EXTENT0F EARTHQUAKE Did More or Less Damage at Other Points. San Francisco, April 18. The earthquake did more or loss damage at other points along the coast. A hotel at Colhnsville on the bacre- mento river, was wrecked, but no one was injured there. At one place between Sprig and Tealsarons in the Suisan marshes, for a distance of a mile and a half the Southern Pacific traeks sank three to six feet and at another point nearly one thousand feet of track went out of sight. There are great crevices on each side of the track through the Suisan marshes and it is reported that a great ocean of water has flowed over the lowlands between Suisan and Bencia. At Tracy, San Joaquin coun ty, the freight cars in the yard start ed to rolling and had to have blocks placed under them. At Woodlands chimneys were knocked down. At Napa scarcely a whole pane of win dow glass is left. The shock was ielt as tar east as Hazen, Nev. S