"DEVIL'S TEAPOT" AT IT AGAIN More Than 2500 Yards of Earth Gulped Down by Sinkhole. WATERFORD, Wis.--The big sink hole on the East Troy line of the interurban railroad in the town of Muskego has taken another gulp, thereby bringing to naught the work of a winter. All winter the section crews worked in filling the place, and just as it had been leveled off to match the surrounding topography, presto! the big fill disappeared from sight. All the hungry subterranean giant swallowed this time was 1000 trees, with limbs and tops intact, several stacks of old ties and 2500 yards of earth and gravel which had been dumped into the capacious maw. This spot gave trouble when the railroad was being graded, and John I. Beggs, then president of the company, christened it the "Devil's Teapot." It was thought that the "Devil's Teapot" had at last been filled to stay, but the the magic disappearance of the trainloads of material fed into it has caused many to believe that the earth is hollow in that vicinity.