Extract of a Letter from Philadelphia, Nov. zi. € Capt. Gregory's is the firft Veffel arrived here from any Port, that has been cleared out after the. aft of November, he having beedcleared our on unhamped Paper the 4th Infänt at St. Kitt's, -and arrived here without Mole* Itation, thofe Papers being deemed fufficient. Capt. Gregory informs us, that all public Bufinefs goes on at St. Kitt's as ufual, 'nor Was: it topped in the leaft for Want of tamped Paof per. The Collector told Capt. Gregory a few Days would not before ule the of Paper was tamped deftroyed, that he any the Paper, as had not received any Orders concerning it from home, but he would go on 'as ufual.. € € € •A Memorial from the Merchants and Traders of this City, to the Merchants and ManufaCturers of Great Britain, praying them to intereft themfelves in endeavouring to get : them to intereft themfelves in endeavouring. to. get the Stamp- A&t repealed, and otirer Regu= lations in our Trade redreffed, is now drawn up and figned, and is to be forwarded by the Tryphena, Capt. Smith, for Liverpool." It is faid that fome Veffel:, properly con-. ftructed, and well manned, will tortly be fent out to join. our Fleet on the African Coat.: It is currently reported, that 8000: leannen will Speedily be wanted to inan the Fleets now