OF HEAD OF .SMALL IN Shown to Jury While Medical Examiner Explained the Cause of Death. (Special to Tho Herald) Oss:pee, Jan. -1--Tho head of Mrs. . Florence. A. Small with features d i j tortcd just, as it looked when tho body of .the murdered woman TVUS. ' taken /rom the burned bungalow', was placed in evidence at tho trial of h'cr · husband today. The'grewsorae exhibit · was brought Into evidence Ijy the tes- ·'. tlmony of Dr. George B. Magrath o t : Boston. It formed a part of tho dra- ; matlc climax which the state is making in the end of their case. Not often in-a,slate court has there conn- In \l6aa n d . . . . be «n' s « c h "· scone as took place .hero h e use' '' S " la " cbv i rcd hls'eycs ^-Uh his i t s - Jull se Kivcl, as the head was P"""""^ suggested that all women eight remained/ "study however. Tho. crowd of spectdtors' crancd^heir necks to see tho exhibit, ^Valler'Wedgcr, chcnllst'and explosivp' « P c r t for t n o Massachusetts police e ' plan ..'a"li;l that he found that the ch'c'm- SUO- 'C^ 1 compound which had fused the - stove In tho Small house was thermit, , compound used In -welding..It scii- c;ntcs a heat of 3000 centimeters.' . · -Medical Kxamlner XIagrath' held tho lic:td of Mrs. Small as he,'explained-. 'the pasitljn of blows from a cliib on! the skull, llo showed a hole In tjic" skull made by a bullet which showed that the body was lying down' ivhea'' the shot wus fired. Tho witness eniiii; that Hie' blow on the head would not havo caused death but tho bulloti'' would have been fatal. The cord a b o u the neck would have caused death In| live minutes. Tho jury crowded abouli ,'ho Iron stove us Dr. Mngrath'testified of the extreme heat that caused the stove to fuse .which watj Impossible\n · . , - c r d l n a r y lire.·-·..'·' ''.' . ; f ' - ^ - ' · ·