The Guano Trade. We would call the attention of shipowners and masters to the advertisement in this paper for the chartering of vessels to load with guano. The advices received from New York by the last mail place the Jarvis Island guano trade in a more tangible shape than it has heretofore assumed, the agent at this port, Dr. Judd, being fully author ized to enter into contracts for the loading of ships. The ship John Marshall, which had been detained some days from adverse winds, sailed on Saturday last for Jarvis Island, fully equipped with anchors, chains and buoys to be stationed off that island. It is thought that when buoys are placed, ships can lie and load with perfect safety . The clipper ship Aspasia, which is looked for from New York in three or four weeks, is expected to load the first cargo of gnano, in case she finds no oil freight at this port. Further analyses and experiments with this guano in Baltimore and other places go to prove its value as a fertilizer, and we are glad to seo that the efforts of the Company will soon result in placing this article in the market in competition with other guanos which, though conceded to be inferior, are a merchantable article. If the statements already made in this paper are correct, and they remain yet to be disproved, it will not be twelve months (before the American public will condemn the acts and reports of Com. Mervine and Capt. Davis, as a disgrace to the American Navy. In an article on this subject in the Washington Era of Dec. 24, w find the following remarks in relation tv, the guano sent to the United States from the schooner Liholiho and from Capt. Davis of the Si. Marys : ' " On the receipt of four tons of this guano in New York, by way of Panama, it was placed in possession of the Agricultural Bureau of the Patent Office, and has been distributed in bags of four pounds each to scientific agriculturists of the United States, and we are told the results are everywhere alike satisfactory, for, though not so rich in ammonia ns the Peruvian guano, it contains more than seventy-fiveN per cent, of phosphates or lime, Tor want or which cereal crops cannot be grown, ibis guano has been analyzed by the most eminent analytic chemists, for the Company and for the State of Maryland, and the superiority of the American Pacific island guano over the Peru vian is unquestionable. - Commander Davis has just returned, and reports the islands accessible, and the guano which covers them to be, not bird-lime, which is an article of manufacture, but bird-dung, or guano, which he re ports is worthless, on account of the heavy rams that fall in that region. So much for the sympathy Bhown by a sub-commander for his superior officer. Samples of this worthless gnano have been sent to the Navy Department, and we hope will be submitted by the Secretary of the Navy to competent analytical chemists of the United btates. If these islands prove to be deposits of gnano, as claimed to be, and which we believe they will prove to be, their value to our country cannot beestimated, and the country will have little reason to be grateful for the aid of the navy in securing tbe benefits of this great discovery."