The Municipal Act In the matter of a proposed, by-law of The Corporation of the City of Ottawa changing the streets. Notice 18 hereby given that His Honor the a County Judge of the County of Carleton has appointed Friday. the a 29th day of September, 1950 at the hour of 10.30 in the forenoon at his chambers in the Court House, Nicholas Street. Ottawa, for the purpose of considering a proposed by-law of the Corporation of the City of Ottawa to change the names of the several streets below listed and for hearing of those advocating and opposing such change and any other person as His Honor may think ft. Dated at Ottawa this 8th day of September. GORDON C. MEDCALF. K.C., Solicitor for the Applicant BY-LAW NUMBER A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Ottawa changing the names of certain streets. WHEREAS in order to avoid confusion AN with the Britannia District it is expedient to change the name of Britannia Terrace; AND WHEREAS by usage names of the other streets set forth below have been changed but no order of the County Judge of the County of Carleton has been registered making such changes legally effective. AND WHEREAS It is expedient to enact as hereinafter set forth; AND WHEREAS the County Judge of the County of Carleton appointed Friday, the 29th day of September, at the hour of 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon at his chambers in the Court House 88 the day, hour and place for considering this by-law and for hearing those advocating and opposing the said changes of names: AND WHEREAS A notice of such application in a form approved by the said Judge was published in the Ontario Gazette on the 16th day of September, 1950, and once 8 week for four consecutive weeks in the Ottawa Citizen newspaper, namely, on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th days of September, 1950, pursuant to the direction of the said Judge. THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the City of Ottawa by a vote of at least three-fourths of all the members thereof, enacts AS follows: 1. The name of each street set forth in the first column below 1s hereby changed to the name set forth opposite thereof in the third column below and the said streets shall hereinafter be known and designated by the names set forth in the third column. Old Name Plan or Plans New Name Alice 3365, 43831, 71746 Maclaren Street Ann 30 Gladstone Ann 15558, 21612, 22855 Gladstone Avenue 26981, 49052, 204329 Ashburnham 30 Bay Street Arthur 29, 51 Eccles Street Britannia Terrace 2 Pooley Street Cedar 13, 29, 34, 51, 55, Somerset Street 58 Clark 56, 70, 111295 Crichton Street Concession Line or Road 2, 7, 20 Albert Street (from Bronson to Wellington) Concession Line or Road 24, 28, 48, 61, 78, Main Street and Road Allowance 102 (from Riverdale to Echo Drive) Division 72. 95 Sherbrooke Street Durham 35, Norman Street George and Sparks 35, 38, 41 Pamilla Street Hugh 30 Kent Street Joseph 24 Louisa Street John 30 Cartier Street Kate 16, 94 Rosamount Avenue Lisgar 33. 45, 47, 49, Bell Street 2545, 31326 Lochiel 26981 Frank Street Lamothe 96 Sunnyside Avenue Mabel 55 Eccles Street Mina 30 Percy Street McDougall 26981 Waverley Street Neville 15713 Waverley Street Ottawa and Gloucester 33, 116 Riverdale Avenue Road Private Road 7 Perkins Street (from south side of Albert) Road Allowance 42 Dufferin Road (from C.P.R. tracks to Mackay) Road Allowance 43, 44 Craig Street (from Fifth to Holm wood) Road Allowance 195 Fairmont Avenue (from Wellington to Gladstone) Ridesu Road Mackay Street Sidney Kenng Street Torbay Road 112 Riverdale Avenue First 106 Sims Streat Second 106 Foster Street William 21 Louisa Street 2. This by-law shall come into effect on the day on which a certifed copy 15 registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the City of Ottawa and in the Land Titles Office for the City of Ottawa. GIVEN under the corporate seal of the City of Ottawa this day of August, 1950. CITY CLERK MAYOR approve of the above notice and direct that the same shall be published In the Ontario Gazette and in a dally newspaper published in the City of Ottawa in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 47€ of Section 405 of the Municipal Act. A. C. MAcDOUGAL, County Judge of the County of Carleton.