SON THE TROLLEY NOW THE ROCKLIFFE LINE OPENED TODAY AS AN ELECTRIO ROAD. The Inaugural Ceremonies Attended by Liberal ! Delegatos-A Protty Spot Given New 1 Beauties by tho Ereotion of a Handsome Pavilion -Agreeable Rustics, The Rockliffe extension of the Ottawa Electric Street Railway company was formally opened this morning. The Liberal delegates wereinvited to take part in the opening, bat in consequence of the rain only few made an appoarance. the Langevin block at half past nine o'clook, Car No. S 24, which carried the party, left we had been announced. Among these on board were Mr. J. W. MoRas, president of the electric road, W. Y. Soper, president of the Ottawa Horse Car company, Thos. Ahearn, Ald. Fraser, A. Workman, J. K. Stewart, provincial licence Inspeotor of Toronto, J. Middleton of Hamilton, the Liberal candidate who was defeated by one vote at the last general election, B. Gardiner of Huntingdon, A. Sharp of London, Geo. Thompson of Wingham, J. H. Molloy of Prescott and others. A PLEASANT TRIP. The trip over the line was made in unusually good time, the many curves on the new line and the, charming scenery making the trip an exceedingly pleasant one. Reaching the terminus of the line, the party found large pavilion had been erected overlooking the Ottawa river and the village of. Gatineau Point, a view that can scarcely be excelled even among the Gatineau mountains. PAVILION ON THE HILL. This pavilion is thirty feet wide and sixty long, open on all sides with seats around it. Underneath the pavilion also comfortable seating space where can be sheltered from the hot sun. Alongside this pavilion, which la nicely painted, la the caretaker's house, which is a very nest building, and where refreshments, ice water and even warm water cap be obtained by all picole parties who wish to spend An afternoon in this beautiful locality. There will also, be genta' and ladies' walks near the pavilion. The ladies' walk la ratio in construction, and very pretty. THE VISITORS WERE PLEASED. After remaining at the terminus of the line for a short time and drinking in the natural beauties of the place, the party started on their return trip, reaching the centre of the city st eleven o The visitors spoke very highly of Ottawa's electricrailway system andthe directors of the road were heartily thanked for their courtony. The frat car was run over the extension line at three o'clock this morning, President W. Y. Super and Mr. Hutchison being on board. The trip made in the rapid time of four minutes and half.