dent of Oto, made out an old fashioned will before her death In which she divided-all her personal property," including rings, rocking chairs and other' articles among her heirs. The will was filed' for probate in the district court yesterday. ; Mrs. Sylvia - Livermore and Mrs. Maggie Livermore, widowed ' daughters-in-law of Mrs. Livermore, were given $300 apiece. Frank A. X.Ivermore. a son,-was given the combined black walnut sink and cupboard, a small table, an oil portrait of George Washington and a choice of one rocking chair. - - - - - ' Elmer Z. u Livermore, another son. , was given, his choice, of rocking chairs after his brother had made his selection. - He also is given a picture which belonged to his grandmother, ; the best family lamp, feather bed and sheets. Mrs. .Myrtle Olive Beals, a daughter, is given - other personal property, including a gold watch v and chain, money ' in her possession . at the time of death ' and notes.; Mrs. Livermore provides that the remainder of her' personal property be sold and divided among the-heirs.' ' By the terms of the will her twenty-two grand children will receive $100 each, and Mrs. Jennie Hall, a sister, will be given $200. One hundred dollars also , is given to Nettle Borman.' a niece. Kate Hepburn, Mrs. Livermore's -godchild, whom she brought" up, is given $200 The three children, Frank Livermore, Elmer E. Livermore and Mrs. Beals are named , executors of the estate .without bonds. ' - ,