DIGGS INVITED TO SAN DIEGO By Tatted rees Leased 'Wire BAN RANCISCO Aug J19 — "There's a friend said Maury I Diggs today just before going on the stand in his own behalf and he displayed the following telegram signed by Irving J Gill 918 igueroa street LJs Angeles: "When the sorrow In your lives has passed go down to San Diego Bsme home waiting for you both (Diggs and his wife) more beautiful than ever Never think of rent Will do all I can to give you work' and a new start" Irving J Gil! is well known as an architect here having of-flees In this city and In Los Angeles where ho now is superintending some large construction work Diggs worked for him several years ago In this city and It Is said occupied a house owned by Gill It Is believed that this la the house referred to In GUI's telegram 1