WHEATLAND AGAIN JAILED AS THIEF Scion of Wealthy Family Is Charged With Robbing Oakland Lodging House OAKLAND, Nov. 14.-Philip D. Wheatland, Harvard graduate, linguist and kinsman of famous families of Massachusetts, was again arrested this morning for burglary, the local police tracing him to EI Verano, Sonoma county, where he was taken into custody. Detective Drew went after Wheatland today. The prisoner is charged with breaking into a lodging house at 805 Fourteenth street, kept by Mrs. A. Holby, and stealing articles valued at $150. Through some of the stolen goods Wheatland was He was first traileded for burglary the Berkeley police He entered Mrs. J. Larsen's at 695 fulome Pardee street, Berkeley, as a book agent and, it was charged, took $20 from a table when he left. The woman followed him for two blocks and held Wheatland until a policeman showed up. He was freed in court through a technicality and has been living in So Oakland until lately. He is the son of George W. Wheatland of Salem, Mass., a capitalist. After his graduation from Harvard young Wheatland was a Boston society man and a member of exclusive clubs. He married a Boston belle, Miss Jean Pratt, whom he is alleged to have deserted. She obtained a divorce and Wheatland later married Miss Hattie Jewel of Boston. His second wife is living in Boston, Wheatland having deserted her also. The drug habit is said to have made him a social outcast in his home state. Miss Pratt, first wife, was a granddaughter the late Joseph his. Choate, former United States ambassador to England. Wheatland will be arraigned in the police court tomorrow.