TVlV. Oft"' 4. IV'4- K.VS today 20 centa. Uollon today DM" Mr. Sim Ohvar, u K!"1". hre uitit Fndy Mr. A W Mcliu l.ui- ml'ur( mi luainta lt week. ; Mm 1 Kegtuiptnt Sunday at her homttr KKu Church-See advertisement of Meiir Ooper Urot. of KareH-viHe, in this itiae. Min- Djra ami F.ora Thomp- iou, of lUyubiin, were visitor. here Friday. ""MiiTlUllio" LfjchTol Rowland, i vtnting herauut, Mre. Molli N jrtnaat. Mm Penoio Williimt. of near Buneavilje. it visiting her inter, Mrs. Amauda iuuett. Dr. C. W. Rgan. of Laurinburg. sp-nt Tbunday hen visiting hu brother, Dr. J. 0. ttgu. Mr. W. S. McMillan, of ... allien at our office L1i""" . . u . . . A w. wnue iu iowu oiiuiuy. Mr. W. Tuck Carter, one of KmRadale'a prosperous citizens, was here on business last week. Mrs. Sallie McRae, of Fayette-ville, arrived last week to be with hereister, Mrs. Molhe Norment. Misses Crisssie Floyd and Pat Pitmau spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of the former at Ashpole. Mr. Chaa. Hnnsticker returned Saturday morning from Bennetta-ville, where he has been on business. Mosquitoes have beea with nsin Bbuudance for the past week. Their preseuce ia due to eome ex-teut to the recent freahet. Deputy Sheriff J. A. Barker returned Saturday from Goldeboro, where he weDt to take Jake Crutchfiald to the asylum. Mra. Carl H. Lennon and Mrs. R. S. Bond, came over Friday from Rowland, to attend the opening of Mrs. Fauu:e Peterson. Secretar of the Ceutral Carolina Fair aaye fiat the fifth Annual Exhibition, which is to be held at Greensboro October 11, 12, 18, and 14, wiH be one of the beat fairs ever held in North Carolina. We regret to loarnthat Mr. Rod. , McRae, of Lauriuburg, is very ill. He was beginning to improve from a long illness, wheu he suffered a relapse and his death is now thought to be only a question of time. A son of Mr. David Batler, a young man of about twenty years. was run over by a wagon at bis h ,im near Dublin laBt week. The wheels ronniue over bis eut re length, beginning at his feet and off his shoulder. Little hope is entertained for his n-cov ery. ' - , . , The fall term of the United States district court for the East rn District of North Carolina will convene iu Wilmington, Monday, the 31st, with Judge Puruell presiding. Jurors from Robeson oonnty are Messrs. John Leach, J. B. Weather! v, John W. McLean, aud R. M. Phillips. Mi Robert Graham who has been visiting his home near Rowland for-4b-p8t weekT spent Saturday here. He wns acccom-pauied byhis mother, Mrs. W. H. Graham. Tbey werethe guests ot Mrs J. A. Brauch. Rob. says that bewill not leave for college before next week. Mr. Of. A. McGougan, of Quitman, Georgia, and a former Robe- j Bouiau, made us a pleasant call Jfriday. He js at home for a short visit to his parents, Mf. and Mrs. - D. A. McGongan, at St. Paole. He Mturnad ta Georgia yeiterdtj. We regret to learn that bia brother Mr. L, L. McGongan and aia- tr Miss Delia McGcngaD are very is as for or tick.