THREE HEIRS ATTACK WILL BAY. AGED MBS. s. iiv; UN?A EBMOBE, OF OTOWAS A LANCED. IWITNESSES ASSERTION (Testament of Old Fashioned Sort, Bequeathing Each Article of r Furniture, Including Picture of Washington, j W. F. Kreuger nd Frank O. Kreuger, 9t Oto, witnesses to the will of Mra. Olive Livermori f an Oto pioneer, yesterday afternoon testified that in their opinion the aged woman was of sound mind When she drew iip the document. Three grandchildren of the twenty-two favored in the will of Mrs. Llvermore have asked the; court to set the document aside on the ground that she was f unsound mind when she drew it up. 32. S. Furgason, of Oto, guardian of Omar Furgason, who was of unsound - Wind, and Bessie Griffith and Mattle ZIoskina brought the suit. The three grandchildren who ask that the will' he et aside are children of Mr. Furgasori. Their father declares they did not get a fair hare of t;he property. An oil portrait of George Washington nd a picture pt cattle standing in water Are part of the property Involved in the 'Will contest case. According to Furgason, Mrs. Myrtle Olive Beals, Mrs. Livermore's daughter, rid Frank Llvermore and Elmer Z. lvermore, eons of the aged woman, Used their influence in getting her to Ifge the bulkj of her estate to them. Bevington Back in Court. Trial of theUuit marked the first appearance in the district court of Tom F. Sevington, former county attorney, who jtas returned to Iowa, from Seattle to practice law. jj Mrs. Llvermore left an old fashioned Will, in which she distributed her prop-arty, a large per cent of it being house hold goods, to her heirs. Twenty-two of a.r grandchildren were given bequests of 100 each. Mrs. Jennie Hall, a eister-m-law, was left $200, while Kate Hepburn, An adopted child, was left a like sum. The will of Mrs. Llvermore consisted of three pages. She left her son, Frank, a (lack walnut sink and cupboard, a small CLTk wood table, the oil portrait of Wash-gton. a pair of blue vases and his Choice of rocking chairs. To Elmer, Another eon, she gave the choice of locking chairs after the other son had taade his selection, an old fashioned reddish wood bureau, which belonged to his grandmother, Mrs, Hall, a couch? the (est lamp, her clock and a feather bed, pair of pillows, looking glass, picture ft oattle standing In water. He was also 10 select sheets and quilts from his bed, put by the will he was not to include Mr. Livermore's quilt of handmade insertion in the hem. Watch to Mrs. Beals. Mrs. Beals. the only daughter, was left Che rest of the personal property of the Etator, except a gold ring and trunk, a Beals was to reoelve her mother's Skid watch and chain. The ring was van to Olive fftedman, a granddaughter. The grandchildren who were given be- seats of 100 wer Harry Llvermore. la Hagerdon, Stella Llvermore, Varner lvermore, Zatmon Llvermore, Winnie lght, Mattle Llvermore. Viola Llver- Bore, Ulalah Llvermore, Olen Llvermore, ie ururun, Jennie llvermore, Mattle una, omar Furgason, Lime Wright, jeaj, AJ-tnur Deals, filthel Beals. r Bt 0.IM, Hm1 Beals and Lulu Jane ooai a a