The Public Advertifer. NuMB. 7378 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2.13 1758. William Frears, Wych-fireet. The Places of the above Perfons Abode are publifhed by the John Cates, Chandos-freet. Defire of feveral Well- Withers to the Public, to prevent the ufeful Defign. John Allifon, Ryders-court, Leicefter felds. Effects of fome late malicious Infinuations to the Injury of this TO THE PUBLIC. WE whofe Names are hereunto and fubfcribed, following the Bufinefs of lending the Money on Pawns, under the Denomination of Pawnbrokers; as a Mean of detetting Frauds and Felonies, bringing the Offenders to for Juftice ; and thereby fecuring this Public, as well as our own Properties and Characters ; have thought proper to give this publict cion: Notice we, as likewife the the Generality future of Bufinefs, Part have their Properly, feveral either in Pater only, and other fall continue will fo to do; in which ave Shall advertife what fever we flop on Sufpi-That Years taken And if all thofe who hall for lofe any this of Sort divided by Fraud, Felony, ar any Means, advertife it in this Paper, they may be affured it will immediately come to our Knowledge -But while Advertifements of are amongf the feveral Papers, we muft either take in all the Papers, which is an Expence no Trade can fupport, or the Lofer muft be at the Charge of advertifing in all the Papers, otherwife many Frauds, Felonies, and Loffes, muft and «will efcape our Notice; and as it is now become Penal for any Perfon to Pawn, Pledge, or Exchange the Property And of another, Prevention Confent Fraud, and Authority Felonies, of the Ozener and rut are likewife legally authoriled to flop all fifpicious Perfons: Hie hope this public without the and Notice will have its defired Effect. as a further of ave are determined to take in 70 Pledges after Nine in the Ecening, from Michaelmas to nor after Ten from Lady- Day to Michaelmas, Saturday nights excepted; and to put the Laws in their utmof Force again. all who jhali be guilty of the Practice of Laty Day, receiving Pledges ox the Lord's- Day. Thomas Stone, Princes freet, Lincolns-Inn-Fields. Samuel Graygoofe, Holywell-freet, Strand. Elitha Dobree, Carnaby-freet, Carnaby-market. Richard Foot, King-freet, Tower-hill. James Brooks, ditto. Edward Hodges, Dean firect, Leicefer-felds. William Bower, Ruffel-freet, Covent-Garden. Robert Pearcey, Eat Smithfield. William Tucker, Drury-iane. Robert Bower, ditto. Thomas Burch, Fox- Grays- lane. Nathaniel Browne, Mary-/e-bone-foret. Jofeph Huddart, Half- Ms:n freet, in the Straud. James Stiles, Call -freet. Thomas Gunfon, Darby court, formyn-firet. Gibbons Scriven, Beak-freet, Golden Square. John Mattham, Shoreditch. John Rawlings, Lorg acre. Edward Hall, Fox-court, Grays-Inn-lune. William Barns, Shepards-court, Upper Brook- William Tripp, St. Martin's lane. Thomas Bibby, Bedford-freet, Bedford row. John Fell, Denmark-freet, St. Giles's. William Humphreys, Wey-free, Seen Dials. Samuel Spencer, High Holborn. George Stubbs, Walkers- court, Knaves- Acre. William Howard, fireet, St. James's. Daniel Wood, Silver-friet, Gold 1-fquare. Thomas Bernonvile, Wheeler-freet, Spital-fields. Jacob Lawrance, Tottenham-Court- Road. Jeremiah Watfon, Coventry-court, Piccadilly. Richard Pretty, Vere-freet, Clare- market. Clement Hart, Grub-ftreet. William Frears, Wych-fireet. John Cates, Chandos-freet. John Allifon, Ryders-court, Leicefter felds.