to of to is A DISGRACEFUL SURRENDER. We clip the following from one of oui republican exchanges: Never in the history of this nation, since the days of Benedick Arnold, the traitor, has there been such a disgraceful surrender of American interests as that embraced in the single gold stand ard plank in the republican platform adopted at St. Louis on the 18th. It is not only a complete surrender to English syndicates, as manipulated by the Kothchuds, Belmonts and Morgans, out to the railroad monopolies, combines and trusts, headed by the Van- derbilts, Rockefellows and lesser lights, who, through the power or money, have gotten control of the republican party which was organized in the in terest of the common people, but is now being used to crush them. It is generally conceded, by fair minded men that no national convention was ever so thoroughly ruled by political bosses, whose chief mission seemed to be, to do the bidding of the eastern million aires; and the most humiliating thing of all, was to see Kansas delegates, under the dictation of Boss Leland, dance whenever Ring-Master Ilanna tapped on the spring-board. In 1.2, before this infamous surrender of western interests was consumated, the Minneapolis platform declared: The American people from tradition and in terest tavor bimetallsm and the republican party demands the use of both gold and silver as standard money. Yet, in the face ot this declaration it trampled its past record under foot sold its "tradition and interest" for British gold, spit in the face of the mortgage-ridden west, and impudently asks us, 'What are you going to do about it? The following is the financial plank adopted by the republicans at St.- Louis: The republicans party is unreservedly for sound money. It caused the enactment of the law providing for the resumption of specie payments in 1879: since then every dollar has been as good as geld. We are unalterably opposed to every measure calculated to debase our currency or to ininair the credit of our country. We are, therefore. opposed to free coinage of silver, except by international agreement with the leading commercial nations of the world, which we pledge ourselves to promote, and until such agreement can be obtained, the existing gold standard must be preserved. Is it any wonder the Detroit Tribune, the oldest and most influental republi can paper in Michigan, in an editorial repudiating this action at St. Louis, said: "The platform on the only" important issue before the country is damnably ..unpatriotic and unrepubli-can." For years we have claimed that the republican party was rapidly drifting toward monopolies and trusts. It has at last thrown off all attempt to further disguise the fact, and has landed in the Wall street camp with both feet. And all this has been brought about through tne most currupt iniiuences, and slyly consumated under the false and deceptive cry of "honest money." Is it any wonder that republican pa pers are everywhere breaking away from this eyer changing party, led and controlled by "bosses?"- Is it any wonder that, everywhere all over the state of Kansas, that the best and brightest men are renouncing their re-publican fealty and joining the silver forces ? The republican conventions and platforms are a conglomerated mass of deception. of is be A we all be his