CANADIAN SOLDIER KILLED BY HORSE London, Oct. 25.-Two fatalities within the first 'week of their arrival have marred the stay of the Canadian soldiers at Salisbury Plain. The Arst victim was Private Wm. Hartley, whose death was reported early last week. The second case is that of . Gunner Percy Sawyer, who was kicked to death by a horse on Wednes. day. Sawyer all Old Country man from a Surrey village,, who had served in the Quebec garrison artillery,' and was a gunner with the head| quarters' staff divisiona: artillery. An inquest was held on Friday at Westdown North Camp by the county coroner. The evidence showed the horse had bolted, dragging Sawyer, who had the rope around his wrist Death was due to a fractured skull.?. The Coroner complemented James Edgar Buck for pluckily trying to release the victim while the horse was kicking wildly. He also expressed regret that the gunner should have lost his life before a having an opportunity to fight for his country.