Wm. F. Griffith, Colored, Dies At Age of 65 Years William F. Griffith, 65, colored, for the last thirty years engaged as stove repair and setup man for the Guenthor Hardware company, died at 10:20 o'clock Monday night at his home, 1515 Moseley street, after a long illness of complications. Griffith, by his ourteous and faithful service had made for himself a wide circle of friends amongst white people, and was universally respected by his own people. He is survived by his widow and one daughter and four sons, also a brother and many relatives locally. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the Fourth Strect Baptist church, of which he had long been an active member, the pastor, the Rev. E. H. Smith, in charge. Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery.