places like Crief and Comrie were a necessity to the of the cities, and they all admitted that up-to-date facilities for golf and tennis prople were essential in order to keep Comrie in the forefront as a resort for visitors, for if the village was to compare favourably with other resorts, then they must do all in their power to make it as attractive as possible to visitors. Some had coal, others had steel; towns had districts their Universities and institutions, but Comrie and other Highland districts provided health and invigoration and mental refreshment to thousands of people, and it was their duty then to have the neighbourhood as attractive as possible for those holiday-makers. The addi- improvements to the golf course, and the tional tennis courts would help to provide recreation and health and enjoyment to the many visitors who year after year returned to Comrie, and she wished the sale every success. (Loud applause.) The Rev. C. D. R. Williamson, in proposing a vote of thanks to her Grace for her presence there that day, said they were all proud of her in many ways-her able speaking and her activities in various spheres, and jocularly remarked that she might bring before Parliament a Bill providing for better weather. (Laughter and applause.) The Duchess, in reply, thanked Mr Williamcon and the company for their compliment, and added- remember about the promotion of a Bill to ensure good weather when I'm Prime Minister." (Laughter and applause.) At this stage of the proceedings, the Duchess was presented with a lovely bouquet of choice carnations by little Miss Sheena Rowe. Thereafter votes of thanks were proposed M. Dundas to Mr Macbeth of Dunira for actMajor Graham Stirling and by Sir George W. ing as Chairman, remarking that Mr Macbeth not only helped the Golf Club, but was supporter of many good causes in a generous Comrie and district. Afterwards the numerous visitors called at the various stalls, which were laden with beautiful and useful wares, and met with a ready sale. Though the stalls had been protected far as possible from the rain, some of the •84 articles could not but be affected. Beautiful blooms were sold at the Horticultural Stall. and almost every variety of flower, fruit, and vegetable could be purchased. Each of loaded. the other seven stalls were equally well The stallholders were:Work Stall-Mrs Balfour-Melville, Auchenrose; Miss Maclagan ;and Miss H. Maclagan, House of Ross: Miss F. Graham Stirling, Camp Cottage. Produce Stall-Mra Craig. Innergeldie; Mrs Duncan of Dalchonzie; Mrs Temple, Rathlin; Miss Cameron, Tullybannocher; Miss M. Graham Stirling, Camp Cottage. Cake and Candy Stall-Mrs Murray, Schoolhouse; Miss Murray, Rossearn; Miss J. Graham Stirling, Dalginross House. Household Stal Rowe, Boghaugh; Miss Murray, Woodside. Perfume Stall-Mrs Rockey, Lawers; Miss Dundas, Comrie House; White Elephant Stall--Lady Dundas, Comrie House; Miss Sharp, Westerton, Ochtertyre. Horticultural Stall -Miss M'Gregor, Drummond Street; Miss Proudfoot, Larklea; Miss Shields, Drummonie. Book and Picture Stall -Miss Boyd, Benview; Miss Murray, Schoolhouse; Miss Miller, Post Office; and Mr C. S. Macpherson. Refreshment Stall--Mr George A. James, Drummond Street, and assistants. Parcel Stall-Mr P. Small, Dunira Street. During the afternoon selections of music were discoursed by Cried Municipal Silver Band and Comrie Pipe Band, and these were much appreciated. There was quite a variety of amusements provided, such as clock golf, ladder golf; pitching, putting, and driving competitions; also palmist's tent. The Committee Who made the arrangements for the carnival-Mr J. Rowe (Chairman), Mr T. Miller (Treasurer), and Mr J. Murray (Secretary)-are to be heartily congratulated on the success of their labours. The total drawings for' the afternoon amounted to. 8300. WINNERS OF COMPETITIONS. The following were the leading scores in competitions held in connection with the Carnival:- Long Driving- -Donald Peggie (240 yards). Pitching and Putting J. M. Rowe. Pitching into Net-J. Comrie, 8; L. Hall, 8; (. Richard, 8. Three-Hole Competition--J. Phillips, 13. Clock Golf-Ladies-Miss M' Dougall, 21. Clock Golf-Gentlemen-Major Graham Stir. ling, 24; Dr Temple, 24. Ladder Golf (1) Mr Todd, 16; J. P. Mitchell. 16: John Robertson, 16; Major Graham Stirling. 16. Ladder Golf (2)-J. M'Gregor, 23. Air Gun Shooting Geo. Stevenson, 40. 0: